Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of International Trade and Finance

Qualification Awarded

Students who successfully complete the program will be eligible to receive a Bachelor's Degree in International Trade and Finance.

Specific Admission Requirements

In our country, it is necessary to be successful in the Undergraduate Placement Exam to enter universities.Access to undergraduate programs for Turkish citizens depends only on the score obtained from this examination. According to the results of a central examination called Foreign Student Examination (YÖS), foreign students from a certain quota framework are also accepted Documents required for registration; 1-High schools and their equivalents schools diploma 2-Placement result certificate issued by ÖSYM.

Qualification Requirements

In order to successfully complete the program, it is necessary to successfully complete all the courses available in the program and obtain a weighted average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00. Starting from the 2012-2013 academic year, ECTS-compliant course curriculum will be implemented and in order to obtain the undergraduate degree in the field of International Trade and Finance, students must successfully complete the required compulsory and elective courses (240 ECTS total) it will have to obtain a weighted average of at least 2.00.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences If the students enrolled for the first time in the International Trade and Finance Department apply within the first week of the academic year, the credits of the courses they have achieved in the previous higher education departments / they are transferred to the department and the program they register with the decision. The number of semesters corresponding to these courses is calculated by taking into consideration the total credits of the courses in the education program and the semester credits in the curriculum of the program in which the student enrols. This period shall be deducted from the maximum period of education specified in Article 44 of the Law and the semester to be accomodated by the student shall be determined by the relevant board decision.


The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences was founded in 1975 under the name of the Muğla School of Business Administration affiliated to Ankara Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences and in 1982 it was connected to Dokuz Eylül University and continued its education and training activities. In 1992, with the establishment of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, it became the Faculty of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. In the 2011-2012 Spring Semester, İ.B.F. the Department of International Trade and Finance was opened.

Profile of the Programme

From the beginning of the 1980s it was seen that the US-led liberalization economic policy spread to the world as a cause of a new understanding of the economic order, and it was understood that economic globalization was one of the most important events for the nation's economic achievements. Global commodity and capital movements have reached an unprecedented volume in history, and the patterns in these movements have become decisive for the nations and international businesses to survive economically. As an International Trade and Finance Department, our aim is to understand the nature of goods and capital movements around the world and to convey them to our students. There are three categories in the world that distinguish national economies from the most general and distinct. These are developed economies, emerging economies and transition economies. Given the important role that emerging economies have played in recent years, especially in global commodity movements, it can be deduced that the issues of International Trade and Finance are important for the economic success of our country as Turkey is a developing economy. It is inevitable for our country to develop competent experts in international trade and finance issues as a necessity to integrate into the global system and to become an important economic player in this system in order to increase international competitiveness. We aim to fulfill this necessity as a department, to examine the issues of International Trade and Finance in the light of scientific research methods and to conduct research, education and training in international standards.

