Qualification Awarded
Students who successfully complete all of the program courses (a minimum of 90 ECTS) and achieve a grade point average of at least 2.5 out of 4.00 are eligible to receive a master's degree with thesis in the field of Management Information Systems, Department of Management Information Systems.
Specific Admission Requirements
The bachelors (intra or extra department) can apply for a graduate degree. There are two more conditions for this: a)Required points for ALES; b) minimum 2,4 grade point average. In addition, these rates are defined by the university senate.
Qualification Requirements
In the Department of Management Information Systems, in order to obtain a master's degree with thesis in the field of Management Information Systems, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (equivalent to a minimum of 90 ECTS) in the program and have a GPA of at least 2.5 out of 4.00.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Admission requirements are determined in line with the regulations set by Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK) For National Students First cycle (BA/BSc) degree in relevant fields.
The university began to operate as a new institution under the name of Muğla University in 1992, before it's been a part of the Dokuz Eylul University between1982-1992 and Ankara University. between 1974-1982. And finally, Fethiye Business School was established in 2012 as part of Mugla Sitki Kocman University.
Profile of the Programme
Bringing students who want to get a master's degree in the field of Management Information Systems to this field, the need for personnel who can meet the knowledge that the employees at the management level working in all sectors will need while making decisions, that the personnel who have graduated from different departments of different faculties are Ph.D., it is predicted that the institution will be able to work effectively and efficiently by using information systems in their field and will increase the opportunities for job placement. It will provide opportunities such as globalization and increasing the competitive power of the institutions in our city and around us by using information technologies more effectively and efficiently.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
Students have to attend minimum 70% of courses of their program. In the contrary case they can’t take final examinations of those courses. Exams are usually done in written form. The assessment method of success for each course is clearly indicated in the related course catalog form. There are one mid term exam and final exam at least (and makeup exam for unsuccessful . Accordingly, midterm examination dates are announced at least a week beforehand. The weight of the midterm examination in the student’s final grade for the semester is 40%. Final Examination: A final examination is given at the end of every semester and the date of the exam is announced at least two weeks beforehand. The weight of the final examination in the student’s final grade for the semester is 50% and exam mark for final examination must be at least 70. It is required to obtain the letter grade one of AA, BA, BB, CB or CC in order to be evaluated as successful.
Graduation Requirements
In order to successfully complete the program, it is necessary to pass all of the courses available in the program (equivalent to a minimum of 90 ECTS), to obtain a grade point average of at least 2.5 out of 4.00 and to successfully complete the master's thesis.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates of the Management Information System Master programme Department will have all the legal rights of business faculty graduates, as well as being able to be employed in the public and private sectors in the field of informatics, as well as have the equipment and knowledge to establish their own business. In all public and private institutions; management, planning, auditing, accounting, informatics, software development, data processing, etc. has the opportunity to be employed in different positions in different fields.
Access to Further Studies
It is possible for our students to continue four-year-doctoral program at any university having the doctoral program of that department after their graduation. Graduates take phd degree at business administration programs. Our Graduates must obtaing minimum ALES score and Foreign Language score to be able to apply any third cycle degree programme.
ECTS Coordinator
Asist Prof.Dr. Muhammer İlkuçar