Institute of Educational Sciences Master of Arts Program in Curriculum and Instruction

Qualification Awarded

Master Degree

Specific Admission Requirements

Students, applying for the Master's Degree Program in Curriculum and Instruction, in Educational Sciences Department, must have a bachelor's degree from the departments that provides training for 4 years in the faculties of education or must have a certificate of initial teacher training program for those who have a bachelor's degree from any other department of universities. Acceptance Criteria: 50% of the Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam Result (ALES), 20% of the GPA (Grade Point Average of the Undergraduate Program), 30% of the Entrance Exam of the Department (Oral Interview or Written Exam)

Qualification Requirements

Students can graduate after completing 7 courses (5 compulsory, 2 elective), researches of specialized field topics, seminar and M.A. thesis project successfully.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Only the students having a bachelor's degree from any department of the faculties of education or a certificate of initial teacher training program can apply for this master's degree program. Except for the specified conditions, decisions of the Department and Institute Management are taken into account.


The Master's degree program in the department of Curriculum and Instruction was founded in 2001-2002 academic year under the administration of the Institute of Social Sciences an began to accept students in the same academic year.

Profile of the Programme

During the process, with respect to the general aims of the master's degree program in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, studies are done to practice features and conditions such as to follow the new and current studies in this field, contribute to the field, develop and enrich scientific thinking abilities and perspectives that are required in every department. The points aimed when the Master's Degree Program in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction was founded have shown important and positive development. Totally 28 students have been graduated from the Master's Degree Program in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction by the end of the 2012-2013 academic year. Some of the undergraduate students attending Curriculum and Instruction master’s degree program, in accordance with the program objectives in order to reply the education need and especially organization of teaching and to train experts related to education and instruction programs, continue their studies as a teacher and some others as an academic staff. In this way, their contribution is important to provide active interaction between the higher education and National Ministry of Education. It is quite obvious that the students add value to the educational institutions in all levels with the acquired knowledge, value and skills. Our department, training individuals who can use scientific literacy, research, inquiry, critical, creative, analytical and strategic thinking styles, goes on to contribute new researches to the literature.

Program Outcomes

1- Knowing basic principles and concepts about “Educational Sciences” and “Curriculum and Instruction”
2- Explaining topics, concepts and processes about education and instruction.
3- Understanding the methods involved in the production of scientific knowledge.
4- Developing recommendations based on scientific evidence about a problem studied by using scientific methods.
5- Reviewing the sub-topics related to Curriculum and Instruction.
6- Using scientific research studies on highest level of professional knowledge and skills.
7- Evaluating curriculum development and evaluation of the problems in the field of domestic and abroad, developments and innovations.
8- Making up the habit of scientific studies to abide by the rules of professional ethics.
9- Evaluating formal and informal curriculums in Turkey and the other countries from a critical perspective applied.
10- Monitoring and evaluating national and international researches.
11- Evaluating nature of the source of information, limits, accuracy, reliability and validity.
12- Using computer software curriculum development and teaching of information and communication technologies together with the required level.
13- Gaining proficiency in the application of scientific research methods and statistical analysis.
14- Gaining awareness of students’ individual learning needs.
15- Planning and managing the needs for learning purposes.
16- Using foreign language effectively.
17- Planning proffesional projects and activities within the framework of a sense of social responsibility.
18- Showing holistic development about “Educational Sciences” and “Curriculum and Instruction” fields.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Evaluation of the exams in courses differs from one course to the others. The work-load and content of each course might change.

Graduation Requirements

Students are required to have at least 7 courses which means at least 21 AKTS credits, a seminar and complete M.A. Thesis. Seminar and Thesis are non-credit and students must be successful in these courses. (Minimum 78 AKTS credits)

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduate students of this Master’s Degree Program have the title of scientific specialist in curriculum development.

Access to Further Studies

Gradaute students from this department have the chance to enrol into a doctorate program in the same department for a PhD degree if they are succesful in the Entrance Exam of the Department. Our Curriculum and Instruction Department don’t have a doctorate program yet

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Salih UŞUN (susun@mu.edu.tr)

ECTS Coordinator

Research Assist. Güler GÖÇEN KABARAN (gulergocen@mu.edu.tr)

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EBE 5500 Project Development and Management Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5001 Curriculum Development in Education Required 3 0 6
EPÖ 5090 Seminar Required 0 2 6
EPÖ 5099 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics Required 3 0 6
EPÖ 5501 Education Statistics Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5503 Program Development in Service Training Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5511 Teaching Methods and Techniques Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5513 Interpersonal Relations Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5515 Educational and Instructional Technology Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5517 Philosophical, Social and Economic Foundations of Education Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5519 New Trends and Applications in Teacher Education Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5521 Teaching-Learning Theories Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5700 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EPÖ 5090 Seminar Required 0 2 6
EPÖ 5700 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
EPÖ 5008 Curriculum Evaluation in Education Required 3 0 6
EPÖ 5504 Computer Assisted Education Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5506 Creative Drama in Education and Activities Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5510 History of Turkish Education and Philosophers Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5514 Comparative Education Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5516 Contemporary Educational Movements Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5518 Learning and Teaching Strategies Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5520 Instructional Design Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5522 Qualitative Research Techniques Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5524 Development of Assessment Instrument in Education Elective 3 0 6
EPÖ 5526 Teaching Models and Principles Elective 3 0 6
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EPÖ 5700 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
EPÖ 5000 Thesis Required 0 0 24
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EPÖ 5700 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
EPÖ 5000 Thesis Required 0 0 24

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17Py18
Project Development and Management                  
Curriculum Development in Education323155243523152413
Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics 332233241232232322
Education Statistics2422311524131425 4
Program Development in Service Training321521552325312122
Teaching Methods and Techniques412233112423441245
Interpersonal Relations332332242332342432
Educational and Instructional Technology331332232233322243
Philosophical, Social and Economic Foundations of Education332333222334232443
New Trends and Applications in Teacher Education344555344444445554
Teaching-Learning Theories312511531114221254
Specialization Field Course332332234333333323
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17Py18
Specialization Field Course332332234333333323
Curriculum Evaluation in Education342433431333232323
Computer Assisted Education412233112423441245
Creative Drama in Education and Activities322313342342232344
History of Turkish Education and Philosophers333224111233232321
Comparative Education233151151351245123
Contemporary Educational Movements344442233 33444444
Learning and Teaching Strategies333332222441355333
Instructional Design444555333435333333
Qualitative Research Techniques433444444433333333
Development of Assessment Instrument in Education323155243523152413
Teaching Models and Principles312511531114221254
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17Py18
Specialization Field Course332332234333333323
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17Py18
Specialization Field Course332332234333333323

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