Program Outcomes

1- Has theoretical and practical knowledge about the historical course, concepts, models and theories of international trade via using textbooks and current sources of up-to-date information on international trade and finance.
2- Using advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in his / her field, he / she will have knowledge about the central issues of international finance, such as global finance system, international economy, international monetary system, balance of payments, foreign exchange, foreign direct investment and their relation to international trade.
3- International organizations have information about organizational structures and activities. Analyzes the level of knowledge and skills that will contribute to the formation of trade and finance strategies of international businesses using the knowledge and skills gained during training.
4- It interprets and evaluates the data, identifies, analyzes, develops research and evidence based solutions for problems in the field of international trade and finance.
5- Understand the underlying motivations underlying international trade and interpret key variables shaping today's global trade.
6- Independently conducts work in the field of international trade and finance, takes responsibility individually and at the same time as a team member to solve problems in his area, and can plan and direct the activities of the employees under his responsibility.
7- Critically evaluates the knowledge and skills gained in the field of international trade and finance, identifies learning needs and develops positive attitudes and behaviors related to the lifelong learning process.
8- Develops communication and social competencies in the field of international trade and finance. It effectively expresses ideas and alternative solutions that it develops both verbally and in writing, using quantitative and qualitative data, and not only those who are experts in the field, but also those who are not experts.
9- Communicates in at least one European language and at least B1 general level. It uses information and communication technologies through the use of foreign language softwares.
10- It acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values in the collection, interpretation, implementation and scientific announcement of data in the field of international trade and finance. The universality of social rights, the protection of social justice and cultural values, and the protection of the environment, occupational health and safety issues.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Exams; midterm exam, final exam, make-up exam,, exemption exam and single lecture exam. Midterm exams: A midterm exam is given for the courses opened in each semester. Midterm examination is 40% of the score. Final Examination: At the end of the semester the course is done to determine the success of the student from the completed courses. The final exam evaluation is 60% of the score taken. Exemption Exams: Students who are unable to take midterm or final exams due to a just and valid excuse will be given an excuse examination right by the relevant board of directors. In order to be accepted for the excuse examination, the applicant must apply to the dean / directorate within 3 days from the day when the excuse is made with a petition that bases his excuse on the documents and the excuse must be accepted by the relevant administrative board. Make-up exams: At the end of the final exams, the students can take the FD or FF grade and take the DD or DC grade and take the make-up exams. The grade taken in the make-up examination replaces the final grade of the course. The weight of the midterm and the complementary exam grades are calculated as if they were in the final exams. In courses that are put to make-up exam, regardless of the previous achievement grade, the last grade is taken as the basis. Exemption Exams: These are held on the dates specified in the academic calendar for the courses set by the Senate. Single Course Exam: Students who fulfill the continuing requirement for graduation but fail the single course can take the odd one-course examination that they failed. In addition, if they are successful in all the courses in the education program they are enrolled in order to graduate, the students who can not graduate due to the fact that their GPA is less than 2.00, if they apply with a petition to a chairman of a department that they are successful in raising their GPA they can take the one-course exam. One course can be used once for the exam. For each course taken by the students, one of the letter grades below is given as a semester grade by the teaching staff assigned to the course. 90-100 (AA-4); 85-89 (BA-3,5); 80-84 (BB-3); 75-79 (CB-2,5); 70-74 (CC-2); 65-69 (DC-1,5); 60-64 (DD-1); 50-59 (FD-0.5); 49 and below (FF-0)

Graduation Requirements

In order to successfully complete the program, it is necessary to pass all the courses available in the program (240 ECTS credits) and obtain a GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.00.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

International Trade and Finance Department; is located at the intersection of the finance, economics and business section . Therefore, our students in the Department of Economics receive good financial and business education as well as good economics and business education. Graduates of the Department of International Trade and Finance can be employed in foreign trade, foreign marketing and finance departments in national and international businesses, and in external transactions and fund management units of banks. Departmental graduates also have the opportunity to find a job in any field where graduates of the Undersecretariat of Treasury, Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, all kinds of institutions of the capital market, as well as graduates of relevant public institutions and Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

Access to Further Studies

Students who have successfully completed their undergraduate education must take valid notes from the ALES exam and have sufficient English language knowledge can study thesis - non-thesis, graduate programs such as Normal and Secondary Education and Distance Education

