Faculty of Tourism Tourism Management

Qualification Awarded

Bachelor of Science degree in Tourism Management

Specific Admission Requirements

In our country, you have to succeed in the Transition to Higher Education Examination (YKS) for university entrance. For the Turkish citizen, it only depends on the score they got in this examination. Foreign students are also accepted according to the results of a central examination named Examination for Foreign Students (YOS) from a certain quota framework.

Qualification Requirements

In order to obtain a bachelor degree, the students have to complete all the compulsory and elective courses and their grade point average have to be at least 2.0 on the scale of 4.00.

Recognition of Prior Learning

If the new students enrolling to the Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Tourism Department of Tourism Management apply in the first week of the academic year, course credits they have completed in the former department/programs of high school and final grades they have gotten from those courses are transferred to the departments and programs they have enrolled with the board decision. Number of the terms that corresponds to these courses is calculated, considering the total credits of the courses in the education program that are recognized and of which final grades are transferred; and the term credits in the education program the student enrolled. This period is dropped from the minimum education period stated under the Article 44 of the Law and the term the student will be acclimated is determined with the board decision.


Founded in 1992, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management started to accept students in the 2001-2002 academic year. School of Tourism and Hospitality Management was renamed as a Faculty of Tourism in accordance with the decision of Council of Ministers (2014/6728) published in Official Journal on 26.08.2014. Our faculty offers Online Distance Learning Programme in Hospitality Management which was opened in the 2012-2013 academic year; Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism Management (with Thesis) opened in the 2006-2007 academic year; Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism Management (Non-Thesis) opened in the 2013-2014 academic year; Doctorate Programme in Tourism Management opened in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Profile of the Programme

.The aim of the Tourism Management Department is to develop individuals with leadership spirit who have a rich theoretical knowledge supported with universal values, who have a skill of analytical thinking, who have a developed sense of social responsibility and ethics, who can use these knowledge and skills in practice after graduation, who can create ideas and politics, who can work in the national and international tourism sectors and who have a managerial skill.

