Institute of Health Sciences Master of Science Programme in Veterinary Physiology

Qualification Awarded

Students who successfully complete the program are entitled to receive a master's degree with thesis in Veterinary Physiology.

Specific Admission Requirements

Graduates of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Medicine and Health Sciences, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Biology Department, Faculty of Education, Biology Teaching Department, graduates of the Faculty of Education are accepted if they fulfil the requirements of the Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Graduate Education Regulations.

Qualification Requirements

A student who successfully completes the Veterinary Physiology Master's Program in a maximum of six semesters with a total of at least 120 ECTS, provided that at least seven courses, a seminar course, a thesis work, with no less than 60 ECTS credits in an academic year, does obtain the required qualification for graduation.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students who enroll in the Veterinary Physiology Master's Program can request that they be exempted from the courses they have already succeeded in the equivalent programs of the higher education institutions they have studied before. To do this, they must submit the approved transcripts and course contents to the relevant unit with a petition within the week following the registration week.


Students have been started to be accepted to the Veterinary Physiology Master's program in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Profile of the Programme

The Veterinary Physiology Masters Degree Program is a 2 year program.

Program Outcomes

1- S/he has universal knowledge in the field of physiology.
2- Having knowledge of equipment to establish a laboratory in the field of physiology.
3- S/he has the self-confidence and experience to plan and conduct independent research with the knowledge s/he has acquired.
4- S/he has the ability to translate the scientific results of her studies into publications both at national and international level.
5- Has the qualifications to contribute to the development of undergraduate and postgraduate education
6- It has the ability to conduct scientific research that has an impact on clinical practice by establishing cooperation with different branches of basic sciences and clinical sciences.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Evaluations in the Histology and Embryology master's program are made with by a midterm and a final exam. Success grade is calculated by 40% of the midterm exam and 60% of the final exam. In addition, excuse exams and make-up exams are done when necessary.

Graduation Requirements

In order to successfully complete the program, it is necessary to pass all taken courses in the program (120 ECTS in total), to achieve a weighted grade point average of at least 2.0 out of 4.00, present 1 seminar, to be successful by defending the thesis prepared in the field in front of a jury.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

They can be employed in Universities, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Health, Research Institutes, Private Sector.

Access to Further Studies

Mode of Study


Programme Director

Prof.Dr. Aziz Bülbül

ECTS Coordinator

Asist Prof.Dr. Necati Emre Gür

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
SABE5500 Project Development and Management Elective 3 0 6
VEF5501 Circulatory System Physiology Elective 3 1 4
VEF5503 Veterinary ECG Elective 2 2 4
VEF5505 Respiratory Physiology Elective 3 1 4
VEF5507 Excretory Physiology Elective 3 1 4
VEF5509 Digestive Physiology Elective 3 1 4
VEF5511 Digestion in Ruminants Elective 2 2 4
VEF5513 Poultry Digestion Elective 2 0 4
VEF5515 Endocrine System Elective 3 1 4
VEF5517 Lactation Physiology Elective 2 0 4
VEF5519 Fetal Circulation Elective 2 0 4
VEF5521 Hematology Elective 2 2 4
VEF5523 Hemostasis and Coagulation Elective 2 2 4
VEF5525 Hematological Applications in Poultry Elective 2 2 4
VEF5527 Cell Elective 3 0 4
VEF5529 Nervous System Physiology Elective 3 1 4
VEF5531 Muscle Physiology Elective 2 2 4
VEF5533 Exercise Physiology Elective 2 2 4
VEF5535 Movement Physiology Elective 2 1 4
VEF5537 Environment and Body Temperature Elective 2 0 4
VEF5539 Brain and Neurotransmitter Substances Elective 2 0 4
VEF5541 Absorption Physiology Elective 2 0 4
VEF5543 Sensory Physiology Elective 2 0 4
VEF5701 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
SABE5090 Scientific Research Methods and Research Ethics Required 3 0 6
VEF5090 Seminar Required 0 2 6
VEF5502 Circulatory System Physiopathology Elective 3 1 4
VEF5504 Telemetric Measurement in Exercise Elective 2 2 4
VEF5506 Lymph and Regional Circulation Elective 2 0 4
VEF5508 Respiratory Physiopathology Elective 2 2 4
VEF5510 Lung Mechanics and Gas Exchange Elective 2 0 4
VEF5512 Body Fluids and Acid-Base Balance Elective 2 0 4
VEF5514 Autoregulation in the Kidneys Elective 2 0 4
VEF5516 Digestion in Monogastric Elective 2 1 4
VEF5518 Digestive System Physiopathology Elective 2 1 4
VEF5520 Rumen Microorganisms Elective 2 2 4
VEF5522 Metabolism Elective 3 1 4
VEF5524 Local Hormones Elective 2 0 4
VEF5526 Reproductive Physiology Elective 2 0 4
VEF5528 Regulatory Mechanisms Elective 2 0 4
VEF5530 Pregnancy Physiology Elective 2 0 4
VEF5532 Immune System Elective 2 2 4
VEF5534 Hemogram in Laboratory Animals Elective 2 2 4
VEF5536 Hematological Applications in Fishes Elective 2 2 4
VEF5538 Laboratory Animal Physiology Elective 3 1 4
VEF5540 Stem Cell and Applications Elective 3 1 4
VEF5542 Oxidant and Antioxidant Balance Elective 2 0 4
VEF5544 Bioelectric Potentials Elective 2 2 4
VEF5546 Behavioral Physiology Elective 2 2 4
VEF5702 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
VEF5000 Thesis Required 0 0 24
VEF5703 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
VEF 5000 Thesis Required 0 0 24
VEF5704 Specialization Field Course Required 4 0 6

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Project Development and Management      
Circulatory System Physiology555555
Veterinary ECG555555
Respiratory Physiology555555
Excretory Physiology555555
Digestive Physiology555555
Digestion in Ruminants555555
Poultry Digestion335553
Endocrine System555555
Lactation Physiology335553
Fetal Circulation555555
Hemostasis and Coagulation555555
Hematological Applications in Poultry335553
Nervous System Physiology555555
Muscle Physiology555555
Exercise Physiology535533
Movement Physiology535555
Environment and Body Temperature555555
Brain and Neurotransmitter Substances555555
Absorption Physiology555555
Sensory Physiology555555
Specialization Field Course555555
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Scientific Research Methods and Research Ethics      
Circulatory System Physiopathology555555
Telemetric Measurement in Exercise555533
Lymph and Regional Circulation555555
Respiratory Physiopathology555555
Lung Mechanics and Gas Exchange555555
Body Fluids and Acid-Base Balance      
Autoregulation in the Kidneys555555
Digestion in Monogastric555555
Digestive System Physiopathology555555
Rumen Microorganisms355553
Local Hormones555555
Reproductive Physiology555555
Regulatory Mechanisms555555
Pregnancy Physiology555555
Immune System555555
Hemogram in Laboratory Animals555555
Hematological Applications in Fishes3355 3
Laboratory Animal Physiology555555
Stem Cell and Applications555555
Oxidant and Antioxidant Balance555555
Bioelectric Potentials555555
Behavioral Physiology555555
Specialization Field Course555555
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Specialization Field Course555555
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6
Specialization Field Course555555

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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