Kavaklıdere Şehit Mustafa Alper Vocational School Occupational Health and Safety

Qualification Awarded

Occupational Health and Safety Technician

Specific Admission Requirements

Student admission to the department takes place in case of completing the processes determined by OSYM within the framework of the academic and legal regulations of the university / passing the exams. In line with the relevant regulations established by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), admission to this program is made according to the YGS-2 score type with the central examination system called YGS. The students are placed in the related programs by the Student Selection and Placement Center according to the score they get from this exam after informing them about the program preferences they want to study.

Qualification Requirements

No Program Competencies 1 He / She knows the development and general principles of Occupational Health and Safety. 2 He / she has knowledge about the laws of 4857 and 6331 and the occupational health and safety sections of these laws. 4 To be able to apply hazard prevention methods. 5 Personal protective equipment recognizes and is able to apply in the workplace. 6 Knows the physical factors and knows the precautions to be taken against them. 7 Uses technological tools and programs that enable him to carry out his profession. 8 Has the knowledge and awareness of social responsibility, ethical values ??and professional principles. 9 Becomes a technical person who provides business harmony, establishes good relations, tolerant, understanding and uses resources balanced in accordance with teamwork among the personnel. 10 Has the sense of responsibility along with the necessary care about the workplace. 12 Follows up-to-date innovations and changes in the field of work and work. 13 Has professional equipment to work in industry and service sectors. 14 To be able to make teamwork and make applications in working life. 15 Gains the ability to produce solutions to the problems encountered in the workplace.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Previous Education of the students who have previously studied in another Higher Education Institution, the Higher Education Council determined by the "Higher Education Institutions in Undergraduate and Undergraduate Level Programs Between the Transfer, Double Major, Minor Branch and Transfer of Institutions with the Regulation on the Principles" Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education Regulations. In our department, certificate or experience-based (in-formal / non-formal) learning is not currently recognized outside formal education institutions. However, the Exemption Exam is held at the beginning of each academic term for Foreign Language (English, German, French, etc.) courses in all higher education programs. Students who think that they meet the expected qualifications of these courses have the right to take the exams. Students who pass the exam are exempted from the related courses in the curriculum.


Kavaklıdere Şehit Mustafa Alper Vocational High School Property Protection and Security Department Occupational Health and Safety program in the period of 2019-2020 associate degree education will be started. The quota of the program is 30 students. The Occupational Health and Safety program is taught in a scientific environment by using the advantages of formal education and training as well as providing the basic concepts that need to be known in this field. Courses will be covered in detail by instructors who are experts in the field and applications will be made. In addition, field applications will be made within the scope of the courses and current applications will be shown to the students on the spot. In addition, a learning environment in a contemporary sense is provided by making use of the opportunities offered by technology (computer, slide, video). There are 3 lecturers in the Occupational Health and Safety program. In addition to their courses, academic staff conducts scientific research, publishes their work in international and national journals, and also participates in national and international congresses and symposiums in their fields.

Profile of the Programme

Level 5 is an associate degree program aiming to gain academic and professional qualifications. The student completes 120 ECTS credits and graduates from the program. Training period 2 years (Internship period is included.) The student makes horizontal and vertical transfer in accordance with the related legislation of YÖK. Occupational Health and Safety Program aims to train qualified intermediate personnel who are able to transform their knowledge and experience in this field into applications, open to social and technological innovations, productive, entrepreneurial, respectful to the environment and gained the necessary professional competencies in accordance with scientific and technological developments.

Program Outcomes

1- To have information about Occupational Health and Safety Practices of all work places.
2- To have knowledge about first aid applications
3- To have knowledge about emergency procedure preparation and applications in workplaces
4- Fire protection and intervention methods to learn
5- To have knowledge about the establishment of emergency teams in the workplace
6- To have knowledge about occupational health and safety management systems
7- To have information about the laws and regulations in force
8- To have information about the causes of occupational accidents and diseases
9- Learn protocol information
10- To have information about personal protective equipment
11- To learn security signs and applications.
12- To have knowledge about the preparation and evaluation of risk analysis

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

At least one midterm and one final exam is given for each course. The effect of midterm exam is 40% and final exam is 60%. In this evaluation; The instructor of the course takes into account the statistical results of the scores obtained from the midterm and final exams of the students taking the course and the grades taken are converted into 4-letter system within the framework of the principles determined in the regulation. A student who has received one of AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades is considered successful. DC and DD grades taken from a course are evaluated according to the student's graduation AGNO. These courses are defined as successful if the student's AGNO is above the grade point (2.00). In the midterm / year, these letter grades are evaluated with coefficients in the calculation of AGNO. The student who gets FF grade is unsuccessful and must take this course in the first semester / year. The courses which are appreciated with the grade of MM and GG do not participate in the assessment of the AGNO.

Graduation Requirements

Students completing 120 ECTS credits from compulsory and elective courses as indicated in the program with a minimum GPA of 2.00 are eligible for graduation.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

The Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331, which entered into force on 20.06.2012, provides important job opportunities to the graduates of the program. Program graduates, all institutions, organizations and businesses, trade centers, multi-storey high-rise buildings, universities and campus-shaped schools, shopping centers and public centers, fire brigades, civil defense and similar emergency organizations, "Occupational Health and Safety Technician" they can get. In addition, our graduates, Bakanlığı Occupational Safety Expertise yapılan conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, if they are successful, they can have a “C” certificate.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates can also benefit from the provisions of the Regulation on the Attendance of Vocational Higher Schools and Open Education Associate Degree Graduates to Undergraduate Education, and they can gain the right to register to the undergraduate programs with the vertical transfer exam (DGS) if a quota is opened in their fields.