Program Outcomes

1- Upon the completion of the programme, the students will be able to; have advanced knowledge, built upon competences gained in secondary education, with the support of textbooks containing up-to-date information, modern tools and instruments, and other types of scientific resources.
2- Evaluate tourism-related concepts, ideas and data with scientific methods, determine and analyze complex problems and topics, discuss related issues, and offer solutions based on evidence and research
3- Inform professional and non-professional audiences about tourism-related issues, and communicate their thoughts, problems and solutions in written and oral form.
4- Communicate effectively in Turkish in written and oral form to convey their ideas and knowledge clearly to others, and have critical thinking and interpretation skills
5- Reason the facts and issues in order to reveal strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to problem solving and evaluate the alternatives on the basis of critical thought and skills of analysis.
6- Take the responsibility and create solutions for unforeseen problems in complicated tourism problems.
7- Plan, organize and manage training programs for the stakeholders and employees under their responsibility, in order to increase their understanding and skills in tourism.
8- Have knowledge in at least one foreign language skill, its lexicology and grammar and followthe field of studyand communicate with colleagues, peers and partners
9- Have relevant knowledge and skills on the information technologies used in tourism (property management systems, ticketing etc.) (ECDL-A “European Computer Driving License”, Advanced Level).
10- Manage team-work, have leadership characteristics, and communicate with experts in other fields.
11- Have necessary knowledge on statistical and quantitative research in tourism, to be able to foresee the implications of decisions, to be competent in forecasting and have reasoning skills for analytical purposes and strategic thinking for planning.
12- Focus on continuous development on the basis of self-evaluation, and to be open-minded for new ideas, information and innovations to contribute in the development of their team and the organization.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Exams consist of midterm exam, final exam, excuse exam, make-up exam, exemption exam and single course exam. Midterm exams: A midterm exam is done about as opened lessons each semester. Midterm exam assessment, 40% of the score. Final exams: Final exams are done to determine the status of the student’s success completed training courses at the end of semester. Final exam assessment, 60% of the score. Excuse exams: Students who attend the final exam or a midterm exam because of valid and justifiable excuse, excuse exam right is granted by the board of directors. The student should apply to the dean/manager with a petition based upon the excuse situation in three days, and also the student’s excuse should be accepted by the board in order to attend excuse exams. Make-up exams: Students can attend make-up exams. From lessons that failed to pass with FD or FF grade and also from lessons that succeeded with DD or DC. The grade which is gotten at make-up exam is valid instead of final exam. Average grade of midterm exam and make-up exam grade are calculated as final exams. Make up exam’s grade of course is valid regardless of the grade of the course’s final exam. Exemption exams are made on the dates specified in the academic calendar for courses by the senate. Single course exam: The students who has fulfilled for the graduation but failed for only one exam may attend to single course exam for the failed course. Also, the students who could not graduate because of their general grade average is under 2.00 although they succeeded in all courses which they submitted, can attend in single course exam by applying to head of department with a petition and also depending on board’ s decision in order to increase the grade. Single course exam right can be used once. For each course which has taken by students, one of the following letters grades are given by the instructor who has assigned to conduct the course. Grade Semester/End of Year Grade Coefficient 90-100 AA 4 85-89 BA 3,5 80-84 BB 3 75-79 CB 2,5 70-74 CC 2 65-69 DC 1,5 60-64 DD 1 50-59 FD 0,5 49 ve altı FF 0 Other evaluations; TT- Non-Attendance, MM- Course Exemption, GG- Satisfactory, KK- Unsatisfactory, VV- Withdrawal. TT, Students who do not given provide necessary attendance to the courses. Foreign Language Preparatory Program. Students who are admitted to the university must successfully pass the Proficiency Exams, English, German, French courses are exempted from (evaluated by MM). “GG”, Students, who continue to foreign language preparatory program and succeed in the exam held at the end of the semester and the students who receive successful grade in internship. “KK”, Students, who continue to foreign language preparatory program and to fail in the exam held at the end of the semester and the students who receive unsuccessful grade in internship. “VV”, removed from the educational program or to be put in a course replaced by another and longer courses required for the achievement of department submits and is given by the decision of the board. Final achievement score for each course, midterm and final exam results, work within the semester and taking into consideration attendance and evaluated over 100 points by academic personnel. The lowest grade to be successful in a credit course is: For associate degree and undergraduate degree students; DD Graduate and undergraduate level, carried out the registration, education and training and examination procedures and principles determined Mugla University, graduate and Undergraduate Education Regulations.

Graduation Requirements

To succeed in all of the courses listed in the curriculum of the program by getting the grade of at least DD with a minimum of 240 ECTS and to have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2,00 out of 4,00.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Graduates of this program can work in businesses operating within the tourism industry such as, hotels, travel agencies, transportation companies, food and beverage companies, yacht-marina companies, and entertainment businesses at operational and managerial level. They can also plan their career in other areas of the service sector such as banking, insurance, hospital management, and retail businesses. In addition, they can be a government employee if they get required score from Public Personnel Selection Exam (KPSS). In addition, they can work in vocational schools as an instructor if they fulfill the conditions in the regulations.

Access to Further Studies

In the structure of the Department of Tourism Management, we have Master's and Doctorate Postgraduate educational programs. The candidates who have complete their undergraduate education can continue their study with postgraduate programs on condition that they provide the necessary conditions. The aim of the postgraduate programs is to provide education to the graduates from any university both in theory and in practice in order to increase their skill in the sectors they are working in.

Mode of Study

To be at the forefront of national and international tourism circles by producing scientific knowledge in the field of tourism. To educate individuals who are equipped with the necessary knowledge about tourism and aiming to develop tourism in our country and in the world. We aim to be a nationally and internationally recognized educational institution in the field with both academic studies and quality of education.

Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Gökhan AYAZLAR

ECTS Coordinator

Research Assist.Dr. Saim ASLAN

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1801 Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I Required 0 0 2
ENF1805 Basic Information Technology Usage Required 3 0 3
KAY1805 The basic concepts of law Required 3 0 3
TDB1801 Türk Dili I Required 2 0 2
TDBY1801 TURKISH LANGUAGE I Required 2 0 2
TUİ1007 General Accounting I Required 3 0 4
YDB1811 English I Required 3 0 3
İKT1809 Micro Economics Required 3 0 4
İŞL1803 Business Mathematics Required 3 0 4
İŞL1825 Introduction to Business Science Required 3 0 5
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
TDB1802 Turkish Language-II Required 2 0 2
TUİ1012 Behavioral sciences Required 3 0 4
TUİ1014 General Accounting -II Required 3 0 4
TUİ1016 Tourism Legislation Required 3 0 4
TUİ1018 Introduction to Tourism Required 3 0 4
TUİ1020 Tourism Geography of Turkey Required 3 0 3
YDB1812 English II Required 3 0 3
İKT1816 Macro economics Required 3 0 4
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EBB2911 Introduction to Education Elective 3 0 4
TUİ2001 Tourism Sociology Required 3 0 5
TUİ2009 Basic Principles of Marketing Required 3 0 6
TUİ2011 management and organization Required 3 0 6
TUİ2501 Tourism and Environment Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2503 Housekeeping Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2505 Service Applications Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2507 Sanitation and Hygiene Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2509 XANADU Hotel Housekeeping Management Elective 3 0 5
YDB2811 English III Required 3 0 3
İŞL2905 Statistics I Elective 3 0 5
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EBB2906 Education psychology Elective 3 0 4
HEM2906 Health and First Aid Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2012 Tourism management Required 3 0 6
TUİ2014 Tourism Marketing Required 3 0 6
TUİ2016 Tourism Economy Required 3 0 5
TUİ2502 Financial management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2504 Customer relations management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2506 Volunteering Studies Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2508 Front Office Management and Automation Elective 2 2 5
TUİ2510 Travel Agency and Tour Operator Elective 3 0 5
TUİ2512 Food and Beverage Management Elective 3 0 5
YDB2812 English IV Required 3 0 3
İŞL2906 Statistics II Elective 3 0 5
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EBB3909 Teaching Principles and Methods Elective 3 0 4
EBB3911 Special teaching methods Elective 3 0 4
TUİ3009 Strategic Management Required 3 0 5
TUİ3011 Organizational Behavior Required 3 0 5
TUİ3013 Tour Planning and Management Required 3 0 5
TUİ3509 Event Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3519 Public relations Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3521 Automation in Travel Businesses Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3523 Nutrition Principles Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3525 Protocol and Etiquette Elective 3 0 2
TUİ3527 Tourism Business Accounting Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3529 Quality management Elective 3 0 5
YDB3809 Professional English -I Required 3 0 5
YDB3917 German I Elective 3 0 5
YDB3919 French I Elective 3 0 5
YDB3921 Russian I Elective 3 0 5
İSG3901 Occupational health and Safety Elective 2 0 3
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
AST3902 Mythology Elective 3 0 5
EBB3904 Measurement and Evaluation in Education Elective 3 0 4
EBB3906 Instructional Technologies Elective 2 0 3
TUİ3010 research methods Required 3 0 5
TUİ3012 Vocational Internship (40 working days) Required 0 5 10
TUİ3506 international marketing Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3524 Human Resources Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3526 Consumer behavior Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3528 entrepreneurship Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3530 Social responsibility project Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3532 Turkish Culinary Culture Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3534 Product Diversification in Tourism Elective 3 0 5
TUİ3536 Transportation Systems in Tourism Elective 3 0 5
YDB3810 Professional English- II Required 3 0 5
YDB3918 German II Elective 3 0 5
YDB3920 French II Elective 3 0 5
YDB3922 Russian II Elective 3 0 5
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EBB4903 Classroom Management Elective 2 0 3
EBB4907 Guidance and Special Education Elective 3 0 4
TUİ4005 Tourism Policy and Planning Required 3 0 5
TUİ4503 Financial Statements Analysis Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4505 Intercultural Differences and Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4509 Ethics in Tourism Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4515 Cultural Heritage Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4521 Investment Project Analysis Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4523 E-Commerce in Tourism Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4525 Current Issues in Tourism Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4527 airport management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4529 World Tourism Geography Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4531 commercial law Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4533 Brand Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4535 European Union and Tourism Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4537 Communication Techniques in Tourism Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4539 World Culinary Culture Elective 3 0 5
YDB4821 Professional English III Required 3 0 5
YDB4907 Almanca III Elective 3 0 5
YDB4909 Fransızca III Elective 3 0 5
YDB4911 Rusça III Elective 3 0 5
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EBB4926 Teaching Practice Elective 1 8 10
REK4906 Recreation Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4006 Destination Management Required 3 0 5
TUİ4516 Sustainable Tourism Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4524 Graduation project Elective 0 3 10
TUİ4526 International Tourism Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4530 Change Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4532 Current Management Techniques Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4534 Career Management Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4536 Management Accounting Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4538 Labor and Social Security Law Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4540 International Economy Elective 3 0 5
TUİ4542 Tourist Guidance Elective 3 0 5
YDB4810 Professional English -IV Required 3 0 5
YDB4912 German IV Elective 3 0 5
YDB4914 French IV Elective 3 0 5
YDB4916 Russian IV Elective 3 0 5

