Kavaklıdere Şehit Mustafa Alper Vocational School Civil Defense and Firefighting

Qualification Awarded

Civil Defense and Firefighting Technician

Specific Admission Requirements

Student admission to the department takes place in the case of completing the processes determined by OSYM within the framework of the academic and legal regulations of the university / succeeding in the exams. In line with the relevant regulations, the framework of which is formed by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), student admission to this program is made according to the YKS score type with the central examination system called YKS. Students are placed in the relevant programs by the Student Selection and Placement Center according to the scores they get from this exam after they notify the program preferences they want to study.

Qualification Requirements

1. To be able to use fire brigade vehicles and equipment and to perform basic maintenance 2. To be able to explain the administrative structure of the fire department and the legal regulations and regulations to which it is bound. 3. To be able to respond to the fire with the right extinguishing material and method by recognizing the fire classes and their specific hazards. 4. To be able to explain fire extinguishing materials, chemical contents and usage areas 5. To be able to do research to determine the cause of the fire after the fire, to collect evidence and evaluate the findings 6. To be able to perform rescue operations by making use of the tools and equipment used for rescue purposes. 7. To be able to determine the measures to be taken for fire safety inside and outside the building, to show and apply with the help of technical drawings 8. To be able to identify natural (sea, lake, river, etc.) and unnatural (water reservoir, hydrant, etc.) water resources on maps and sketches and to draw sketches showing these resources 9. To be able to make intervention organizations for indoor, outdoor and special fires 10. To be able to make and manage disaster and emergency planning and organizations 11. To understand the importance of qualities such as physical competence, morality, honesty and respect that firefighters should have and to be able to give confidence to people 12. To be able to define the hazards of chemical substances and the intervention methods

Recognition of Prior Learning

Prior Education of students who have studied at another Higher Education Institution before, with the "Regulation on the Principles of Transfer between Associate Degree and Undergraduate Degree Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer" determined by the Higher Education Council. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University is recognized within the framework of the "Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education Regulations". In our department, except formal education institutions, certificate or experience-based (in-formal/non-formal) learning is not recognized as of now. However, an Exemption Exam is held at the beginning of each academic term for Foreign Language (English, German, French, etc.) courses in all higher education programs. Students who think that they meet the expected qualifications from these courses have the right to take the exams. Students who pass the exam and pass the exam are exempted from the relevant courses in the curriculum.


Kavaklıdere Martyr Mustafa Alper Vocational School Property Protection and Security Department Civil Defense and Firefighting program will start education at associate degree level in 2021-2022. The quota of the program is 30 students. The Civil Defense and Firefighting curriculum provides the basic concepts to be known in this field, as well as providing professional skills by being educated in a scientific environment by using the advantages of formal education and training. The courses will be covered in detail by lecturers who are experts in their fields and applications will be made. In addition, field applications will be made within the scope of the courses and current applications will be shown to the students on site. In addition, a contemporary learning environment is provided by making use of the opportunities offered by technology (computer, slide, video). There are 3 lecturers working in the Civil Defense and Firefighting program. In addition to their lectures, faculty members conduct scientific research, publish their studies in international and national journals, and participate in national and international congresses and symposiums related to their fields.

Profile of the Programme

It is an associate degree program that aims to provide 5th level academic and professional qualifications. The student graduates from the program by completing 120 ECTS/ECTS credits. The education period is 2 years (Including the internship period.) The student makes horizontal and vertical transfers in line with the relevant legislation of YÖK. The Civil Defense and Firefighting Program aims to train qualified intermediate staff who can transform their knowledge and experience into practices in this field, who are open to social and technological innovations, productive, entrepreneurial, respectful to the environment, and who have acquired the necessary professional competencies in line with scientific and technological developments.

