Köyceğiz Vocational School Plant Protection

Qualification Awarded

Our students who graduate from the Plant Protection Program, whose education period is 2 years, receive an associate degree diploma and receive the title of "Plant Protection Technician".

Specific Admission Requirements

Within the framework of the regulations determined by the T.R. Council of Higher Education, student admission to this program is made through the central examination system made by the Student Selection and Placement Center. Candidates must be placed in the Plant Protection Program by obtaining sufficient points from the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) score type conducted by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center.

Qualification Requirements

The student must have passed all the courses in the program. In this program, the student must provide a minimum of 120 ECTS credits and a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Prior Education of the students who have studied in another Higher Education Institution before, with the "Regulation on the Principles of Transfer between Associate Degree and Undergraduate Degree Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer" determined by the Higher Education Council. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University is recognized within the framework of the "Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education Regulations". Exemption Exam is held at the beginning of each academic term for Foreign Language Courses in all higher education programs. Students who think that they meet the expected qualifications from these courses have the right to take the exams. Students who pass the exam and pass the exam are exempted from the relevant courses in the curriculum.


The Plant Protection Program within the body of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Köyceğiz Vocational School started education in the Fall Semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year with a student quota of 40 students.

Profile of the Programme

Being able to respond to the needs of the age by providing associate degree education on diseases, harmful and weeds in agricultural products, their biology and ecology, host-pathogen relations, pesticides and their effects on the environment, mechanical, cultural, physical, chemical, biological, biotechnical and integrated control methods. Our mission is to train technical staff who are well-equipped, act in accordance with professional ethics, know the sector well and have the qualifications the sector seeks, have the ability to follow the developing technology and access information, and do not hesitate to take responsibility. With the students trained as technicians at the associate degree level, it is aimed to meet the technical staff needs of the public and private agriculture sectors and to contribute to the solution of the problems caused by plant diseases and pests in organic and traditional plant production and stored products. With the students who are trained as technicians at the associate degree level, it is aimed to meet the technical staff needs of the public and private agriculture sector, and to contribute to the solution of the problems caused by plant diseases and pests in organic and traditional plant production and stored products, and thus to popularize quality and environmentally friendly sustainable agricultural practices.

Program Outcomes


Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

In this program; Different evaluation methods such as midterm, homework, practice, project, practice and final exam are applied. Students are subjected to a midterm exam and a final exam for all courses. Evaluation methods include classic, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short answer, etc. It may include an exam consisting of questions, homework, performance evaluation and product evaluation. The contribution of the midterm exam to the success grade is 40% and the contribution of the end-of-year exam is 60%. All exams are evaluated over 100 points.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate, the courses specified in the program and a 30-day professional internship must be successfully completed. In order to successfully complete the program, it is necessary to successfully complete all of the courses (equivalent to 120 ECTS) in the program and obtain a weighted grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Plant Protection Program graduates can find job opportunities in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and the institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Urbanization, agricultural pesticide and seed companies, agricultural consultancy companies, pesticide companies and pesticide dealers, the production of plant material free from diseases and pests, and the production of plant material free from diseases and pests, and organic farming enterprises which has gained importance in recent years. Plant protection technician is at the forefront as a profession needed in both the public and private sectors related to agricultural production, as it is a profession that is always needed in the stages of growing the products that people constantly need in quality and without harming the environment.

Access to Further Studies

If the students who successfully complete the Plant Protection Program are successful in the Vertical Transfer Exam opened by OSYM, they will be able to enter the fields of Horticulture, Horticulture Production and Marketing, Plant Protection, Crop Production and Technologies, Oragnik Agricultural Management, Cultural Plants Production and Marketing, Forest Engineering and They can transfer vertically to “Field Crops” undergraduate programs. Students who successfully complete the undergraduate program receive the titles of "Agricultural Engineer" and "Forest Engineer".

Mode of Study

Formal education: Being able to respond to the needs of the age by providing associate degree education on diseases, harmful and weeds in agricultural products, their biology and ecology, host-pathogen relations, pesticides and their effects on the environment, mechanical, cultural, physical, chemical, biological, biotechnical and integrated control methods. Our mission is to train technical staff who are well-equipped, act in accordance with professional ethics, know the sector well and have the qualifications the sector seeks, have the ability to follow the developing technology and access information, and do not hesitate to take responsibility. With the students trained as technicians at the associate degree level, it is aimed to meet the technical staff needs of the public and private agriculture sectors and to contribute to the solution of the problems caused by plant diseases and pests in organic and traditional plant production and stored products.

