Institute of Social Sciences Master of Arts Programme in Translation and Interpretation

Qualification Awarded

Expert in Master of Arts

Specific Admission Requirements

To be accepted for a Master of Arts programme, students are expected to; Have a four year of degree at any undergradute programmes; For Master of Arts programme with dissertation thesis at least they should get 55 points from Academic Graduate Education Exam

Qualification Requirements

• To become an innovative and pioneering department in this field • To contribute to the translation studies which investigate the complex nature of the act of translation. • To provide our students with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to pursue their goals of becoming translators and scholars. • To help our students become individuals who are aware of their national and universal sensibilities, • To have students who always follow the rules and values of science and ethics. • To help our students progress according to their own abilities, strengths and interests. • To help our students expand their knowledge of different cultures and become ambassadors of culture.

Recognition of Prior Learning

To be eligible for Translation and Interpreting Master of Arts programme, having a four year- B.A degree is sufficient. However, Department of Translation and Interpreting, decides to make written or oral exam and accept students to the programme.


Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Department of Translation Studies was founded in 2000 and accepted its first M.A. students in 2002. The department offers only M.A. degrees.

Profile of the Programme

As the most important means of intercultural communication, translation has become increasingly influential in all aspects of our cultural lives. Our department aims to provide our students with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skill to become experts in this field.

Program Outcomes

1- To become an innovative and pioneering department in this field
2- To contribute to the translation studies which investigate the complex nature of the act of translation.
3- To provide our students with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to pursue their goals of becoming translators and scholars.
4- To help our students become individuals who are aware of their national and universal sensibilities,
5- To have students who always follow the rules and values of science and ethics.
6- To help our students progress according to their own abilities, strengths and interests.
7- To help our students expand their knowledge of different cultures and become ambassadors of culture.
8- As a profession a translation- interpretor should have institutional infra structure and leading it to his/her studies.
9- A graduate has been equipped with knowledge and skills to translate all his/her own native language to his specialized language.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

To fulfill requirements determined by instructor of the course. Including presentation, class discussion, term papers, mid term and final exams.

Graduation Requirements

To receive master of Arts degree, students should get at least 180 ECTS credits abd succesfully completing 7 courses determined as compulsory by the department, giving a seminar, preparing a proposal, taking a special topics in Dissertation course, wrtiting an academic and scientific dissertation and defending thesis in front of a jury are compulsory.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduates of the Department may have job opportunities as follows: Turkish Grand National Assembly, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism, State Planning Organization, Embassies, European Union and European Council, Related departments of universities, Institutions that employ English Language teachers, International companies, Banks, Turkish Radio Television, Publishing houses Translation offices, National or international press corporations, National and international conferences, Tourism.

Access to Further Studies

After graduation students can proceed their education in ph.d level in their or related fields. If they choose an field of study different from their graduate education, students can start ph.d education after being successful in Academic Preparation Program within the framework of the relevant regulations. Ph.d admissions are determined by the Institute of Social Sciences of Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University in accordance with the regulations.

Mode of Study

Master's Degree

Programme Director

Associate Prof.Dr. M. Naci ÖNAL

ECTS Coordinator

Associate Prof.Dr. M. Naci ÖNAL

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
MÜT 5001 Translation Studies Required 3 0 6
MÜT 5003 Translation Theories Required 3 0 6
MÜT 5005 Linguistics Theories Required 3 0 6
MÜT 5090 SEMINAR Required 0 2 6
MÜT 5099 Scientific Research Techniques and Publishing Ethics Required 3 0 6
MÜT 5501 Comparative Culturel Studies Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5503 Terminology Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5507 Literary Theories Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5509 Advanced Italian I Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5511 Advanced Russian I Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5701 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
MÜT 5002 History of Translation Required 3 0 6
MÜT 5004 Textual Analysis Translation Oriented Required 3 0 6
MÜT 5006 Translation Criticism Required 3 0 6
MÜT 5090-1 Seminar Required 0 2 6
MÜT 5502 Semiology Theories Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5504 Popular Culture Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5506 Literary Criticism Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5508 20th Century European Theatre Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5510 Advanced Italian II Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5512 Advanced Russian II Elective 3 0 6
MÜT 5702 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
MÜT 5000 Thesis Work Required 0 0 24
MÜT 5703 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
MÜT 5000-1 Thesis Required 0 0 24
MÜT 5704 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9
Translation Studies355554552
Translation Theories334553553
Linguistics Theories34    522
Scientific Research Techniques and Publishing Ethics         
Comparative Culturel Studies344  553 
Literary Theories2322 152 
Advanced Italian I335355444
Advanced Russian I335355444
Specialization Field Course555555555
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9
History of Translation34254254 
Textual Analysis Translation Oriented34 453555
Translation Criticism342335545
Semiology Theories23 213521
Popular Culture251  15  
Literary Criticism23 1 152 
20th Century European Theatre22   252 
Advanced Italian II445355555
Advanced Russian II         
Specialization Field Course555555555
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9
Thesis Work         
Specialization Field Course555555555
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9
Specialization Field Course         

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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