Fethiye Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetic

Qualification Awarded

Bachelors Degree

Specific Admission Requirements

To satisfactorily meet the required points in the placement and transition to higher education exams held by OSYM

Qualification Requirements

Eight semesters of education after the completion of the summer internship of 240 credits, a student with a 2.00 GPA (4.00 system) and above is eligible to graduate.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Upon student's request, courses completed earlier are evaluated by the Recognition of Prior Learning Committee taking course content and course hours into account. If deemed appropriate, student's planner is aligned with current undergraduate program.


With the decision of Turkish Higher Education Council in its meeting held on 11/05/2011, it was deemed appropriate to open "Nutrition and Dietetics" section as a part of Fethiye Faculty of Health Sciences. Academic staff of Department of Nutrition and Dietetics consists of one Professor in Biochemistry, three Ph. D. senior lecturers in Food Microbiology, Food Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics continues its activities by rules and regulations of Turkish Higher Education Council with reference to letter #39264 dated 24/05/2018 within Fethiye Faculty of Health Sciences Higher Education with its 60+2 students as of 2018-2019 academic year. The department has a fully-equipped laboratory for research and education purposes.

Profile of the Programme

Nutrition and Dietetics Department investigates, evaluates and offer solutions to the health problems caused by nutrients and nutrition; determines the nutritional status of the community; researches the solutions for the improvement of nutritional level and applies suggestions; identifies and directs the country's nutrient and nutrition plans and policies; creates, trains, enforces and monitors both natural and therapeutic nutrient planning in presence of diseases and other specialties in accordance with the medical and surgical treatment; runs scientific studies on management and organization of food service/catering; aims to educate manpower to ensure adequate and balanced nutrition awareness in terms of public healthcare specifically health protection, health improvement and treatment of diseases.

Program Outcomes

1- Gains the ability to research, apply, and evaluate the reliability and validity of evidence-based current developments related to their profession.
2- Effectively utilizes knowledge of the fundamental and social sciences required by the dietetics profession throughout their professional life.
3- Gains the ability to design, research, implement, monitor, and evaluate projects in accordance with ethical principles and human rights to improve individuals' quality of life and health.
4- Gains knowledge and practical skills in developing nutrition recommendations and formulating nutrition policies at national and international levels, considering the nutritional status of individuals from different cultures throughout their professional life.
5- Gains the ability to identify, define, interpret, make decisions, and solve problems they may encounter throughout their professional life.
6- Possesses the ability to follow developments in the field of nutrition and dietetics and to use evidence-based fundamental and professional knowledge both theoretically and practically.
7- Gains the ability to effectively use current, field-specific equipment and information technologies necessary for self-development in their field.
8- Gains the ability to continuously develop themselves by adopting a contemporary learning mindset and following the latest developments in science, technology, education, and health throughout their professional life.
9- Gains the ability to develop nutrition plans and/or treatments tailored to the physiological, environmental, and sociocultural needs of individuals with a multidisciplinary approach.
10- Gains the awareness to practice their profession within the framework of laws, regulations, legislation, and professional ethical codes related to their duties, rights, and responsibilities.
11- Gains the ability throughout their professional career to independently conduct studies using their knowledge and skills in the field, perform experiments, collect data, analyze and interpret findings, and take responsibility as required.
12- Gains the ability to communicate orally and in writing in Turkish and at least one foreign language in their field

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Determined by the instructor in charge of the course in accordance with Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University undergraduate education regulations.

Graduation Requirements

The education activity consists of 4 years and 8 semesters. Students must take a minimum of 240 ECTS credits overall.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduates can work at all private and public institutions providing inpatient and outpatient services; healthcare institutions (Diabetes, oncology, metabolic, cardiology, rehabilitation,and etc.); institutional food service which are the entities that provide meals at institutions including schools, daycare centers, hotels, catering factories, government institutes, health centers, restaurants, and etc.); food industry and food control laboratories; national and international organizations for community health; nutrition and diet counseling centers

Access to Further Studies

Graduated students can continue (post)graduate courses if they meet the necessary requirements.