Program Outcomes

1- To learn the principles of Civil Defense and Firefighting basic laws and regulations and to use them in solving the problems they will encounter.
2- To have physical competence in firefighting and the ability to operate active and passive measures used in fire prevention.
3- Being able to learn fire chemistry in Civil Defense and Firefighting and make explanations about theories and solve problems.
4- To be able to explain, apply and apply first aid and rescue techniques in Civil Defense and Firefighting.
5- Ability to perform fire prevention and inspection work
6- Having knowledge about the features of air breathing devices, being able to use and maintain.
7- Ability to follow occupational safety laws and regulations and communication technologies
8- To be able to prepare presentations, test reports and projects to be used in examination methods
9- To be able to follow the structures and building technologies produced according to the developing technology, to learn the issue of examining them in terms of fire and seismicity.
10- To be able to follow the binding laws, regulations and directives of firefighting and learn to propose innovations in order to comply with the developing technology.
11- To have knowledge about dangerous chemicals in Civil Defense and Firefighting, to use the necessary detection devices and to be able to intervene in the fire of these substances with an appropriate extinguisher.
12- Being able to learn how to respond to initial fires with fire extinguishers in Civil Defense and Firefighting
13- To be able to learn the techniques of responding to fires with water and foam in civil defense and firefighting.
14- To be able to learn how to make general research and examination and prepare a fire report after extinguishing a fire in firefighting.
15- Having knowledge about personal protective equipment in Civil Defense and Firefighting and using it in fires.
16- To be able to learn the techniques of using vehicles and motor pumps against fire, search and rescue and floods in firefighting.
17- Understanding the importance of teamwork in Civil Defense and Firefighting and fulfilling his/her duty

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

At least one midterm and final exam are given for each course given. The effect of the midterm exam on the success grade is 40% and the final exam is 60%. In this evaluation; The instructor of the course takes into account the statistical results of the scores of the students taking the course in the midterm and final exams, and the grades received are converted into a 4-letter system within the framework of the principles determined in the regulation. A student who receives AA, BA, BB, CB and CC grades from a course is deemed to have succeeded in that course. DC and DD grades from a course are evaluated depending on the student's graduation CGPA. If the student's CGPA is above the success threshold grade (2.00), these courses are defined as successful. In mid-terms/years, these letter grades are evaluated with their coefficients in the calculation of AGNO. A student who receives an FF grade is unsuccessful. He/she has to take this course in the first semester/year and fulfill the attendance and exam requirements. Courses appreciated with MM and GG grades are not included in the evaluation in calculating AGNO.

Graduation Requirements

In order to obtain an associate degree in the field, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (total 120 ECTS) and the practical internship, and obtain a weighted grade point average of at least 2.0 out of 4.00.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Students who graduate from this program can work in Municipal Fire Departments, Disaster and Emergency Directorates, Civil Defense Search and Rescue Units, Fire Safety Departments in Hotels and Public Institutions, Airports and Ports, Firefighting and Fire Safety-related material production companies, Organized Industry and Industrial They are employed as fire and security personnel of organizations.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates of the program and students who are in the last year and have fulfilled the graduation requirements other than internship can transfer to formal education undergraduate programs with the vertical transfer exam (DGS). Undergraduate programs that can be transferred with DGS, on the other hand, can transfer to the Social Service, Emergency Aid and Disaster Management programs of faculties or colleges (undergraduate).

Mode of Study

Precautions to be taken before and after the fire, which ensures that any fire that occurs during the design, construction, operation, maintenance and use stages of public and private institutions and organizations and all kinds of structures, buildings, facilities and businesses, is extinguished by minimizing the loss of life and property. To train people capable of undertaking organization, training and supervision with.