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Tuğba UÇMA UYSAL

ECTS Coordinator

Asist Prof.Dr. Yağmur KARA

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1801 Ataturk’s Principles and Revolution History I Required 2 0 2
ATBY1801 Atatürk's Principles and History I Required 2 0 2
ENF1805 Use of Basic Information Technology Required 3 0 3
KAY1805 Basic Concepst of Law Required 3 0 3
TDB1801 Turkish Language I Required 2 0 2
TDBY1801 Turkish Language I Required 2 0 2
UTF1001 Financial Accounting I Required 3 0 5
UTF1003 Academic English I Required 3 0 3
YDB1811 English I Elective 3 0 3
İKT1813 Introduction to Economics I Required 3 0 3
İŞL1803 Business Mathematics Required 3 0 4
İŞL1819 Introduction to Management Science I Required 3 0 5
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1802 Ataturk’s Principles and Revolution History II Required 2 0 2
ATBY1802 Atatürk's Principles and History II Required 2 0 2
KAY1802 constitutional law Required 3 0 3
TDB1802 Turkish Language II Required 2 0 2
TDBY1802 Turkish Language II Required 2 0 2
UTF1002 Financial Accounting II Required 3 0 5
UTF1004 Introduction to International Trade Required 3 0 3
UTF1006 Academic English II Required 3 0 3
YDB1812 English II Elective 3 0 3
YDB1816 French II Elective 3 0 3
İKT1814 Introduction to Economics II Required 3 0 3
İŞL1820 Introduction to Management Science II Required 3 0 5
İŞL1836 Business Statistics Required 3 0 4
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
UTF2001 Financial management I Required 3 0 5
UTF2003 Marketing Principles Required 3 0 5
UTF2005 International Business Required 3 0 5
UTF2007 Academic English III Required 3 0 3
YDB2811 English III Elective 3 0 3
YDB2813 Deutsch III Elective 3 0 3
YDB2815 French III Elective 3 0 3
İKT2811 Micro Economics Required 3 0 5
İŞL2823 Financial Tables Analysis Required 3 0 4
İŞL2825 Dept Laws Required 3 0 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
UTF2002 Financial management II Required 3 0 5
UTF2008 E-Trade and Customs Regulations Required 3 0 4
UTF2010 Marketing Management Required 3 0 5
UTF2012 Academic English IV Required 3 0 3
YDB2812 English IV Elective 3 0 3
YDB2814 Deutsch IV Elective 3 0 3
YDB2816 French IV Elective 3 0 3
İKT2808 Macro Economics Required 3 0 4
İŞL2822 Trade Law Required 3 0 4
İŞL2824 Management and Organization Required 3 0 5
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
UTF3007 International Economic Theory Required 3 0 6
UTF3009 Money and Capital Markets Required 3 0 6
UTF3509 Financial Crises Elective 3 0 4
UTF3511 Banking and Insurance Management Elective 3 0 4
UTF3513 Consumer Behavior Elective 3 0 4
UTF3515 Scientific Research Methods Elective 3 0 4
UTF3517 Consumer Behaviour Elective 3 0 4
UTF3519 International Social Policy Elective 3 0 4
UTF3521 Financial Mathematics Elective 3 0 4
UTF3523 Translation I Elective 3 0 4
UTF3525 Education and Enterin to Career Life Elective 3 0 4
UTF3527 Enterprise Resource Planning I Elective 3 0 4
UTF3921 Sales Management Elective 3 0 4
İKT3909 Innovation Economy Elective 3 0 4
İKT3911 Public Economics Elective 3 0 4
İKT3913 Game theory Elective 3 0 4
İŞL3803 Human Resource Management Required 3 0 6
İŞL3919 Companies Accounting Elective 3 0 4
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
UTF3006 International Finance Required 3 0 6
UTF3008 Logistics Management Required 3 0 6
UTF3010 International Economic Policy Required 3 0 6
UTF3512 Professional Internship Elective 3 0 4
UTF3514 International Economic Organizations Elective 3 0 4
UTF3516 International Energy Economy Elective 3 0 4
UTF3518 Translation II Elective 3 0 4
UTF3526 Enterprise Resource Planning II Elective 3 0 4
ÇEİ3906 Business Law Elective 3 0 4
İKT3910 International Political Economy Elective 3 0 4
İKT3912 Public Finance Elective 3 0 4
İKT3914 Industry Economics Elective 3 0 4
İŞL3904 Cost Accounting Elective 3 0 4
İŞL3926 Brand Management Elective 3 0 4
İŞL3928 End of Period Accounting Procedures Elective 3 0 4
İŞL3930 Consumer Behavior Elective 3 0 4
İŞL3932 Securities Law Elective 3 0 4
İŞL3934 Services Marketing Elective 3 0 4
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
UTF4005 Global Marketing Required 3 0 5
UTF4513 Economic Integration and European Union Elective 3 0 5
UTF4515 Capital Market Analysis Elective 3 0 5
UTF4517 Accounting and Auditing Elective 3 0 5
UTF4519 Technology and Industrilization Policies Elective 3 0 5
UTF4521 International Trade Law Elective 3 0 5
UTF4523 e-trade and marketing Elective 3 0 5
UTF4525 Management Information Systems Elective 3 0 5
UTF4527 International Quality Management Elective 3 0 5
İKT4911 Growth and Development Theories Required 3 0 5
İKT4913 Macro Theories in Open Economies Elective 3 0 5
İKT4915 Revenue and Employment Theory Elective 3 0 5
İKT4917 Organization Theory Elective 3 0 5
İKT4919 Environmental Economics Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4915 Organizational Behavior Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4917 Entrepreneurships Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4919 Entrepreneurship Elective 3 0 5
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
UTF4006 Foreign Trade Management Required 3 0 5
UTF4502 International Logistic and Supply Systems Elective 3 0 5
UTF4510 Applied Import-Export Elective 3 0 5
UTF4518 Foreign Trade Accounting Elective 3 0 5
UTF4520 International Strategic Management Elective 3 0 5
UTF4522 Services Marketing Elective 3 0 5
UTF4524 International Auditing Standards Elective 3 0 5
UTF4526 International Competition Strategies Elective 3 0 5
UTF4528 Current Issues in International Trade Elective 3 0 5
UTF4530 Financial Forecast and Modelling Elective 3 0 5
UTF4532 Turkey's foreign trade and investment policies Elective 3 0 5
UTF4534 Marketing research Elective 3 0 5
UTF4536 International Quality Management Elective 3 0 5
UTF4538 Development and Social/Political Change Elective 3 0 5
UTF4540 International Politics Elective 3 0 5
İKT4548 World Economy Elective 3 0 5
İKT4804 Turkey's Economy Required 3 0 5