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Fatmagül YUR

ECTS Coordinator

Asist Prof.Dr. Nilgün ÖNCÜL

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1801 Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory I Required 2 0 2
BDB1003 Principles of Nutrition-I Required 2 2 6
BDB1005 Health Sociology Required 2 0 3
BDB1501 Nutrition and Business Managament Elective 2 0 3
BDB1503 Health Terminology Elective 2 0 3
ENF1805 Use Of Basıc Informatıon Technology Required 3 0 3
KİM1003 Basic Chemistry Required 2 0 5
TDB1801 Turkısh Language I Required 2 0 2
TDBY1801 TURKISH LANGUAGE Required 2 0 2
YDB1811 Englısh I v * Required 3 0 3
YDB1813 German I * Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1815 French I * Required Elective 3 0 3
İSG1901 Occupational Health And Safety Elective 2 0 3
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1802 Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory II Required 2 0 2
BDB1006 Medical Biology and Genetic Required 3 0 4
BDB1008 Principles of Nutrition II Required 2 2 6
BDB1502 Nutritional Anthropology Elective 2 0 3
BDB1504 Introduction to foods Elective 2 0 3
KİM1808 Organic Chemistry Required 2 0 4
PSİ1804 Basic Psycology Required 2 0 3
TDB1802 Turkısh Language II Required 2 0 2
YDB1812 Englısh II * Required 3 0 3
YDB1814 German II * Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1816 French II * Required Elective 3 0 3
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB2001 Nutritional Biochemistry 1 Required 3 0 3
BDB2003 Anatomy I Required 3 0 4
BDB2005 Physiology I Required 3 0 4
BDB2007 General Microbiology Required 2 0 5
BDB2009 Food Chemistry and Analysis I Required 2 0 5
BDB2501 Ethics in Nutrition and Dietetics Elective 2 0 3
BDB2503 Nutrition and Genetic Elective 2 0 3
BDB2505 Basic İmmunology Elective 2 0 3
YDB2811 ENGLSSH III Required 3 0 3
YDB2813 German III Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2815 French III Required Elective 3 0 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB2002 Nutritional Biochemistry II Required 3 0 3
BDB2004 Anatomy II Required 3 0 4
BDB2006 Physiology II Required 3 0 4
BDB2008 Food Microbiology Required 2 0 5
BDB2010 Food Chemistry and Analysis II Required 2 0 5
BDB2502 Community and Health Elective 2 0 3
BDB2504 Food and Personnel Hygiene Elective 2 0 3
BDB2506 Food Poisoning and Allergy Elective 2 0 3
BDB2508 Demographics and Health Elective 2 0 3
YDB2812 ENGLSSH IV Required 3 0 3
YDB2814 German IV Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2816 FRENCH IV Elective 3 0 3
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB3001 Mother and Child Nutrition Required 2 2 5
BDB3003 Assessment Methods of Nutritional Status Required 3 0 4
BDB3005 Community Nutrition Systems-II Required 3 0 4
BDB3007 Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases I Required 2 2 5
BDB3009 Nutritional Ecology Required 2 0 3
BDB3501 Food Technology Elective 2 0 3
BDB3503 Food Packaging and Storage Elective 2 0 3
BDB3505 Food Additives and Toxicology Elective 2 0 3
BDB3507 Genetic Modified Organism and Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB3509 Nutrition Education Elective 2 0 3
BDB3511 Professional English-I Elective 2 0 3
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB3012 Community Nutrition Systems-II Required 3 0 5
BDB3014 Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases II Required 2 2 6
BDB3016 Nutrition in Childhood Diseases Required 2 2 5
BDB3018 Community Nutrition and Epidemiology Required 2 2 5
BDB3502 Statistics in Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB3504 Foods Biotechnology Elective 2 0 3
BDB3506 Food Preparation and Cooking Essentials Elective 2 0 3
BDB3508 Food Control and Legislation Elective 2 0 3
BDB3510 Communication Skills in Dietetics Elective 2 0 3
BDB3512 Sustainable Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB3514 Professional English-II Elective 2 0 3
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB4009 Professional Practices in the Period I Required 3 24 21
BDB4501 Sports Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB4503 Food and Beverage Management Elective 2 0 3
BDB4505 Functional Foods Elective 2 0 3
BDB4507 Principles and Problems in Dietetic Application Elective 2 0 3
BDB4509 Biochemistry of Diseases Elective 2 0 3
BDB4513 Project and Seminar I Elective 2 0 3
BDB4515 Interal and Parenteral Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BDB4010 Professional Practices in the Period II Required 3 24 21
BDB4502 Nutrition in Physical Activities Elective 2 0 3
BDB4504 Elderly Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB4506 Canser and Nutrition Elective 2 0 3
BDB4508 Nutritional Disorder in Adults Elective 2 0 3
BDB4510 Menu Planning Elective 2 0 3
BDB4514 Project and Seminar II Elective 2 0 3
BDB4516 Feeding Behavior Disorders Elective 2 0 3

