Faculty of Letters and Humanities Department of Psychology

Qualification Awarded


Specific Admission Requirements

Students are accepted to the programme according to the score which is taken on the university admission exam organized by ÖSYM. Detailed information can be taken from the website, www.osym.gov.tr

Qualification Requirements

The period of undergradute study is eight semester. Students who completed all the compulsary and elective courses which are determined for each semester can be regarded as qualified. Students must complete 240 ECTS in total and get minimum average of 2.00 for the graduation.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Earlier the students who have attended another institution of higher education Prior Learning, to be determined by the Board of Higher Education "in Higher Education Associate Degree and Bachelor Degree Programs Level Switch, CIF Major, Minor and Inter-Credit Transfer Basis" and "Regulation Sıtkı Koçman Mugla University, Associate Degree and Bachelor of Education Regulations "are recognized. Outside of the formal education or experience in the department based on the certificate (in-formal/non-formal) is not recognized at the moment of learning. However, in all higher education programs in foreign language (English, German, French, et al.) Exemption Examination Courses are held at the beginning of every academic year. Students, who are expected to take examinations in these courses have the right qualifications. Students who take the exam and pass the course will be exempt from the related course.


Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Department of Psychology was established in 1993 and admitted its first undergraduate students in the 2018-2019 Fall semester. As of 2023, a total of nine academic staff and one administrative staff are working in our department, including an associate professor, four assistant professors, a doctoral lecturer, two doctoral research assistants and a research assistant continuing her doctorate education. Our department, whose quota for the 2022-2023 academic year is 70+2, gave its first undergraduate graduates in 2022. Our master's program is currently not active. In the Psychology department, there are Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Experimental Psychology and Industrial and Organizational Psychology departments. Our curriculum has been created to cover courses from various sub-branches of Psychology. There is a double major opportunity in our department, and students are not accepted for a minor branch.

Profile of the Programme

Psychology requires to have high level of ethical approach and to be open-minded. Therefore, the programme encourages and attaches importance to have ethical approach and be open-minded. Over the course of undergraduate study, students become familiar with various subfields of psychology as clinical, social, developmental and experimental as well as basic psychological knowledge. When considered that many graduates work at mental health services, it is important to upskill students about how to use theoretical knowledge in the field. Besides, the study includes research and statistics teaching in order to improve science of psychology and train research scientists.

Program Outcomes

1- Has knowledge about theoretical and practical approaches regarding subdomains of psychology, compares basic concepts and approaches with each other.
2- Has basic knowledge about the rules of interpersonal and intersocietal relationships.
3- Collects data for research in psychology, uses the proper measurement tools, designs and reports a research, interprets the results of research.
4- Expresses oneself verbally and in written in the domain of psychology, makes the representation of the study, applies academic writing rules.
5- Relates and applies psychological knowledge to different scientific fields.
6- Gets knowledge from different sources in the field of psychology, differentiates which sources can use in scientific interest and uses these sources efficiently.
7- Keeps with and uses information technologies which are used in the field of psychology.
8- Carries out a study as an individual or a team, shares the knowledge, learn with the team, takes responsibility and initiative, completes the duties within the scope of the occupational and scientific requirements in time.
9- Acts in accordance with occupational ethics, as appropriate to the human and animal rights, and free from prejudices.
10- Thinks scientifically and critically, has thinking skill and is open to change and novelty.
11- Has self and societal awareness, serves as a model to society with attitudes and behaviours.
12- Uses a foreign language at B1 level of European Language Portfolio, follows the new sources and developments, communicate with collegues verbally and written.
13- Has awareness regarding globality of social rights, social justice, preserving quality, cultural values and environment, occupational health safety.
14- Gains insight of life long learning and practice of the knowledge in life.
15- Continues a career or advanced level education which is in accordance with the undergraduate education.
16- Turns the knowledge and application regarding psychology into projects and events within the scope of social responsibility.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Psychology department holds 1 mid-term (%40) and 1 final (%60) exam in a semester for assessment and evaluation. Besides, especially for advanced courses, assignment and practicing are used for assessment. Attendance to classes is obligatory (at least %70 of theoretical and %80 of practice, laboratory and clinical trials). See regulations for undergraduate study of Muğla University for details of passing grades.

