Qualification Awarded
The students are awarded with Pre-Bachelor Degree in Alternative Energy Resources Technology after completing all requirements of curriculum programme successfully and fulfilling all other requirements of graduation.
Specific Admission Requirements
The students' admission to Higher Education is based on a nation-wide Student Selection Examination (YGS). The examination is held once in a year and administered by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). The candidates are registered to Higher Education Institutions according to their examination scores and their high school grade point averages.
Qualification Requirements
In order to obtain a pre-bachelor degree in the field of alternative energy resources, students must successfully complete the compulsory and optional all courses (total of 120 ECTS) required to be taken in the program and average grade must be 2.0 out of 4.
Recognition of Prior Learning
The students of our university have the right to request the recognition of prior learning from their previous universities. For the recognition of their prior learning, they should submit their transcript and course contents to the relevant department in the first semester of registration year.
Muğla Vocational School, Alternative Energy Resources Technology Programme has started training with 30 students in 2013-2014 Academic Year. Besides, II. Education is also given in teaching from the period of 2014-2015.
Profile of the Programme
Nowadays, the importance of energy is increasing dramatically. That's why; the environment is effected by this phenomenon significantly. It is time to realize how we destroy the environment and we try to change our energy sources with the peaceful, clean and renewable energy sources. There is another important factor which is the saving energy with precautions in different energy usage areas. Energy is the most important element of economical growing and social developing and it plays an important role in increasing life standards. The sustainable and determined growing depends on continuous and high quality energy sources.
Unfortunately, natural energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal energy use are still limited. The main purpose of the present programme is to raise the professional staff in this field of work for the realization of cultivation and to train the high qualified technical staff with the responsibility of energy productivity and energy saving issues.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
The examinations are evaluated as written, oral, homework, project or laboratory work according to the nature of the course in the calculation of the student's grade. As for the assessment of the examinations; 40% of one midterm exam and/or other studies which can be replaced instead of mid-term exam results take into consideration and the contribution of the final exam to the course grade is 60%. In this assessment, the course instructor takes into account the statistical results of the scores of the students taking the courses from the midterm and final exams and the notes taken are converted to a 4-letter system within the framework of the regulations. A student who receives one of the grades AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades is considered successful. The DC and DD grades taken from a course are evaluated according to the graduate weighted average grade of the student. If the weighted grade point average of the student is above the success grade (2.00), these courses are defined as successful. In the interim years / years, this letter grade is evaluated by the coefficients in the calculation of the weighted general grade averages. The student who receives the FF grade is unsuccessful. Every student has to attend classes, practice, laboratory, project, seminar, workshop, semester work, graduation projects. Students who are not enrolled in at least 70% of the theoretical courses and at least 80% of the practical and laboratory studies are not allowed to take the final exams from those courses. Students have to repeat the relevant lessons until they fulfil the attendance requirement in the theoretical courses. Examinations are usually performed as writing. However, the teaching staff may also decide to perform an oral examination. According to the content of the courses, Students can be directed to the project study provided that they are indicated on the information form.
Graduation Requirements
Our program provides 2 year pre-bachelor degree education. In order to obtain a pre-bachelor degree in the field of alternative energy resources, students must successfully complete the compulsory and optional all courses (total of 120 ECTS) required to be taken in the program and average grade must be 2.0 out of 4.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
The graduate students have opportunity to be employed in the distributing energy and technology companies working on manufacturing energy. They can also work in the public or private sectors based on environmental production.
Access to Further Studies
The graduate students can apply to the University Entrance Examination which is executed by ÖSYM. They can also complete their bachelor degree in Engineering such as Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, and Physics Engineering.
Programme Director
Asist Prof.Dr. Bengül METİN