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory I111121      
Principles of Nutrition-I55552455 441
Health Sociology111441111111
Nutrition and Business Managament114331115111
Health Terminology452234221114
Use Of Basıc Informatıon Technology334323443131
Basic Chemistry242224223111
Turkısh Language I344443      
Englısh I v *111111      
German I *121112      
French I *111121      
Occupational Health And Safety334223222311
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Ataturk's Prıncıples And Revolutıon Hıstory II111211      
Medical Biology and Genetic441115111551
Principles of Nutrition II555422555555
Nutritional Anthropology534544555555
Introduction to foods 545111115551
Organic Chemistry242224223111
Basic Psycology111443111111
Turkısh Language II555444      
Englısh II *111211      
German II *121211      
French II *111211      
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Nutritional Biochemistry 1453434335122
Anatomy I31114411111 
Physiology I331144111111
General Microbiology453111111551
Food Chemistry and Analysis I555111111553
Ethics in Nutrition and Dietetics511114445555
Nutrition and Genetic141135111111
Basic İmmunology544534544451
ENGLSSH III354333      
German III121121      
French III221321      
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Nutritional Biochemistry II453434335122
Anatomy II311144111111
Physiology II311144111111
Food Microbiology555441111551
Food Chemistry and Analysis II5551111114 4
Community and Health433211121112
Food and Personnel Hygiene 155541134551
Food Poisoning and Allergy333445544433
Demographics and Health433211121112
ENGLSSH IV444554      
German IV111111      
FRENCH IV444555      
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Mother and Child Nutrition5535555552 1
Assessment Methods of Nutritional Status411454554555
Community Nutrition Systems-II445554334533
Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases I443455445552
Nutritional Ecology523311555444
Food Technology 144111451551
Food Packaging and Storage 222414444423
Food Additives and Toxicology155111111111
Genetic Modified Organism and Nutrition133511111111
Nutrition Education511111545555
Professional English-I114531441145
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Community Nutrition Systems-II545554434533
Nutrition and Diet Therapy in Diseases II443455445542
Nutrition in Childhood Diseases542555444551
Community Nutrition and Epidemiology511544555554
Statistics in Nutrition111111551111
Foods Biotechnology144112451551
Food Preparation and Cooking Essentials511311555444
Food Control and Legislation444422545522
Communication Skills in Dietetics235523355433
Sustainable Nutrition334434441224
Professional English-II114531441145
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Professional Practices in the Period I555555555554
Sports Nutrition544554555322
Food and Beverage Management 14511111111
Functional Foods445144111551
Principles and Problems in Dietetic Application111114155111
Biochemistry of Diseases151155111111
Project and Seminar I333231554454
Interal and Parenteral Nutrition531144331124
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Professional Practices in the Period II555555555554
Nutrition in Physical Activities554151111111
Elderly Nutrition 554355322111
Canser and Nutrition323434234223
Nutritional Disorder in Adults454155331111
Menu Planning514345555554
Project and Seminar II333231554111
Feeding Behavior Disorders543555434331

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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