Specific Admission Requirements
It is needed to succeed in the exam conducted by OSYM for the acceptance to the universities in Turkey.
Qualification Requirements
Students must obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass all courses on the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS) at the end of eight semesters.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of prior non-formal and informal learning is at the beginning stage in Turkish Higher Education Institutions. Exams of exemption are organized at the start of each year at the University for the courses of English Language and computer skills. The students who have completed the proficiencies for these courses on his/her one or through other means, and believe that they have achieved the learning outcomes specified are given the right to take the exemption exam. The students who achieve a passing grade from these exams are held exempt from the related course in the curriciculum.
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University's Department of Speech and Language Therapy started to train speech and language therapists in the 2021-2022 academic year. The curriculum of our department, which is structured in the light of the Bologna process, the Speech and Language Therapy Core Education Program and the Turkish Competences Framework, includes basic sciences, clinical sciences, speech and language therapy planning and practice courses, research methods, seminars, clinical study courses.
Profile of the Programme
The Department of Speech and Language Therapy has been founded in the 2021-2022 academic year. The aim of the department is to train speech and language therapists, who has the identity and consciousness of a speech and language therapist, who conduct evidence-based evaluation and therapy practices in line with human and professional values by integrating professional competence, theoretical knowledge, abilities and competencies. Besides being aware of ethical principles, responsibilities and rights, the therapists are also open to continuous development both professionally and individually and they care about interdisciplinary cooperation by adopting a bio-psycho-social approach in health-related processes.
The graduates of the department receive the title of speech and language therapist. Graduates can work in public institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Health (state hospitals, private hospitals, university hospitals, etc.), in private clinics or counseling centers that they can own, in special education and rehabilitation centers under the Ministry of National Education, or in universities by obtaining master's/doctorate degrees.
There are Basic Education, Language Disorders (Developmental and Acquired), Speech Disorders and Delayed Language-Speech Disorders (Group room) Practice Rooms (Laboratories) in the Speech and Language Therapy Practice Clinic. In the clinic, students will have the opportunity to observe the practices of the instructors and to practice under supervision in the last year.
In the third year, there are clinical courses during the semester and vocational internship courses at the end of the semester. End-of-term summer internships will be held with speech and language therapists working in a city determined by the student at his/her own request.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
It is determined by the responsible instructor of the course in accordance with Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Undergraduate Education Regulations.
Graduation Requirements
In accordance with the curriculum, the student is required to complete compulsory and elective courses with a total of 240 ECTS, 30 ECTS in each semester.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
The graduates of the department receive the title of speech and language therapist. Graduates can work in public institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Health (state hospitals, private hospitals, university hospitals, etc.), in private clinics or counseling centers that they can own, in special education and rehabilitation centers under the Ministry of National Education, or in universities by obtaining master's/doctorate degrees.
Access to Further Studies
The graduates holding Bachelor's Degree are eligible to apply to Master's Degree programs and subsequently Doctoral Degree programs provided that a valid point of ALES examination and a sufficient level of foreign language knowledge.
Mode of Study
Our undergraduate programme aims to train independent speech and language therapists who (i) are able to synthesize the professional knowledge gained during their four-year undergraduate education by following the innovations in science and technology; (ii) use these innovations to increase the quality of life of the clients and their relatives they encounter in their professional life; (iii) communicate effectively with their colleagues and other professionals; (iv) work in harmony in accordance with work ethics; (v) embark on lifelong learning; (vi) are open to innovations and willing to contribute to society.
Our undergraduate programme aims to train speech and language therapists who:
(a) Hold the identity and awareness of being a speech and language therapist; are aware of their individual and professional roles, qualifications, potentials, and limits as well as ethical principles, responsibility, and rights.
(b) Take an active role in the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of communication, language, speech, voice, and swallowing disorders by taking into account the social benefit.
(c) Contribute to increasing the quality of life of clients and relatives by synthesizing the knowledge gained by following the current national and international literature, technological innovations with their professional experience, and the needs of the clients, and performing evidence-based practices.
(d) Get involved in teamwork by cooperating with other professionals when necessary.
(e) Contribute to scientific studies by carrying out research projects related to the field of study.
(f) Give importance to continuing personal, professional, and academic development with lifelong learning and awareness of the quality of their work.