Qualification Awarded
Science Specialist in Recreation
Specific Admission Requirements
In order to apply, candidates must get at least 55 points from the Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Examination (ALES) and their undergraduate diploma GPA must be at least 2.50.
Qualification Requirements
The program includes a total of four semesters of education, including two semesters of coursework and two semesters of thesis. Students who take at least 120 ECTS courses from the courses available in the program, successfully complete all of these courses, and successfully defend their thesis in a field related to their subject in front of a selected jury, meet the qualification conditions.
Recognition of Prior Learning
The courses taken by the student from the educational institution where he/she has previously studied, upon his/her own application, are evaluated and harmonized in terms of course content and course hours by the Harmonization Commission established by the Department.
The Department of Recreation, Institute of Social Sciences at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University was established in 2004 and began its actual educational activities in the 2004-2005 academic year by admitting students.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
Exams; It consists of midterm, final and make-up exams. Exams; It can be written, oral, written-practical and oral-practical. At least one midterm exam is held for each course in the relevant semester. Contribution (%) rates of midterm and final exams to the success grade are determined by the Board of Directors of the Institute at the beginning of each semester, in line with the recommendation of the faculty member responsible for conducting the course and the opinion of the Department. In order to be successful in a course, the final grade must be at least CC.
Graduation Requirements
A total of 120 ECTS, including at least 7 courses, seminars and thesis, must be successfully completed.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Our graduates can work as recreation leaders in Universities' Sports Sciences Faculties, National Education Institutions, General Directorate of Youth and Sports Central and Provincial Organizations, Youth Centers, Private Institutions and Organizations, Local Governments, Sports Tourism Sector, Recreational Animation, Parks and Recreation fields.
Access to Further Studies
Those who successfully complete their master's degree will take the Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Examination (ALES) and YDS. They can study in doctoral programs provided that they get a passing score from the exam.
Mode of Study
Emphasis on the ethical rules, -Recreation, free time, time and specifications of the concepts of meaning and know-adaptation to everyday life which is the primary function of recreation, quality of life, satisfaction with free time and sufficient skills in raising the level of wellness, Recreation areas and other recreation programs for free which can understand the benefits and the relationship of time to prepare creative activity according to age groups and organize programs, recreation leadership and management leadership and understand the importance of each age group is capable of, It serves to protect the health and safety of the group knows how recreation management knowledge, skills and equipment, having the principle of the active life, that is related to scientific and technological developments in the Department of recreation in the world can follow, interpret results, and to be able to transfer into practice, the researcher feature, or recreation professionals who can collaborate with university research units to go further in providing the router to become.
Programme Director
Prof.Dr. Süleyman Murat YILDIZ
ECTS Coordinator
Asist Prof.Dr. S.Sevil ULUDAĞ UYANIKER