Institute of Social Sciences Doctor of Philosophy Programme in History

Qualification Awarded


Specific Admission Requirements

Master of science graduated and ALES score which is determined by the Senate of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University is required. Students must have minimum score determined by Senate in UDS, TOEFL, TOEFL or equivalent examinations accepted by YÖK.

Qualification Requirements

In order to obtain a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, students must successfully complete all compulsory and elective courses (total 240 ECTS) and achieve a GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.00.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Depending on the degrees awarded, theoretical or practical courses taken as part of a degree (completed or not completed) may lead to recognition of these as prior learning by the programme administration. The students who have taken courses in another institution in Turkey or abroad can ask for credit and grade transfer. The executive boards of relevant programme will decide on the courses to be transferred covering students' entire academic program once and for all with the condition that the request for transfer be made within the first week of the academic year, the requests cannot be repeated.


The Department of History in the Faculty of Humanities and Letters at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University started Barchelor’s and Master degree programs in the Academic Year 1994-1995. In the academic year 2010 - 2011, the department started evening education offering B. Sc. Degree, and since the academic year 2011-2012, Ph. D. degree program is available for those who desire further their studies in history.

Profile of the Programme

The mission of the History Department is not only to promote historical knowledge and related disciplines but also to get the students gain a perspective of awareness by which today's political, economic, social, cultural events are possible to evaluate in a comprehensive perspective.

Program Outcomes

1- They can read and use related resources written in Ottoman Turkish.
2- They adopt the principles of quality and productivity and use these principles actively in their academic activities.
3- They follow scientific methods in their academic research.
4- Thanks to the history as a discipline they conduct academic research, evaluate their findings and comment on them and promote their country's both material and moral values.
5- They get accustomed to utilize archives and use them for their academic studies effectively.
6- They identify and analyze the concepts of history, ideas and science and offer a perspective on behalf of the development of their community.
7- They get up to date with basic historical concepts, ideas and analyze data in accordance with historical methods.
8- They adopt the principles of objectivity and unprejudicedness; take into consideration communal, scientific and ethical values while conducting their research.
9- They comprehend common cultural heritage and promote to strengthen the belief for the development of their community in the future.
10- They acquire historical perspective by comparing past and present.
11- They acquire analytic and integral perspective.
12- They can collect the data, organize and present the findings in written and oral form following the historical and scientific methods.
13- A foreign language using the European Language Portfolio C1 level and using verbal and writing ability to communicate.
14- Using the informatics and communication technologies, with computer programs, as required by History field.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Each student must register for courses at the beginning of the semester and must attend at least 70% of the courses in order to be able to take the final exam. At least 1 midterm exam, final exam and unsuccessful students are subject to make-up exams for each course. The grade of the midterm exam is 50% and the final exam is 50%. All exams are evaluated over 100 points. At the end of the semester, the grade must be at least 75 for each course. Students taking one of the letter grades (AA), (BA), (BB) and (CB) are considered successful.

Graduation Requirements

Minimum Graduation ECTS (Master) must be 240 and must defence a thesis in front of a selected jury. In order to complete the program successfully, it is required to pass all the courses available in the program, to obtain a weighted grade point average of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 and to complete the doctoral thesis successfully.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduates can work as an academician if they fulfill the terms of acceptance

