Graduate School Of Natural And Applied Sciences Master of Science Programme in Wood Products Industrial Engineering

Qualification Awarded

Master Degree

Specific Admission Requirements

There are two main program, namely "Certificated Engineer" and "Master of Science", in Department of Woodworking Industrial Engineering. To be accepted to Certificated Engineer program, applicants should have Bachelor' s Degree from Wood Science and Technology Department. To be accepted to Master of Science program, applicants should have Bachelor's Degree from an equivalent discipline which accepted by the Department committee.

Qualification Requirements

To successfully complete 90.0 ECTS lessons of Woodworking Industrial Engineering GraduateProgram Having GPA 3.00 from 4.00 Acceptance of master thesis

Recognition of Prior Learning

Graduate transfer students due to their academic success, are accepted to our programme within quota determined at the beginning of the academic year.


Department of Woodworking Industrial Engineering have continued to education since 2011-2012 academic year.

Profile of the Programme

Program Outcomes

1- Recognizes and uses new developed materials, equipment and machines in wood industry
2- Designs a new product and able to produce its prototype
3- Uses as advanced the technological resources
4- Determines improving production proccess
5- Developes and applies quality standards
6- Developes and applies basic priciples of product engineering
7- Developes and applies principles of work safety in vocational fields.
8- Does comprehensive feasibility for establishment of a company
9- Analyzes and improves marketing in wood industry
10- Has and improves scientific and ethic values in field of wood working
11- Reaches require information for life long learning
12- Follows academical studies for vocational improvement and organizes social organizes to develop professional comminication
13- Follows abroad developments in wood industry with uses actively a foreign language
14- Developes solutions to problems of wood industry

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Passing grade is constituted with 40% of average of mid-term exams grade and 60% of final exam grade.

Graduation Requirements

To be graduate from Department of Woodwroking Industrial Engineering, students should complate the lectures in curriculum, seminars and graduate thesis which constitute 120 ECTS.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Students who graduated from Department of Woodworking Industrial Engineering could be employed as an academic by Universities, however they could be employed in following disciplines in private sector; • Product Design • Product Management • Product Development and Construction • Macufacture Planning and Management • Resource Planning and Supplying • Technical Planning of Production Centre • Job Spesification and Development • Quality Control and Management • Research and Development • Feasibility and Flotation • Education of Employers • Production, Configuration and Service Management • Project Managemant

Access to Further Studies

Applicants who are complated gradute program successfuly, can continue to educate Doctor of Philosophy

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Mehmet ÇOLAK

ECTS Coordinator

Asist Prof.Dr. Erkan AVCI

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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