Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetic

Qualification Awarded

Bachelors Degree

Specific Admission Requirements

Passing the elective exams performed by the state central examination system.

Qualification Requirements

Criteria include passing sucessully 8 semesters which contain 240 credits in total; completing vocational training and reaching the average mark level as at least 2.00 and above and students get a dietitian degree

Recognition of Prior Learning

Applications to Education Accordance Committee of the department are evaluated in means of contents and duration of the course passed before. Counted courses, passed in previous university education are transferred to the new curriculum script with the same level of success.


Profile of the Programme

Program Outcomes

1- Using advanced knowledge and skills acquired in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics, one applies scientific interpretation and evaluation to scientifically proven data. They identify problems, develop research-based solutions, and provide evidence-based recommendations
2- Utilizing advanced theoretical and applied knowledge acquired in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics, one engages in Nutrition and Dietetics practice directed towards individuals, families, and communities.
3- Acquires scientific and up-to-date information on topics related to Nutrition and Dietetics and utilizes information technology and software relevant to the field
4- Keeps track of national and international current information related to the field of Nutrition and Dietetics and communicates with colleagues in the profession.
5- In all stages of preparing food for consumption, determining the nutritional status of the community, and creating personalized nutrition programs, one investigates the changes that occur in food and human metabolism. They conduct research and implement practices and planning for healthy eating in order to make applications related to healthy nutrition.
6- Recognizes the importance of ethical principles and ethical committees in the fields of education, practice, and research for the benefit of individuals and society.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

The evaluation criteria for the exams, which are in accordance with the current university regulations for education, are set by the instructor for the given course.

Graduation Requirements

Reaching the level of average limit to be graduated.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Access to Further Studies

Post-graduate programs in the field are available; MSc and PhD positions could be applied.

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Associate Prof.Dr. Ahmet Salih SÖNMEZDAĞ

ECTS Coordinator

Asist Prof.Dr. Bora EKİNCİ

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1801 Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory I Required 2 0 2
ATBY1801 Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory I Required 2 0 2
BDB 1003 Nutrition Principles I Required 2 2 6
BDB 1005 Health Sociology Required 2 0 3
BDB 1501 Nutrition and Business Managament Elective 2 0 3
BDB 1503 Health Terminology Elective 2 0 3
ENF1805 Use Of Basıc Informatıon Technology Required Elective 3 0 3
KİM 1003 Basic Chemistry Required 2 0 5
TDB1801 Turkısh Language I Required 2 0 2
TDBY1801 TURKISH LANGUAGE I Required 2 0 2
YDB1811 Englısh I v * Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1813 German I * Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1815 French I * Required Elective 3 0 3
İSG 1901 Occupational health and Safety Elective 2 0 3
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
AKD1000 Academic Counseling Elective 0 2 0
ATB1802 Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory II Required 2 0 2
ATBY1802 Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory II Required 2 0 2
BDB 1006 Medical Biology and Genetic Required 3 0 4
BDB 1008 Nutrition Principles II Required 2 2 6
BDB 1502 Nutritional Anthropology Elective 2 0 3
BDB 1504 Introduction to foods Elective 2 0 3
KİM 1808 Organic Chemistry Required 2 0 4
PSİ 1804 Basic Psycology Required 2 0 3
TDB1802 Turkısh Language II Required 2 0 2
YDB1812 Englısh II * Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1814 German II * Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1816 French II * Required Elective 3 0 3
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB 2001 Nutrition Biochemistry I Required 3 0 3
BDB 2003 Anatomy I Required 3 0 4
BDB 2005 Physiology I Required 3 0 4
BDB 2007 General Microbiology Required 2 0 5
BDB 2009 Food Chemistry and Analysis I Required 2 0 5
BDB 2501 Ethics in Nutrition and Dietetics Elective 2 0 3
BDB 2503 Nutrition and Genetic Elective 2 0 3
BDB 2505 Basic Immunology Elective 2 0 3
YDB2811 ENGLSSH III Elective 3 0 3
YDB2813 German III Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2815 French III Required Elective 3 0 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB 2002 Nutritional Biochemistry II Required 3 0 3
BDB 2004 Anatomy II Required 3 0 4
BDB 2006 Physiology II Required 3 0 4
BDB 2008 Food Microbiology Required 2 0 5
BDB 2010 Food Chemistry and Analysis II Required 2 0 5
BDB 2502 Community and Health Elective 2 0 3
BDB 2504 Food and Personnel Hygiene Elective 2 0 3
BDB 2506 Food Poisoning and Allergy Elective 2 0 3
BDB 2508 Demographics and Health Elective 2 0 3
YDB2812 ENGLSSH IV Elective 3 0 3
YDB2814 German IV Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2816 FRENCH IV Elective 3 0 3
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB 3001 Mother and Child Nutrition Required 2 2 5
BDB 3003 Assessment Methods of Nutritional Status Required 3 0 4
BDB 3005 Community Nutrition Systems-II Required 3 0 4
BDB 3007 Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases I Required 2 2 5
BDB 3009 Nutritional Ecology Required 2 0 3
BDB 3501 Food Technology Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3503 Food Packaging and Storage Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3505 Food Additives and Toxicology Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3507 Genetic Modified Organism and Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3509 Nutrition Education Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3511 Professional English I Elective 2 0 3
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB 3012 Community Nutrition Systems-II Required 3 0 5
BDB 3014 Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases II Required 2 2 6
BDB 3016 Nutrition in Childhood Diseases Required 2 2 5
BDB 3018 Community Nutrition and Epidemiology Required 2 2 5
BDB 3502 Statistics in Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3504 Foods Biotechnology Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3506 Food Preparation and Cooking Essentials Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3508 Food Control and Legislation Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3510 Communication Skills in Dietetics Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3512 Sustainable Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB 3514 Professional English II Elective 2 0 3
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB 4009 Professional Practices during the Term I Required 3 24 21
BDB 4501 Sports Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4503 Food and Beverage Management Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4505 Functional Foods Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4507 Principles and Problems in Dietetic Application Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4509 Biochemistry of Diseases Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4513 Project and Seminar I Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4515 Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB 4010 Professional Practices during the Term II Required 3 24 21
BDB 4502 Nutrition in Physical Activities Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4504 Elderly Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4506 Canser and Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4508 Nutritional Disorder in Adults Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4510 Menu Planning Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4514 Project and Seminar II Elective 2 0 3
BDB 4516 Feeding Behavior Disorders Elective 2 0 3