Programme Director

Instructor Serkan YAŞAR

ECTS Coordinator

Instructor Serkan YAŞAR

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1801 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I Required 2 0 2
KİM1817 General Chemistry Required 3 0 3
MAT1853 Math Required 2 0 3
SGP1903 Firstaid Elective 2 0 3
SSİ1003 Firefighting Vehicle and Material Information-I Required 1 1 3
SSİ1005 Firefighting Sports I Required 1 1 3
SSİ1007 Firefighting Training-I Required 2 2 4
SSİ1501 Basic Disaster Awareness Elective 2 0 3
SSİ1503 Firefighting Legislation Elective 2 0 3
SSİ1505 Civil Defense and Protection Elective 2 0 3
SSİ1507 Combustion and Fire Information Elective 2 0 2
TDB1801 Turkish Language I Required 2 0 2
YDB1801 English I Required 2 0 2
İŞP1903 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Elective 2 0 3
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1802 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution Required 2 0 2
BİP1824 Information and Communication Technologies Required 3 0 3
KAY1902 The basic concepts of law Elective 2 0 3
SSİ1002 Firefighting Training II Required 2 2 4
SSİ1004 Firefighting Vehicle and Material Information II Required 1 1 3
SSİ1006 Vocational Internship Required 0 0 8
SSİ1008 Firefighting Sports II Required 1 1 3
SSİ1504 Extinguishing Technologies Elective 2 0 3
TDB1802 Turkish language II Required 2 0 2
YDB1802 English II Required 2 0 2
İSG1902 Occupational Health and Safety Elective 2 0 3
İSG1906 Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases Elective 2 0 3
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
HAK2901 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Elective 2 0 4
KİM2901 Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear Hazards in Disasters Elective 2 0 4
SSİ2001 Explosion Protection and ATEX Required 3 0 3
SSİ2003 Fire Safety-I Required 2 1 3
SSİ2005 Recovery Info-I Required 2 2 4
SSİ2007 Fire Logistics and Communication Required 2 0 3
SSİ2009 Chemical Leakage and Fire Modeling Required 2 1 3
SSİ2011 Fire Response Principles Required 1 2 3
SSİ2013 Technical Drawing Required 1 2 3
SSİ2501 Probit Analysis in Fires Elective 3 0 4
İNT2901 Building Information and Security Elective 3 0 4
İŞY2853 Labor and Social Security Law Elective 3 0 4
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BKS2902 Insurance Law Elective 2 0 2
ENF2810 Basic Computer Aided Drawing Required 2 0 2
PSİ2906 Emergency and Disaster Psychology Elective 2 0 3
SSİ2002 Risk Analysis and Reports Required 4 0 4
SSİ2004 Fire Criminology Required 2 0 3
SSİ2006 Recovery Info-II Required 2 2 4
SSİ2008 Fire Safety-II Required 2 1 3
SSİ2010 Crime Scene Organization and Process Management Required 2 0 3
SSİ2506 Forest fires Elective 1 1 2
SSİ2508 Industrial Fire Response Elective 1 1 3
SSİ2512 Professional Development and Professional Ethics Elective 2 0 3
SSİ2514 RFF Applications Elective 1 1 3
SSİ2516 Dangerous Goods Transportation Elective 2 0 3
SSİ2518 Life and Survival in Nature Elective 3 1 4
İNT2902 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Systems Elective 2 0 3

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17
Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I22222            
General Chemistry  4       4      
Math3 3              
Firstaid1 3111           
Firefighting Vehicle and Material Information-I 5 4       55 55 
Firefighting Sports I 5 5            5
Firefighting Training-I5 5 5 5  5      5
Basic Disaster Awareness        555      
Firefighting Legislation5     5  5       
Civil Defense and Protection5                
Combustion and Fire Information 55 5     555   5
Turkish Language I444444           
English I33333            
Innovation and Entrepreneurship444444           
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17
Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution211422           
Information and Communication Technologies      444        
The basic concepts of law4        4       
Firefighting Training II5  4   4  5555  5
Firefighting Vehicle and Material Information II   5       55 55 
Vocational Internship55555555555555555
Firefighting Sports II   4            5
Extinguishing Technologies     4 5   445445
Turkish language II444444           
English II111513           
Occupational Health and Safety      5          
Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases4     4          
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems   4          444
Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear Hazards in Disasters   5    5 4      
Explosion Protection and ATEX       4 34      
Fire Safety-I55545   5  5 5   
Recovery Info-I4   54  4444 5 5 
Fire Logistics and Communication      3          
Chemical Leakage and Fire Modeling  4 4  4     4   
Fire Response Principles455 55 5 555 5555
Technical Drawing    4  4         
Probit Analysis in Fires    3  4         
Building Information and Security       55        
Labor and Social Security Law5        5       
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12Py13Py14Py15Py16Py17
Insurance Law5     5          
Basic Computer Aided Drawing       54        
Emergency and Disaster Psychology55555555555555555
Risk Analysis and Reports       4     4   
Fire Criminology  5 5  5     5   
Recovery Info-II   5      5     5
Fire Safety-II55     5 4       
Crime Scene Organization and Process Management    4            
Forest fires 4  4            
Industrial Fire Response 4 44     5  4   
Professional Development and Professional Ethics5        5       
RFF Applications 5              5
Dangerous Goods Transportation          4      
Life and Survival in Nature   5           55
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Systems            4  4 

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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