Seydikemer School of Applied Sciences Department of Customs Management

Qualification Awarded


Specific Admission Requirements

Students must pass the centrally administered entrance exam conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM).

Qualification Requirements

In order to graduate, the student is required to successfully complete all courses in the program, provide a minimum of 240 ECTS credits, and have have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Courses (theoretical or practical) taken in the previous program can be accepted as prior learning when deemed appropriate by the board of directors. If the students who are registered to our department from another higher education program in the country or abroad they have studied before, apply within the first week, their credit and grade transfer requests are evaluated by the board of directors of the relevant education unit, and a decision is made for once, covering the entire education.


The Customs Management Department within Seydikemer School of Applied Sciences, was officially opened in 2016. The department admitted its first group of students in the 2021-2022 Academic Year.

Profile of the Programme

Customs Management is a discipline related to the management of international trade in accordance with the legislation at the customs that provide border controls of a country, and includes the transportation of goods and services between countries through customs and the management of these processes. The Department of Customs Management aims to train a workforce that can provide consultancy to domestic and foreign companies engaged in export and import in the field of customs practices, manage the foreign trade transactions of businesses, have knowledge of logistics management, have the knowledge and skills applicable in the field of international trade and customs, and work in international commercial platforms.

Program Outcomes

1- Has basic theoretical knowledge, gains the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice, to analyze, to interpret and to propose solutions.
2- Gains the ability to understand and interpret customs legislation, theoretical information on import and export, recognize the basic law, commercial law, customs law, logistics and banking processes, regulations, other rules on which customs practices are based, and apply the activities carried out in customs administrations or customs consultancy services. .
3- Can understand the theoretical and practical knowledge of national and international business, economics and marketing. In addition, they gain the ability to understand national and international economic indicators, the variables of national and international economy and trade, the nature and functioning of trade.
4- Gains the ability to use information and communication technologies and hardware and software products needed in working life and to transfer their achievements with technology tools.
5- Gains the ability to analyze, think, take responsibility in decision-making processes, question, verify, implement and communicate effectively with individuals in working life and express themselves in the studies they will be involved in, in project groups or in working life.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

The academic success in courses is determined by the evaluation of the grades in the mid-term and the final exams. In-term grades, quizzes, mid-term grades and grades related to the course are given to assignments, applications and practical work. In the credit system, the type and the weight of the evaluations (exams, homework, practice and so on) in the credit system are announced to the head of the related department within the first two weeks of the semester and announced to the students by the related teaching unit. The last evaluation is determined by one of the following letter grades by the instructor. Grade Equivalent Semester/Year-End Final Grade Coefficient 90-100 AA 4 85- 89 BA 3,5 80- 84 BB 3 75- 79 CB 2,5 70- 74 CC 2 65- 69 DC 1,5 60- 64 DD 1 50 - 59 FD 0,5 49 and below FF 0

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate, the student is required to successfully complete all courses in the program, provide a minimum of 240 ECTS credits, and have have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

The graduates of the Customs Management Department can work in customs all over the country, international export ports, airports, railways or foreign trade departments of international businesses. The fields in which the graduates of the Department of Customs Management can be employed are mostly; • Units affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce, • Customs Consultancy, • Free zones, • Warehouse operators, • Export and import companies, • Exporters' associations and member organizations, • Logistics companies engaged in international transportation, • Domestic and foreign trade organizations operating domestically and abroad, • Banks. In addition, the graduates of the Department of Customs Management can independently open a "Customs Consultancy Services" business, provided that they complete the required customs consultancy internship service and pass the professional exams.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates who successfully complete their undergraduate education can study in postgraduate programs (master's and doctoral) provided that they meet the necessary conditions. Postgraduate programs aim to increase the productivity of those who have graduated from any higher education institution in the sector they work in and to provide education by combining theory and practice.