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Ataturk’s Principles and Revolution History I2222222222
Atatürk's Principles and History I2222222222
Use of Basic Information Technology3232233222
Basic Concepst of Law4345434345
Turkish Language I2222222522
Turkish Language I2222222422
Financial Accounting I4454543445
Academic English I1111111451
English I2332322353
Introduction to Economics I4554545455
Business Mathematics 2222322222
Introduction to Management Science I4545545435
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Ataturk’s Principles and Revolution History II2222322223
Atatürk's Principles and History II2232222234
constitutional law3443334334
Turkish Language II2223223333
Turkish Language II2223222222
Financial Accounting II4545454454
Introduction to International Trade4555 45544
Academic English II2222222452
English II          
French II          
Introduction to Economics II4454454554
Introduction to Management Science II4455544444
Business Statistics3225232323
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Financial management I5554445445
Marketing Principles          
International Business          
Academic English III2222332353
English III          
Deutsch III          
French III          
Micro Economics          
Financial Tables Analysis4445544455
Dept Laws3444344333
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Financial management II          
E-Trade and Customs Regulations          
Marketing Management4543444553
Academic English IV          
English IV          
Deutsch IV          
French IV          
Macro Economics3454554345
Trade Law54343353 3
Management and Organization4453534353
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
International Economic Theory5543535443
Money and Capital Markets4544354534
Financial Crises4543443345
Banking and Insurance Management5445545345
Consumer Behavior4545455545
Scientific Research Methods5454454554
Consumer Behaviour5544455554
International Social Policy5543445343
Financial Mathematics3554434443
Translation I3222332553
Education and Enterin to Career Life3455534353
Enterprise Resource Planning I3544554545
Sales Management4444554354
Innovation Economy5535443455
Public Economics3545443554
Game theory3454353433
Human Resource Management5453553555
Companies Accounting4533555345
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
International Finance4544544555
Logistics Management4355455445
International Economic Policy5555454454
Professional Internship          
International Economic Organizations5455455555
International Energy Economy          
Translation II          
Enterprise Resource Planning II5545554454
Business Law4554554354
International Political Economy4554555444
Public Finance4545544445
Industry Economics4545434344
Cost Accounting4444545443
Brand Management5354455343
End of Period Accounting Procedures4544555354
Consumer Behavior4545334355
Securities Law4544555544
Services Marketing          
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Global Marketing          
Economic Integration and European Union          
Capital Market Analysis          
Accounting and Auditing          
Technology and Industrilization Policies          
International Trade Law          
e-trade and marketing          
Management Information Systems          
International Quality Management          
Growth and Development Theories          
Macro Theories in Open Economies          
Revenue and Employment Theory          
Organization Theory          
Environmental Economics          
Organizational Behavior          
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Foreign Trade Management          
International Logistic and Supply Systems          
Applied Import-Export          
Foreign Trade Accounting          
International Strategic Management          
Services Marketing          
International Auditing Standards          
International Competition Strategies          
Current Issues in International Trade          
Financial Forecast and Modelling          
Turkey's foreign trade and investment policies          
Marketing research          
International Quality Management          
Development and Social/Political Change          
International Politics          
World Economy          
Turkey's Economy          

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
Copyright © 2013 Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı
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