Mode of Study

To train “occupational health and safety technicians te with the knowledge, skills and ability to assume the responsibility of all occupational safety of an enterprise.

Programme Director

Instructor Serkan YAŞAR

ECTS Coordinator

Instructor Yasin PELİT

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
MAP1803 Mathematics Required 2 0 3
SGP1903 Firstaid Elective 2 0 3
TDB1801 TURKISH LANGUAGE I Required 2 0 2
TDBY1801 Turkish language II Required 2 0 2
YDB1801 FOREIGN LANGUAGE I Required 2 0 2
YDB1915 Vocational Foreign Language I Elective 2 0 3
İSG1001 General Chemistry Required 3 0 3
İSG1003 Basic Law and Occupational Law Required 3 0 4
İSG1505 Total Quality Method Elective 3 1 3
İSG1509 Search and Rescue Information Elective 2 1 3
İSG1511 Physical Education and Bodybuilding Elective 2 0 3
İSG1801 Occupational Health and Safety I Required 2 0 2
İŞP1903 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Elective 2 0 3
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1802 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II Required 2 0 2
TDB1802 Turkish Language II Required 2 0 2
YDB1802 English II Required 2 0 2
YDB1916 Vocational Foreign Language II Elective 2 0 3
İSG1002 Explosion Protection and ATEX Required 3 0 3
İSG1004 Modelling Required 3 0 2
İSG1006 Occupational Health and Safety Legislation I Required 3 0 2
İSG1008 Internship Required 0 0 8
İSG1502 Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Signs Elective 2 0 2
İSG1504 Ergonomics Elective 2 0 2
İSG1508 Basic Computer Aided Drawing Elective 2 0 2
İSG1802 Occupational health and Safety II Required 2 0 2
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
İSG2001 Occupational Health and Safety Legislation II Required 3 0 2
İSG2003 Periodic Checks and Maintenance Required 3 0 4
İSG2005 Chemical Risk Factors Required 2 0 3
İSG2007 Occupational Safety Management Systems Required 3 0 3
İSG2009 Emergency Management Required 2 0 3
İSG2011 Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases Required 2 0 3
İSG2013 Probit Analysis and Toxicology Required 2 0 3
İSG2501 Transport and Storage Elective 2 0 2
İSG2503 Occupational Health and Safety in Mines Elective 2 0 3
İSG2505 Professional Development and Professional Ethics Elective 2 0 3
İSG2507 Physical Risk Factors Elective 2 0 3
İSG2509 Working at Height Elective 2 1 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
İSG2002 Fire Safety Required 3 1 3
İSG2004 Risk Analysis and Methods Required 3 1 4
İSG2006 Seveso Required 3 0 2
İSG2008 Safety Engineering Methods Required 3 0 3
İSG2010 Occupational Health and Safety in Construction Works Required 3 0 3
İSG2012 Professional Project Preparation Required 3 0 4
İSG2014 Occupational Hygiene Required 2 0 3
İSG2502 Protocol Information Elective 2 0 3
İSG2504 Occupational Safety in Electrical Works Elective 2 0 2
İSG2506 Biological Risk Factors Elective 2 0 3
İSG2508 Environmental Protection and Safety Elective 2 0 3
İSG2510 Creative drama Elective 1 1 2
İSG2512 Machinery and Equipment Elective 2 0 3

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Turkish language II444444      
Vocational Foreign Language I555555555555
General Chemistry     4544  5
Basic Law and Occupational Law5     5     
Total Quality Method444444444444
Search and Rescue Information344344      
Physical Education and Bodybuilding114444      
Occupational Health and Safety I555555555555
Innovation and Entrepreneurship444444444444
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi II211422      
Turkish Language II444444444 44
English II444444444444
Vocational Foreign Language II555555555555
Explosion Protection and ATEX   45       
Modelling5 5         
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation I555555555555
Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Signs555555555555
Basic Computer Aided Drawing444444444444
Occupational health and Safety II555555555555
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Occupational Health and Safety Legislation II555555555555
Periodic Checks and Maintenance555555555555
Chemical Risk Factors444444444444
Occupational Safety Management Systems444444444444
Emergency Management555555555555
Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases444444444444
Probit Analysis and Toxicology444444444444
Transport and Storage444444444444
Occupational Health and Safety in Mines444444444444
Professional Development and Professional Ethics555555555555
Physical Risk Factors555555555555
Working at Height555555555555
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Fire Safety5  55      5
Risk Analysis and Methods5 5 5555 5 5
Seveso  55       5
Safety Engineering Methods555555555555
Occupational Health and Safety in Construction Works5     5    5
Professional Project Preparation555555555555
Occupational Hygiene444444444444
Protocol Information        5   
Occupational Safety in Electrical Works444444444444
Biological Risk Factors444444444444
Environmental Protection and Safety444444444444
Creative drama        3   
Machinery and Equipment444444444444

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
Copyright © 2013 Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı
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