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Ataturk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I155552354522
Basic Information Technology Usage324323454534
The basic concepts of law535311111311
Türk Dili I511111434532
General Accounting I445443333454
English I232545454454
Micro Economics555555555555
Business Mathematics214511212321
Introduction to Business Science542222333435
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Turkish Language-II511111434522
Behavioral sciences341143243543
General Accounting -II544444544444
Tourism Legislation443342412412
Introduction to Tourism533344534534
Tourism Geography of Turkey433222242224
English II514154522542
Macro economics542222333433
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Introduction to Education233555555555
Tourism Sociology511514515123
Basic Principles of Marketing544444441444
management and organization543444423443
Tourism and Environment443111313433
Housekeeping Management555555555444
Service Applications515413155115
Sanitation and Hygiene515415 51355
XANADU Hotel Housekeeping Management323344354344
English III434111121441
Statistics I545455554213
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Education psychology235423542354
Health and First Aid524222223443
Tourism management544443413143
Tourism Marketing544444413332
Tourism Economy532433332333
Financial management532433332333
Customer relations management544444312241
Volunteering Studies434442423444
Front Office Management and Automation344344354433
Travel Agency and Tour Operator555555555544
Food and Beverage Management411544144245
English IV431353544534
Statistics II545241254545
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Teaching Principles and Methods254544454535
Special teaching methods254532545232
Strategic Management554524542354
Organizational Behavior544543413443
Tour Planning and Management533443313453
Event Management515411154115
Public relations544 45325412
Automation in Travel Businesses434444354534
Nutrition Principles515515511112
Protocol and Etiquette515311151114
Tourism Business Accounting544111134443
Quality management544443413143
Professional English -I324544545445
German I521452145213
French I542312545423
Russian I552354542123
Occupational health and Safety545453545355
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Mythology511111111 11
Measurement and Evaluation in Education545512345231
Instructional Technologies542315423214
research methods511115513413
Vocational Internship (40 working days)515551153433
international marketing542132542325
Human Resources Management443433443254
Consumer behavior533333541133
Social responsibility project542125453542
Turkish Culinary Culture515515445552
Product Diversification in Tourism423111134323
Transportation Systems in Tourism55 332113251
Professional English- II442233322322
German II454535234353
French II444423434423
Russian II433325435144
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Classroom Management545422452452
Guidance and Special Education545444545321
Tourism Policy and Planning544444444444
Financial Statements Analysis542124521321
Intercultural Differences and Management532433312132
Ethics in Tourism415111113111
Cultural Heritage Management532433312132
Investment Project Analysis533433312441
E-Commerce in Tourism542545423524
Current Issues in Tourism532143213511
airport management532222225325
World Tourism Geography524344542442
commercial law442433414411
Brand Management545212112325
European Union and Tourism544131414414
Communication Techniques in Tourism545444235214
World Culinary Culture444333534555
Professional English III544442454214
Almanca III4 4154525544
Fransızca III434254414334
Rusça III435325434123
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Teaching Practice544213215451
Recreation Management542455144253
Destination Management545442154521
Sustainable Tourism435132442145
Graduation project554254543242
International Tourism Management542145232541
Change Management545423254233
Current Management Techniques443445544433
Career Management443434433544
Management Accounting544111134443
Labor and Social Security Law542323232125
International Economy544542142542
Tourist Guidance422155154354
Professional English -IV444454421542
German IV415234212121
French IV134433124445
Russian IV432512135434

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
Copyright © 2013 Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı
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