Mode of Study

The main objectives of the Customs Management Department are listed below; • To provide students with knowledge about customs procedures and to increase their cultural and professional competencies required for an academic or freelance work environment. • As students trained in the field of customs management, to follow the changes in global trade and to ensure that they are equipped to maintain this expansion and control in every sense, • To enable students to interpret and follow the changes in customs legislation, • To train a qualified workforce who can follow the innovations in customs applications that have become increasingly electronic and use technology, • To prepare the customs experts and assistants needed by the regional enterprises for the business life in Muğla, which is a tourism and agriculture region, especially for the export of agricultural products and marble exports, and the import, export and customs clearance process of the goods subject to foreign trade in the region, • To enable graduates to advise businesses on foreign trade and customs practices and to guide them effectively, • To train specialists that foreign trade companies will need in their own body, through direct representation of customs procedures (Article 5 of the Customs Law No. 4458), • To train people who have knowledge of the legislation, process and technological developments that international logistics companies will need in their representation works in customs administrations, • To train the necessary human resources in the warehouses, also known as bonded warehouses, to make the notifications to the customs administration during the goods entry and exit movements of the warehouse operators to the warehouse by experts, • To prepare customs business graduate managers and staff, who have received quality education and can cope with uncontrollable and controllable environmental variables, for business life, • To raise graduates who have a high level of social responsibility awareness, adhere to social values, and moral principles, as well as professional knowledge, who make a positive difference in the company they started to work in and in the society they are in, • To train the personnel who can arrange the import-export budget, who have sufficient knowledge of how to manage the customs process, using interdisciplinary approaches to find solutions to the problems encountered in practice, and have the ability to make future forecasts using various statistical and mathematical techniques, • To train the manpower equipped with modern knowledge, who can successfully perform the customs consultancy profession in any country in the world, who can speak the language, and who can contribute to economic and commercial life.

Programme Director

Asist Prof.Dr. Ali YILDIZ

ECTS Coordinator

Asist Prof.Dr. Özgül UYAN

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1801 Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution I Required 2 0 2
ENF1805 Use of Basic Information Technologies Required 3 0 3
GİB1001 Foreign Trade Operations I Required 3 0 6
GİB1501 behavioral sciences Elective 3 0 3
PSİ1901 Introcustion to Psychology Elective 3 0 3
TDB1801 Turkish Language I Required 2 0 2
YDB1811 English I Required 3 0 3
YDB1813 German I Required 3 0 3
YDB1815 French I Required 3 0 3
İŞL1829 Financial Accounting I Required 3 0 4
İŞL1839 Business Administration I Required 3 0 4
İŞL1841 Business Mathematic I Required 3 0 3
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1802 Ataturk's Principles And Revolution History II Required 2 0 2
GİB1002 Foreign Trade Operations II Required 3 0 6
KAY1812 Basic Law Required 3 0 3
TDB1802 Turkish Language II Required 2 0 2
YDB1812 English II Required 3 0 3
YDB1814 German II Required 3 0 3
YDB1816 French II Required 3 0 3
İKT1804 Introduction to Economics Required 3 0 3
İŞL1830 Financial Accounting II Required 3 0 4
İŞL1840 Business Administration II Required 3 0 4
İŞL1842 Business Mathematic II Required 3 0 3
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
GİB2001 Commercial Software Applications I Required 3 0 5
GİB2501 Professional Ethics Elective 3 0 3
YDB2811 English III Required 3 0 3
YDB2813 German III Required 3 0 3
YDB2815 French III Required 3 0 3
İKT2801 Micro Economy Required 3 0 4
İSG2901 Occupational Health and Safety Elective 2 0 3
İŞL2831 Principles of Marketing Required 3 0 4
İŞL2833 Management and Organization Required 3 0 4
İŞL2837 Debt Law Required 3 0 4
İŞL2915 Financial Management Elective 3 0 3
İŞL2917 Customer Relationship Management Elective 3 0 3
İŞL2919 Career Planning and Management Elective 3 0 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
GİB2002 Commercial Software Applications II Required 3 0 5
GİB2004 Customs Clearance Required 3 0 4
GİB2502 Professional Correspondence Techniques Elective 3 0 3
HEM2910 First Aid Elective 2 0 3
YDB2812 English IV Required 3 0 3
YDB2814 German IV Required 3 0 3
YDB2816 French IV Required 3 0 3
İKT2814 Macro Economics Required 3 0 4
İKT2902 International Economic Organizations Elective 3 0 3
İŞL2834 Marketing Management Required 3 0 4
İŞL2838 Business Statistics Required 3 0 4
İŞL2916 Digital Marketing and E-Trade Elective 3 0 3
İŞL2920 Communication Elective 3 0 3
İŞL2922 Human Resources Management Elective 3 0 3
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ENF3903 Advanced Office Software Applications Elective 3 0 5
GİB3001 Customs Package Prog. App Required 3 0 5
GİB3003 Customs Legislation Required 3 0 5
GİB3501 Sectoral Software Solutions 1 Elective 3 0 5
GİB3503 Vocational internship I Elective 0 0 5
YDB3909 Professional English I Elective 3 0 5
İKT3915 Monetary Theory and Policy Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3811 Entrepreneurship Required 3 0 5
İŞL3937 Business Statistics Applications Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3939 Management Information Systems Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3941 Financial Statements Analysis Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3943 Inventory and Balance Sheet Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3945 Service Marketing Elective 3 0 5
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ENF3904 Data Structures Management Elective 3 0 5
GİB3002 Foreign Trade Package Program Applications Required 3 0 5
GİB3006 Research Methods Required 3 0 5
GİB3502 Sectoral Software Solutions II Elective 3 0 5
GİB3504 Vocational internship II Elective 0 0 5
GİB3508 Customs Tax Tariff Chart Elective 2 0 5
YDB3910 Professional English II Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3814 Commercial Law Required 3 0 5
İŞL3938 Consumer Behavior Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3942 Technology and Innovation Management Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3944 Company Accountancy Elective 3 0 5
İŞL3946 Production Management Elective 3 0 5
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ENF4901 Algorithm and Web Design Elective 3 0 5
GİB4001 Documents in Foreign Trade Required 3 0 5
GİB4501 Sectoral Software Solutions III Elective 3 0 5
GİB4503 Smuggling Prevention and Monitoring Elective 3 0 5
UTL4905 Logistics Principles and Management Elective 3 0 5
YDB4921 Foreign Language Reading and Speaking Elective 3 0 5
ÇEİ4905 Business Law Elective 3 0 5
İKT4905 Economics Of Turkey Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4803 International Marketing Required 3 0 5
İŞL4901 International Business Administration Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4921 Sales Management Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4923 Marketing Communication Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4925 Cost Accounting Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4927 Operations Research Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4929 Assessment of Investment Projects Elective 3 0 5
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
EKF4902 Public Finance Elective 3 0 5
ENF4902 Business Intelligence and Data Mining Elective 3 0 5
GİB4502 Sectoral Software Solutions IV Elective 3 0 5
GİB4504 Inward and Outward Processing Regime Elective 3 0 5
UTL4902 International Transport and Storage Elective 3 0 5
UTL4904 International Logistics Elective 3 0 5
YDB4922 Professional English III Elective 3 0 5
İKT4806 International Economics Required 3 0 5
İKT4904 World Economy Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4806 Marketing Researches Required 3 0 5
İŞL4928 New Trends in Marketing Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4930 Managerial Accounting Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4932 Foreign Trade Transactions Accounting Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4934 Strategic Management Elective 3 0 5
İŞL4936 International Trade Law Elective 3 0 5

