Institute of Health Sciences Master of Science Programme in Child Health and Diseases Nursing

Qualification Awarded

Master's Degree in Nursing is awarded to the graduates who successfully complete all courses in the curriculum.

Specific Admission Requirements

In order to be able to enroll in this program, candidates must have a bachelor's degree in nursing or health care, the undergraduate grade point average should be 2.40 (in 4 system), take at least 55 points from the numerical score of the Academic Postgraduate Placement Examination (ALES) conducted centrally by the Measurement Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). The principles for accepting foreign students are determined by the Senate. In order to be successful in the foreign language, candidates must take at least 40 points from YDS or equivalent points from any of the foreign language exams validated by the Inter-University Council.

Qualification Requirements

Second Cycle (Masters Degree) Programme with thesis is comprised of courses (at least 54 ECTS), a seminar (6 ECTS), and thesis (60 ECTS) credits. İn total 120 ECTS credits. Students must have minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00/4.00 and completed all the courses with at least CB / S / TP grades.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students enrolled in the department may request to be exempted from the courses they have achieved in equivalent programs of higher education institutions that they have studied previously. To do this, they must submit the approved transcript and course content to the relevant unit within one week after the registration week with a petition.


Child health and disease nursing master programg started education in 2020. The program lasts for totally 2 years; 1 year for courses and 1 year for thesis. The language of the program is Turkish.

Profile of the Programme

Child Health and Disease Nursing graduate program includes theoretical courses and practical applications on pediatric nursing. Theoretical part; health policies include information on increasing up-to-date, scientific and professional knowledge on the protection and improvement of the health of children and their families in line with the recommendations of national and international health organizations. The practical part will perform the protective, therapeutic and rehabilitative services of the scientific knowledge obtained in theory by using the roles of the pediatric nurse as caregiver, educator, case manager, leadership, cooperation, advocate, researcher and liaisoner. Child Health and Disease Nursing graduate program; primarily child health and diseases, child mental health, child and family with special needs, school health, risk groups related to the child and family in the society, as well as sub-branches of pediatric nursing such as neonatal nursing, sociology, anthropology, psychology, education and behavioral sciences. contains information

Program Outcomes

1- 1.Child health issues, child basic factors affecting the health and the solutions proposed by the international organizations in our country and be able to evaluate that information critically owners about the work and results made in this direction, to direct learning in Turkey and World.
2- To be able to explain the philosophy and standards of Child Health Nursing
3- Atraumatic care, holistic care, family centered care and the individuality of the child primary, secondary and tertiary applications in line with legal and ethical principles. demonstrate the ability to provide care
4- To be able to use his / her knowledge of research methodology and basic statistical tests in planned researches / projects.
5- To be able to use the knowledge acquired based on research use in the care of the child and family.
6- To be able to contribute to the formation of individual / institutional / social nursing philosophy by combining nursing theories with their knowledge and experience.
7- To be able to apply the knowledge and problem solving skills they have absorbed in the field of Child Health and Disease Nursing in interdisciplinary studies and to lead in maintaining communication with the team and the family.
8- To be able to produce evidence-based solutions in cases of deviation from health by making diagnosis in the children they care for.
9- To be able to give care in cultural competence.
10- To be able to systematically transfer the current developments and own studies in the field of Child Health and Disease Nursing to groups in and out of the field in written, oral and visual form.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Exams consist of midterm, final and makeup exams. Other than the exams quizzes, project, homeworks and other activities that the instructor deems appropriate can be carried out. The number of these activities and the construbution to the course grades are stated in the course plan by the instructor. Examinations can be done in written, oral, written and oral or practical. All exams are evaluated over 100 points and converted to letter grades by the system. Success grade is calculated by taking the percentages of midterm exams and other activities determined by the instructor provided that it exceeds 50% of the contrubution of the final exam. The student must receive at least a CC letter grade in a lesson to be successful.

Graduation Requirements

Child health and disease nursing master program with thesis consists of at least seven courses, a seminar course and a thesis study, not less than 21 credits. The seminar course and thesis work are non-credit and evaluated as successful or unsuccessful. Master's program with thesis consists of at least 120 ECTS credits including at least seven courses, seminar and thesis work, not less than 60 ECTS credits in one academic year. The duration of the Master's program with thesis is four semesters regardless of whether it is registered for each semester, starting from the period in which the program is enrolled, except for the time spent in the scientific preparation, and the program is completed in six semesters. If the student fulfills the requirements for the master program with a thesis, he / she can graduate in three semesters.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduates of the program can work at government or private companies in the field of health sector in the positions of clinical nursing, director of nursing, education nursing, supervisor nursing, special branch nursing and academician.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates who successfully completed the Master's Degree (second cycle) may apply to doctorate (third cycle) programs in the same or in related disciplines. Candidates who have successfully completed postgraduate studies can study graduate (PhD) programs with obligated requirement score from the Academic Staff and Graduate Study Education Exam (ALES) and The Interuniversity Board Foreign Examination.

Mode of Study

The aim of the program with thesis is to expand and deepen the knowledge in a field based on undergraduate degree qualifications, to access information by doing scientific research, to evaluate, interpret and apply knowledge.

Programme Director

Associate Prof.Dr. Gonca KARAYAĞIZ MUSLU

ECTS Coordinator

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
CSH5001 Developmental Approach and Child Health Nursing and Counselling Required 3 8 10
CSH5501 Fundamental Concept of Pediatric Nursing I Elective 2 0 4
CSH5503 Growth and Development in Childhood Elective 2 0 4
CSH5505 Health Diagnosis in Children Elective 2 0 4
CSH5507 Evidence Based Practice in Pediatric Nursing Elective 2 0 4
CSH5509 Creative and Developer Activities in Children Elective 2 0 4
CSH5511 Adolescent Health Elective 2 0 4
CSH5701 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
HEM5901 Basic Concepts and Theories in Nursing I Elective 2 0 4
HEM5903 Physiopathology I Elective 2 0 4
SABE5090 Scientific Research Methods and Research Ethics Required 3 0 6
SABE5500 Project Development and Management Elective 3 0 6
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
CSH5002 Developmental Approach in Consultancy Pediatric Diseases and Counselling Required 3 8 10
CSH5090 Seminar Required 0 2 6
CSH5502 Fundamental Concept of Pediatric Nursing II Elective 2 0 4
CSH5504 Developmental Approach in Disabled Child and Family Nursing Advisement Elective 2 0 4
CSH5506 Children with Special Needs Elective 2 0 4
CSH5508 Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Elective 2 0 4
CSH5510 Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Nursing Elective 2 0 4
CSH5512 Family and Child at High Risk Elective 2 0 4
CSH5702 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
HEM5802 Biostatistics Required 2 0 4
HEM5902 Basic Concepts and Theories in Nursing II Elective 2 0 4
HEM5904 Physiopathology II Elective 2 0 4
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
CSH5000 Thesis Required 0 0 24
CSH5703 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
CSH 5000 Thesis Required 0 0 24
CSH5704 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Developmental Approach and Child Health Nursing and Counselling5555555555
Fundamental Concept of Pediatric Nursing I4444455454
Growth and Development in Childhood5554455555
Health Diagnosis in Children4454555545
Evidence Based Practice in Pediatric Nursing5555555555
Creative and Developer Activities in Children4554544554
Adolescent Health5555555555
Specialization Field Course5555555555
Basic Concepts and Theories in Nursing I5433433555
Physiopathology I4453455534
Scientific Research Methods and Research Ethics4454444453
Project Development and Management4543554444
1. Year - 2. Term
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Specialization Field Course5555555555
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Specialization Field Course5555555555

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