Specific Admission Requirements
As a result of the two-step (YGS and LYS) TM-3 test which is conducted by OSYM, students are accepted to the program. For details: www. osym.gov.tr; Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Undergraduate and Graduate Education Regulations Item 6.
Approximatly 60 students are accepted to the Program each year.
Qualification Requirements
In order to succeed in programme, it is crucial to meet minimum reqirements of Programme Qualifications, to finish all courses successfully counting minimum 240 ECTS and having at least 2.00 GPA over 4.00 are necessities of the department to became graduated.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If students who have attended to another disciplinesat other Higher Education Institutions their application to Sociologt Department are taken into account by depending upon Mugla University Senate Reguşation on Undergraduate and Graduate Educationand if courses match with syllabus of the courses they can be
Sociology Department was established in 1993 under Faculty of Science and Literature. First instructor of the department was Research Assistant Muammer Tuna and he went to United States for gradute education. At 1995, Assistant Professors Hurriyet Konyar, Koşar Hız and Nurgün OKTİk were appointed to the department. Asisstant Professor Nurgün Oktik was in the Office of Head of Department between the years 1996-2003. By the year 2004 Asisstant Professor Muammer Tuna became head of the department until 2010. Between February 2011 and June 2011 Asisstant Professor Koşar Hız became head of department. Prof. Dr. Zafer Durdu is the chair of department now.
Profile of the Programme
Sociological knowledge and imagination leads people to develop analytical thinking towards to the society he/she lives in. It also enhances individuals to use this knowledge for the sake of society. In addition social structural studies, gender studies, women studies, environmental sociology, tourism sociology, cultural sociology, and cultural studies, development sociology, sociology of religion are also offered courses of the programme.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
In the Philosophy Program at least one midterm exam for each course and a final exam. Assessment quizzes and homework done also.
Success midterm grade, the effect of short-term exams and assignments, 40% of the final exam is 60%. In this evaluation, the course instructor, the course, the students' mid-term and final exams taken and grades received scores take into account the results of the statistical framework of the principles outlined in the directive is converted to 4-letter system. Student's cumulative GPA is created notes (WGPA) two consecutive periods less than 2.00 can not take those lessons to the next period. AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grade, that course is considered successful. A student from the DC and DD, depending on the student's graduation is considered AGNO'suna. AGNO'su grade student achievement threshold (2.00) is defined as successful on these courses. December semesters / years, however, WGPA evaluated by calculating the coefficients of these grades. The student who failed a grade of FF, the course is offered in the first semester / year, and continue taking the exam must fulfill the requirements. The grade is appreciated by MM and DD lectures, WGPA participate in the calculation of the assessment.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Gradutes from Department of Sociology may have chance to find jobs at many fields. Graduate students can Work as teachers at High Schools as Philosophy Group teachers. These students should complete required courses in Curriculum to become Philosophy Group teachers. In addition gradute students can work at State Planning Agency, Family Research Institution, Ministry of Family and Social Policy, State Statistics Institution, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interiors, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Food and Agriculture as sociologists. Moreover, graduate students can also work at advertisement, research and media companies, departments of Public Relations and also at banking sector sociology graduate students can be employed.
Access to Further Studies
Department of Sociology offers opportunities at Master of Science and Philosophy of Doctorate
Programme Director
Prof.Dr. Zafer DURDU zaferdurdu@mu.edu.tr
ECTS Coordinator
Bölüm Başkanı Prof. Dr. Zafer DURDU