Qualification Awarded
Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism Management program is awarded to the graduates who have successfully completed all courses in the curriculum.
Specific Admission Requirements
Master of science graduated and ALES score which is determined by the Senate of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University is required. Students must have minimum score determined by Senate in UDS, TOEFL, TOEFL or equivalent examinations accepted by YÖK.
Qualification Requirements
A student is required to successfully complete a minimum of 7 courses, not less than 240 ECTS credits, take the required seminar and the Field Specialization courses and write and defend a Master’s Thesis, have a minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00 and no letter grades lower than CC, YT and no YZ, DZ grades.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Depending on the degrees awarded, theoretical or practical courses taken as part of a degree (completed or not completed) may lead to recognition of these as prior learning by the programme administration. The students who have taken courses in another institution in Turkey or abroad can ask for credit and grade transfer. The executive boards of relevant programme will decide on the courses to be transferred covering students' entire academic program once and for all with the condition that the request for transfer be made within the first week of the academic year, the requests cannot be repeated.
The department has started its activities on 18/08/2006 with the Master of Science program. The doctorate program was opened on 17/07/2014. The master's program without thesis was opened on 25/10/2011.
Profile of the Programme
Tourism Management Doctorate Program educates executive candidates who have characteristics, which are mentioned below; structuring units so as to let PhD students develop their analysis and conceptual thinking abilities, structuring curriculum so as to make students know the international “Ethical Principles” and proctoring master students of utilising these principles in their studies, encouraging PhD students to participate academic and sectoral events to establish and enhance their contacts, encouraging PhD students to search for new information technologies in his or her field and to use them effectively, supporting PhD students to contribute to their academic field of study with their own work and studies.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
A variety of assessment methods such as mid-term(s), assignment(s), exercise(s), project(s), practice(s), and a final exam are implemented in the programme. Assessment methods may include classical test(s), multiple-choice test(s), homework(s), performance evaluation(s), and product evaluation(s). In order to graduate from the programme, cumulative GPA must be minimum 3.00.
Graduation Requirements
Minimum Graduation ECTS (Master) must be 240 and must defence a thesis in front of a selected jury.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates can work as an academician if they fulfill the terms of acceptance or they can find a job at private sector.
ECTS Coordinator
Research Assist.Dr. Saim ASLAN