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory I111121
Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory I111211
Nutrition Principles I353251
Health Sociology11 441
Nutrition and Business Managament111441
Health Terminology524422
Use Of Basıc Informatıon Technology222333
Basic Chemistry444444
Turkısh Language I344443
Englısh I v *111111
German I *121112
French I *111121
Occupational health and Safety      
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Academic Counseling555545
Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory II111211
Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory II111211
Medical Biology and Genetic412151
Nutrition Principles II545341
Nutritional Anthropology334533
Introduction to foods 444545
Organic Chemistry555555
Basic Psycology111443
Turkısh Language II555444
Englısh II *111211
German II *121211
French II *111211
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Nutrition Biochemistry I555555
Anatomy I311144
Physiology I434444
General Microbiology552551
Food Chemistry and Analysis I555555
Ethics in Nutrition and Dietetics534535
Nutrition and Genetic413241
Basic Immunology342251
German III121121
French III221321
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Nutritional Biochemistry II555555
Anatomy II311144
Physiology II311144
Food Microbiology523151
Food Chemistry and Analysis II55 555
Community and Health153115
Food and Personnel Hygiene 155541
Food Poisoning and Allergy554352
Demographics and Health111551
German IV111111
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Mother and Child Nutrition555555
Assessment Methods of Nutritional Status411454
Community Nutrition Systems-II112554
Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases I555555
Nutritional Ecology522351
Food Technology 454345
Food Packaging and Storage 115411
Food Additives and Toxicology155111
Genetic Modified Organism and Nutrition413353
Nutrition Education533555
Professional English I115411
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Community Nutrition Systems-II512554
Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases II555555
Nutrition in Childhood Diseases555555
Community Nutrition and Epidemiology111544
Statistics in Nutrition111111
Foods Biotechnology144112
Food Preparation and Cooking Essentials243453
Food Control and Legislation543444
Communication Skills in Dietetics235523
Sustainable Nutrition543545
Professional English II114531
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Professional Practices during the Term I555555
Sports Nutrition543555
Food and Beverage Management114511
Functional Foods454454
Principles and Problems in Dietetic Application111114
Biochemistry of Diseases151155
Project and Seminar I545535
Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition543555
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Professional Practices during the Term II555555
Nutrition in Physical Activities554151
Elderly Nutrition 554355
Canser and Nutrition454135
Nutritional Disorder in Adults 54155
Menu Planning114555
Project and Seminar II535545
Feeding Behavior Disorders543555

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