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution I52322
Use of Basic Information Technologies43342
Foreign Trade Operations I55333
behavioral sciences44323
Introcustion to Psychology53332
Turkish Language I44444
English I52322
German I22222
French I52322
Financial Accounting I53322
Business Administration I52322
Business Mathematic I53332
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Ataturk's Principles And Revolution History II52322
Foreign Trade Operations II25132
Basic Law 52323
Turkish Language II33333
English II52323
German II52322
French II52322
Introduction to Economics53323
Financial Accounting II 52323
Business Administration II 53333
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Commercial Software Applications I32323
Professional Ethics52322
English III52322
German III 52322
French III52322
Micro Economy52333
Occupational Health and Safety11154
Principles of Marketing52323
Management and Organization53323
Debt Law52322
Financial Management53333
Customer Relationship Management52322
Career Planning and Management52322
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Commercial Software Applications II53353
Customs Clearance55345
Professional Correspondence Techniques 34455
First Aid11122
English IV52322
German IV 52322
French IV52322
Macro Economics45535
International Economic Organizations45533
Marketing Management44544
Business Statistics54435
Digital Marketing and E-Trade52322
Human Resources Management52345
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Advanced Office Software Applications44555
Customs Package Prog. App55453
Customs Legislation55525
Sectoral Software Solutions 142354
Vocational internship I55444
Professional English I45555
Monetary Theory and Policy53534
Business Statistics Applications52255
Management Information Systems44353
Financial Statements Analysis53334
Inventory and Balance Sheet53434
Service Marketing54443
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Data Structures Management42355
Foreign Trade Package Program Applications45553
Research Methods52345
Sectoral Software Solutions II42354
Vocational internship II55444
Customs Tax Tariff Chart55424
Professional English II34455
Commercial Law45533
Consumer Behavior43 55
Technology and Innovation Management43355
Company Accountancy52345
Production Management53344
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Algorithm and Web Design43354
Documents in Foreign Trade55534
Sectoral Software Solutions III42354
Smuggling Prevention and Monitoring45433
Logistics Principles and Management45543
Foreign Language Reading and Speaking43335
Business Law54434
Economics Of Turkey45534
International Marketing54544
International Business Administration45533
Sales Management45534
Marketing Communication44534
Cost Accounting53434
Operations Research43355
Assessment of Investment Projects43535
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5
Public Finance54534
Business Intelligence and Data Mining53254
Sectoral Software Solutions IV42354
Inward and Outward Processing Regime45533
International Transport and Storage45544
International Logistics45523
Professional English III34455
International Economics55533
World Economy45523
Marketing Researches43545
New Trends in Marketing45534
Managerial Accounting52345
Foreign Trade Transactions Accounting54333
Strategic Management43533
International Trade Law45533

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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