Graduation Requirements

Students must fulfill the conditions which are specified within the regulations for undergradute study at Muğla University. Students who get the min. (2.00) average or above; and accomplish 240 ECTS from compulsary and elective courses will be eligible to graduate.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduate students can provide service in the field of mental health. Graduates can find employment opportunity at public and private hospitals, pre-schools, special education centers, nursing homes and penal institutions. Besides, if they complete the requirements (Master's degree or Ph.D), they can provide mental health service as an expert or therapist. Graduates who want to work on the academic field can major in a branch of psychology and carry out scientific activity.

Access to Further Studies

Our department can only offer Bachelor's Degree.

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Asist Prof.Dr. Hanzade ASLAN YILMAZ

ECTS Coordinator

Asist Prof.Dr. Hanzade ASLAN YILMAZ

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ENF1805 Introduction to Information & Communication Technologies Required 3 0 3
FEL1801 Introduction to Philosopy Required 3 0 6
PSİ1001 Introduction to Psychology I Required 3 0 6
PSİ1005 Introduction to Statistics for Psychology I Required 3 0 6
SOS1801 Introduction to Sociology: Sociological Thinking Required 3 0 4
TDB1801 Turkish Language I Required 2 0 2
TDBY1801 Turkish Language I Required 2 0 2
YDB1811 English I Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1813 German I Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1815 French I Required Elective 3 0 3
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ENF1808 Statistical Analysis Applications Required 3 0 4
FEL1802 Critical Thinking Required 3 0 6
PSİ1002 Introduction to Psychology II Required 3 0 5
PSİ1006 Introduction to Statistics for Psychology II Required 3 0 5
SOS1802 Introduction to Sociology: Institutions and Problems Required 3 0 5
TDB1802 Turkish Language II Required 2 0 2
TDBY1802 Turkish Language II Required 2 0 2
YDB1812 English II Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1814 German II Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB1816 French II Required Elective 3 0 3
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB2801 Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History I Required 2 0 2
PSİ2003 Research Methods in Psychology I: Quantitative Methods Required 3 0 6
PSİ2005 Developmental Psychology I Required 3 0 6
PSİ2007 Social Psychology I Required 3 0 6
YDB2811 English III Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2813 German III Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2815 French III Required Elective 3 0 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB2802 Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History II Required 2 0 2
ATBY2802 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II Required 2 0 2
ENF2808 Advanced Office Applications Required 3 0 4
PSİ2006 Developmental Psychology II Required 3 0 6
PSİ2008 Historical and Contemporary Approaches in Psychology Required 2 1 5
PSİ2010 Social Psychology II Required 3 0 6
PSİ2502 Research Methods in Psychology II: Qualitative Designs Elective 3 1 6
YDB2812 English IV Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2814 German IV Required Elective 3 0 3
YDB2816 French IV Required Elective 3 0 3
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
PSİ3001 Psychopathology 1 Required 3 1 5
PSİ3005 Experimental Psychology I: Learning Required 3 0 6
PSİ3007 Personality Theories 1 Required 3 0 6
PSİ3501 Physiological Foundations of Behavior Elective 3 0 5
PSİ3503 Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3507 Interpersonal Communicaion Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3511 The Psychology of Persuasion Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3513 Communication Skills Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3515 Applied Social Psychology Elective 3 0 5
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
PSİ3002 Psychopathology II Required 3 1 5
PSİ3006 Academic Writing Skills Required 2 1 5
PSİ3008 Personality Theories II Required 3 0 6
PSİ3502 The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3504 Experimental Psychology II: Cognition Elective 3 0 5
PSİ3510 The Psychology Of Gender Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3512 Stress Management Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3514 Introduction to Psychodrama and Its Techniques Elective 2 0 4
PSİ3516 Motivations and Emotions Elective 3 0 6
PSİ3518 Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology Elective 3 0 6
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
PSİ4001 Psychological Tests Required 1 1 3
PSİ4501 Health Psychology Elective 3 0 5
PSİ4503 Trauma and Crisis Intervention Elective 2 1 5
PSİ4505 Selected Topics in Psychology Elective 2 0 4
PSİ4513 Child and Adolescence Psychopathology Elective 3 0 5
PSİ4517 Introduction to Industrial and Organisational Psychology Elective 3 0 6
PSİ4519 Cinema and psychopathology Elective 2 1 6
PSİ4521 Approaches to Psychotherapy Elective 2 1 6
PSİ4523 Group Dynamıcs Elective 3 0 6
PSİ4525 Social Psychology Topics Elective 3 0 6
PSİ4527 Prejudice and Discrimination Elective 2 0 4
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
PSI4524 Selected Topics in Social Psychology Elective 3 0 6
PSİ4004 Ethics in Psychology Required 2 1 3
PSİ4006 Clinical Psychology Required 2 1 4
PSİ4506 Introduction to Supportive Psychotherapy Elective 2 1 4
PSİ4512 Individual Study Elective 1 2 7
PSİ4514 Introduction to Human Resources Management Elective 3 0 5
PSİ4516 Inerviewing Skills Elective 3 0 6
PSİ4518 Cross-Cultural Psychology Elective 3 0 6
PSİ4520 Psychology of Close Relationships Elective 3 0 5
PSİ4522 Family Psychology and Family Therapy Approaches Elective 3 0 6
PSİ4526 Conflict Management Elective 2 0 4
PSİ4528 Criminal Psychology Elective 3 0 5