Access to Further Studies

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Bayram AKÇA (

ECTS Coordinator

Research Assist. Mehmet Sait BENEK (

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6090 Seminar Required 0 4 6
TAR 6099 Scientific Research Techniques and Publishing Ethics Required 3 0 6
TAR 6501 History and Civilization of Egypt Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6503 Sources and Problems of History of Ancient Greece Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6505 History and Civilization of Prehistoric Aegean Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6507 History and Civilization of Persian Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6509 History and Civilization of Lydia Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6511 Medieval Historiography I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6513 Turkish History and Culture of Middle Ages I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6515 The Classical Period of Islamic History and Civilization I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6517 Byzantine History and Civilization-I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6519 Pre-Islamic Central Asian Turkish History Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6521 Turco-Mongolian History in Central Asia in 13th and 16th Centuries I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6523 Ottoman World and Nomads I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6525 Agreements made by Ottoman Empire and Analysis Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6527 Ottoman History Resources I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6529 Ottoman-West Relations in Modern Age Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6531 History of Ottoman Institutes I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6533 International Relations in the 19th Century Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6535 History of Turkish Constitution Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6537 The Sources of Turkish Republic History and Its Analysis Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6539 Foreign Policy of Turkish Republic Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6541 History of Turkish Education Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6543 Turkish-Hungarian Relations I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6545 The Historical Text Analysis of Hungarian Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6547 II.Abdülhamid and Pan-Islamism Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6549 Ottoman Social Structure I Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6551 Archive Documents and Text Analysis Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6553 Philosophy of History Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6555 Ottoman Urban History and Its Resources Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6557 Manorial System in Ottoman State and Its Transformation Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6559 Modern Age Ottoman Administration History Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6561 Travelbooks Turkestan Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6701 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6090-1 Seminar Required 0 4 6
TAR 6502 History and Civilization of Mesopotamia Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6504 History and Civilization of Hittite Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6506 History and Civilization of Phyrgian Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6508 Sources and Problems of History of Rome Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6510 History and Civilization of Rome in Anatolia Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6512 Medieval Historiography II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6514 Turkish History and Culture of Middle Ages II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6516 The Classical Period of Islamic History and Civilization II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6518 Turkish Cultural History Before Islam Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6520 Turkish Cultural History Before Islam Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6522 Turco-Mongolian History in Central Asia in 13th and 16th Centuries II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6524 Ottoman World and Nomads II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6526 Ottoman History Resources II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6528 East and South Politics of Ottoman State Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6530 History of Ottoman Institutes II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6532 Europe in Modern Ages Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6534 International Relations in 20th Century Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6536 Archival Resources and Diplomatics Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6538 Socio-Cultural Developments in the Republic of Turkey Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6540 Political Party and İnstitutions in Turkish Republic Era Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6542 Turkish-Hungarian Relations II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6544 Hungarian Cultural History Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6546 History of Turkish Modernization Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6548 Ottoman Diplomatic History Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6550 Political Parties in Ottoman State (1908-1918) Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6552 Ottoman Social Structure II Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6554 Foundations and Foundation-Related Applications in Ottoman State Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6556 Housing and Demography in Ottoman State Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6558 Geopolitics of Central Asia and the Caucasus Elective 3 0 6
TAR 6702 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6703 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
TAR 6800 Preparation for the qualification examination Required 0 0 24
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6704 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
TAR 6900 Thesis Proposal Required 0 0 24
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6705 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
TAR 6901 Thesis Work (1.TİK) Required 0 0 24
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6706 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
TAR 6902 Thesis Work (2.TİK) Required 0 0 24
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6707 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
TAR 6903 Thesis Work (3.TİK) Required 0 0 24
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TAR 6000 Thesis Work (Thesis Defense) Required 0 0 24
TAR 6708 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Scientific Research Techniques and Publishing Ethics14452444535214
History and Civilization of Egypt15551555555512
Sources and Problems of History of Ancient Greece15551555555532
History and Civilization of Prehistoric Aegean15551555555532
History and Civilization of Persian13444555444435
History and Civilization of Lydia14441435455541
Medieval Historiography I15551555555523
Turkish History and Culture of Middle Ages I15551555555512
The Classical Period of Islamic History and Civilization I15541545545511
Byzantine History and Civilization-I15551555555513
Pre-Islamic Central Asian Turkish History 14551555555522
Turco-Mongolian History in Central Asia in 13th and 16th Centuries I14554544345413
Ottoman World and Nomads I24443445444533
Agreements made by Ottoman Empire and Analysis34344344444534
Ottoman History Resources I34534455544445
Ottoman-West Relations in Modern Age 12454455555513
History of Ottoman Institutes I13444454344513
International Relations in the 19th Century14555445 44513
History of Turkish Constitution13443345444434
The Sources of Turkish Republic History and Its Analysis24444344435435
Foreign Policy of Turkish Republic13445553444324
History of Turkish Education11551554455513
Turkish-Hungarian Relations I14453455445413
The Historical Text Analysis of Hungarian55555555555523
II.Abdülhamid and Pan-Islamism 55545455555512
Ottoman Social Structure I13443344454524
Archive Documents and Text Analysis55555555555514
Philosophy of History 14534434334424
Ottoman Urban History and Its Resources 34445444554535
Manorial System in Ottoman State and Its Transformation 23443334444523
Modern Age Ottoman Administration History 14455554454513
Travelbooks Turkestan11551554455513
Specialization Field Course34444555555521
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
History and Civilization of Mesopotamia13343443343411
History and Civilization of Hittite14455445455513
History and Civilization of Phyrgian14555454454513
Sources and Problems of History of Rome144424 4554411
History and Civilization of Rome in Anatolia13454555544413
Medieval Historiography II13434545454411
Turkish History and Culture of Middle Ages II33434434344511
The Classical Period of Islamic History and Civilization II33355445534311
Turkish Cultural History Before Islam 14554455445513
Turkish Cultural History Before Islam 14455545455523
Turco-Mongolian History in Central Asia in 13th and 16th Centuries II13345444554411
Ottoman World and Nomads II23435444545421
Ottoman History Resources II34444444554421
East and South Politics of Ottoman State13434545355421
History of Ottoman Institutes II24444555555411
Europe in Modern Ages13342344553411
International Relations in 20th Century14441445554411
Archival Resources and Diplomatics54455544554523
Socio-Cultural Developments in the Republic of Turkey14442344554411
Political Party and İnstitutions in Turkish Republic Era14442444554411
Turkish-Hungarian Relations II14442444554411
Hungarian Cultural History15555333434525
History of Turkish Modernization14442444554411
Ottoman Diplomatic History334354 5455421
Political Parties in Ottoman State (1908-1918)33334454545431
Ottoman Social Structure II23443444554411
Foundations and Foundation-Related Applications in Ottoman State 33434545454521
Housing and Demography in Ottoman State 23434545444411
Geopolitics of Central Asia and the Caucasus              
Specialization Field Course34444555555521
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Specialization Field Course34444555555521
Preparation for the qualification examination34444555455521
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Specialization Field Course34444555555521
Thesis Proposal34444555454521
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Specialization Field Course34444555555521
Thesis Work (1.TİK)24444544454421
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Specialization Field Course23444455545421
Thesis Work (2.TİK)24454544554421
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Specialization Field Course34444555555521
Thesis Work (3.TİK)24444544454421
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14
Thesis Work (Thesis Defense)24551255344212
Specialization Field Course34444555555521

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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