Institute of Health Sciences Master of Science Programme in Physical Education and Sports

Qualification Awarded

The Master's Degree

Specific Admission Requirements

1-) Candidates who will apply to the Physical Education and Sports master program with thesis; ALES must have a score of at least 65 points (SAY, ORAL, EA). 2-) Candidates; He is a graduate of the School of Sport Sciences, the School of Physical Education and Sports, the School of Sport Sciences and Technology or the Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching. 3-) Candidates must have a minimum of 2.70 (in a 4-point system).

Qualification Requirements

The Department or other departments within the graduate program courses that are associated with at least 24 credits (60 ECTS) to be taken and passed the course and one seminar course

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students who have completed at least one semester in graduate programs at another university / EASD or another university within the related institute may be admitted to the University through postgraduate programs. For the transfer, the student has to meet the requirements of the most recently announced student admission and success and must have achieved all the courses in the program. Application for transitions is made on the dates specified in the academic calendar.


Physical Education and Sports Master's Program with Thesis was opened in 1996 within the Institute of Social Sciences. Since the establishment of the Health Sciences Institute in 2012, it has been continuing its educational activities within this institute.

Profile of the Programme

In the Physical Education and Sports Program, an intensive curriculum is offered in the field of sports science. A training program is organized to enable students to play an active role in all kinds of organizations within the sports sciences and to help them grow as a leader.

Program Outcomes

1- Doing research in the field of physical education and sport, collecting data and interpret it in this direction.
2- Revise education systems and programs in terms of development information, education , technology and changing needs of society
3- Applying teaching techniques in physical education and sport field
4- Applying various method and test related to performance in sport.
5- Applying sporting activities that people need to do to have healthy physiological and psychological body.
6- Applying information related to training method, plan to sport field.
7- Analyzing sport events and phenomenon in terms of psychological, sociological and philosophical way.
8- Applying Human physiology, movement and health-related knowledge and skills
9- Applying the concepts and functions of management and sports field, sports, businesses, and organizations to understand and manage.
10- Interpreting legal norms of sports events
11- Analyze and interpret relations of sport with media, reflection of sport events in media.
12- Using computer programs to do the work on the field.
13- Apply specialized knowledge in the field of physical education and sports sectors.
14- Expertise in the field of physical education and sport to provide information effectively.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Exams; mid-term, final exam and make-up exams. In order for the student to take the final exam; at least 70% of theoretical courses and at least 80% of laboratory and applications. Exams; written, oral, written-applied and oral-applied. For each course, at least one midterm exam is held in the related semester. The mid-term and final grade grades are decided by EYK at the beginning of each semester with the recommendation of the instructors who have the doctoral degree determined by the Senate. In order to be successful in a course, the final grade must be at least CC for the master's degree and at least CB for the PhD. The following scoring system is applied in the evaluation of these exams: Points End of term Lecture notes 90-100 AA 4,00 85-89 BA 3,50 80-84 BB 3,00 75-79 CB 2,50 70-74 CC 2,00 65-69 DC 1,50 60-64 DD 1,00 50-59 FD 0,50 00-49 FF 0 (TT) is given to students who fail to fulfill their attendance requirements or fail to fulfill the requirements for the course. (GG) is given to students who have successfully completed their thesis studies. (GG) grade is also given to courses that are taken as non-credit. This grade is given for the seminar, specialty course, thesis study, preparation for proficiency exam and thesis proposal courses. (CU) is given to students who cannot continue their thesis studies successfully. (KK) grade is also given to courses which are taken as non-credit and failed. This grade is given for the seminar, specialty course, thesis study, preparation for proficiency exam and thesis proposal courses.

Graduation Requirements

The Master's program with thesis consists of at least seven courses, a seminar, a special field course and a thesis / art study with a minimum of 60 ECTS.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Being able to be employed as researcher in public and private sector and as academic staff in universities with the education it has taken.

Access to Further Studies

Upon successful completion of second cycle program graduates have a right to apply to the doctorate degree program in the same or similar areas in the country or abroad.

Mode of Study

The aim of this master degree programmes, to train the students on the following subjects: - Principles and practice of Physical Education and Sports, - Planning and carrying out a research study, - Evaluating and interpreting the data obtained in a study.

Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Özcan SAYGIN

ECTS Coordinator

Associate Prof.Dr. Fatma İlker KERKEZ

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BES5501 Physical Activity and Obesity in Children Elective 3 0 6
BES5503 Recreation Services in Local Administrations Elective 3 0 6
BES5505 Sports Department and Management in Türkiye Elective 3 0 6
BES5507 Communication Techniques in Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5509 Total Quality Management in Recreation Elective 3 0 6
BES5511 Advanced Exercise Physiology Elective 3 0 6
BES5513 Current Issues in Psychology of Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5515 Sports and Media Relations Elective 3 0 6
BES5517 Public Relations and Information Systems in Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5519 Psychosocial Issues in Recreation Elective 3 0 6
BES5521 Teaching Techniques in Physical Education and Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5523 Making up an Exercise Prescription Elective 3 0 6
BES5525 Managerial Approaches in Recreation Elective 3 0 6
BES5527 Physical Education and Sports Management Elective 3 0 6
BES5529 Recreation and Practices in Special Groups Elective 3 0 6
BES5701 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
SABE5090 Scientific Research Methods and Research Ethics Required 3 0 6
SABE5500 Project Development and Management Elective 3 0 6
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BES5090 Seminar Required 0 4 6
BES5502 Advanced Science of Training Elective 3 0 6
BES5504 Law of Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5506 Geriatrics and Exercise Elective 3 0 6
BES5508 Advanced Sports Sociology Elective 3 0 6
BES5510 Current Issues in Recreation Leardership Elective 3 0 6
BES5512 Sporting Animation Elective 3 0 6
BES5514 Modern Planning and Management in Sports Facilities Elective 3 0 6
BES5516 Sport and Physical Fitness for All Ages Elective 3 0 6
BES5518 Selection of Ability in Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5520 Sports Marketing and Sponsorship Elective 3 0 6
BES5522 Communication Techniques in Recreation Elective 3 0 6
BES5524 Sports Philosophy and Olympism Elective 3 0 6
BES5526 Program Development in Physical Education and Sport Elective 3 0 6
BES5528 Maturation and Physical Development Trainings in Child Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5530 Cultural Differences in Recreation Elective 3 0 6
BES5532 Doping and Ergogenic Approaches in Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5534 Organizational Behaviour in Sports Elective 3 0 6
BES5702 Expertise Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BES5000 Thesis Required 0 0 24
BES5703 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BES5704 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Physical Activity and Obesity in Children54334555543454
Recreation Services in Local Administrations44354543544333
Sports Department and Management in Türkiye55435543454545
Communication Techniques in Sports55555454354553
Total Quality Management in Recreation43323443534555
Advanced Exercise Physiology45554344535434
Current Issues in Psychology of Sports54455344555454
Sports and Media Relations4444455455435 
Public Relations and Information Systems in Sports45554535455544
Psychosocial Issues in Recreation54443345435434
Teaching Techniques in Physical Education and Sports54555433555435
Making up an Exercise Prescription43554335433454
Managerial Approaches in Recreation45554445355455
Physical Education and Sports Management55543543354435
Recreation and Practices in Special Groups54444344544543
Specialization Field Course55455554355454
Scientific Research Methods and Research Ethics              
Project Development and Management              
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Advanced Science of Training54555445 55554
Law of Sports55554554554444
Geriatrics and Exercise45554554444554
Advanced Sports Sociology55455355445444
Current Issues in Recreation Leardership545555 4445555
Sporting Animation55454455535555
Modern Planning and Management in Sports Facilities55544355554445
Sport and Physical Fitness for All Ages54 54445454555
Selection of Ability in Sports55445555435535
Sports Marketing and Sponsorship55455544444444
Communication Techniques in Recreation54455535454555
Sports Philosophy and Olympism45555544555554
Program Development in Physical Education and Sport55555455544455
Maturation and Physical Development Trainings in Child Sports55454554455554
Cultural Differences in Recreation34345325523245
Doping and Ergogenic Approaches in Sports55455444554545
Organizational Behaviour in Sports55545553545455
Expertise Field Course55455544455444
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Specialization Field Course55545554445554
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Specialization Field Course54554444555545

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