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Introduction to Information & Communication Technologies1133114111111311
Introduction to Philosopy1311211115412211
Introduction to Psychology I 5513341355412433
Introduction to Statistics for Psychology I 3153443314111333
Introduction to Sociology: Sociological Thinking1411311114412211
Turkish Language I1113111111111211
Turkish Language I1113111111111211
English I1521124111111111
German I                
French I                
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Statistical Analysis Applications1143335313111434
Critical Thinking1111221125311211
Introduction to Psychology II 551334135541243 
Introduction to Statistics for Psychology II3153343314111333
Introduction to Sociology: Institutions and Problems1511311113412211
Turkish Language II1113111111111211
Turkish Language II1113111111111211
English II1113121111151231
German II1111111111151111
French II1111111111151111
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History I1211111111411211
Research Methods in Psychology I: Quantitative Methods 3153541354111443
Developmental Psychology I5413341354411443
Social Psychology I5513441354512443
English III1113121111151241
German III1111111111151111
French III1111111111151111
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History II1211111111411211
Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II1211111111411211
Advanced Office Applications1122113311111312
Developmental Psychology II 54133 1354411443
Historical and Contemporary Approaches in Psychology5313331455411311
Social Psychology II3513441354512443
Research Methods in Psychology II: Qualitative Designs 1155135435111411
English IV1113121111151241
German IV1111111111151111
French IV1111111111151111
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Psychopathology 15313241354411541
Experimental Psychology I: Learning 5213241354311441
Personality Theories 15313241354411431
Physiological Foundations of Behavior3111341311111331
Selected Topics in Developmental Psychology4313241354311441
Interpersonal Communicaion 3411431343311311
The Psychology of Persuasion3311431343311311
Communication Skills 3411431343311311
Applied Social Psychology4513441354511444
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Psychopathology II5313241354411541
Academic Writing Skills113535345331 354
Personality Theories II5313241354411431
The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships3512231354511541
Experimental Psychology II: Cognition4112241354111331
The Psychology Of Gender 3412341354512433
Stress Management 2111331311111421
Introduction to Psychodrama and Its Techniques5313411233312514
Motivations and Emotions5115451455111451
Introduction to Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology3133241354111211
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Psychological Tests 5132141354111441
Health Psychology 5111341353312422
Trauma and Crisis Intervention 5335341555415313
Selected Topics in Psychology 4413341354511444
Child and Adolescence Psychopathology5312241354411541
Introduction to Industrial and Organisational Psychology 5313441354311444
Cinema and psychopathology 5315441355311411
Approaches to Psychotherapy 5415131115111311
Group Dynamıcs 5512341354512443
Social Psychology Topics5513 41354512443
Prejudice and Discrimination5415341454513225
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16
Selected Topics in Social Psychology4513341354512443
Ethics in Psychology 3413221555511431
Clinical Psychology5315521555411331
Introduction to Supportive Psychotherapy 5433121554311531
Individual Study 4155555555211455
Introduction to Human Resources Management 2413431141313122
Inerviewing Skills 5415111555311541
Cross-Cultural Psychology 5513341354512543
Psychology of Close Relationships 5513341354511542
Family Psychology and Family Therapy Approaches 5515511551311232
Conflict Management2511431354413322
Criminal Psychology 5213551355414332

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
Copyright © 2013 Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı
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