Programme Director

ECTS Coordinator

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BTK1001 Plant Ecology Required 2 0 3
BTK1005 Agricultural Ecology Required 2 0 3
BTK1007 Soil Science Required 3 0 3
BTK1501 Plant Systematics Elective 2 1 3
BTK1503 Plant Production Principles Elective 2 1 3
BTK1505 Agricultural Meteorology Elective 2 0 3
BTK1507 Professional Ethics Elective 2 0 3
BİY1805 General Botany Required 2 1 3
BİY1807 Entomology Required 3 1 4
KİM1815 General Chemistry Required 2 0 2
TDB1801 TURKISH LANGUAGE I Required 2 0 2
YDB1801 ENGLISH I Required 2 0 2
YDB1803 German I Required 2 0 2
YDB1805 FRENCH I Required 2 0 2
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BTK1002 Plant Physiology Required 2 0 2
BTK1004 Phytopathology Required 2 1 3
BTK1006 Plant Pests Required 3 0 3
BTK1008 Internship Required 0 0 8
BİP1824 Information & Communication Technologies Required 3 0 3
BİY1902 Biodiversity Elective 2 0 2
PAZ1902 Agricultural Marketing Elective 2 0 2
TDB1802 TURKISH LANGUAGE II Required 2 0 2
YDB1802 ENGLISH II Required 2 0 2
YDB1804 German II Required 2 0 2
YDB1806 FRENCH II Required 2 0 2
İKT1902 Agricultural Economy Elective 2 0 2
İSG1902 Occupational Health and Safety Required 2 0 3
İŞY1904 Total Quality Management Elective 2 0 2
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BAH2811 Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Required 3 0 3
BTK2003 Plant Protection Drugs Required 3 0 3
BTK2005 Agricultural Pests Control Methods Required 3 0 4
BTK2007 Plant Protection Practices Required 1 2 3
BTK2009 Diseases and Pests of Field Crops Required 2 1 4
BTK2011 Horticultural Diseases and Pests Required 2 1 4
BTK2501 Plant Genetics Elective 2 0 3
BTK2503 Writing of Scientific Proposal Elective 2 0 3
BTK2505 Organic Agriculture Principles Elective 2 0 3
BTK2507 Environmental Pollution Elective 2 0 3
BİY2801 General Microbiology Required 2 1 3
YDB2509 Professional Foreign Language Elective 2 0 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BTK2002 Agricultural Biotechnology Required 3 0 4
BTK2004 Weeds and Their Control Required 3 1 4
BTK2006 Vegetable Diseases and Pests Required 2 1 4
BTK2008 Warehouse Diseases and Pests Required 2 0 3
BTK2010 Plant Growth Regulators Required 3 0 3
BTK2012 Agricultural Mechanization Required 3 0 4
BTK2014 Plant Protection in Organic Farming Required 2 0 2
BTK2502 Soilless Culture Elective 2 0 3
BTK2504 Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants Elective 2 0 3
BTK2506 Sustainable Agriculture Elective 2 0 3
BTK2508 Integrated Management of Pests And Dıseases Elective 2 0 3
BTK2510 Mechanization of Plant Protection Elective 2 0 3

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Plant Ecology4323343333
Agricultural Ecology4333454334
Soil Science4333353334
Plant Systematics3322232222
Plant Production Principles4334353333
Agricultural Meteorology3334253333
Professional Ethics5234434434
General Botany4222342222
General Chemistry4345433344
ENGLISH I           
German I          
FRENCH I          
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Plant Physiology4333353333
Plant Pests5554444454
Information & Communication Technologies2212151111
Agricultural Marketing2334454443
ENGLISH II          
German II          
FRENCH II          
Agricultural Economy3333253333
Occupational Health and Safety4345533343
Total Quality Management2334354343
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Plant Nutrition and Fertilization4343353343
Plant Protection Drugs5555544455
Agricultural Pests Control Methods5555554455
Plant Protection Practices5555545555
Diseases and Pests of Field Crops5554444555
Horticultural Diseases and Pests5554444555
Plant Genetics3333343333
Writing of Scientific Proposal5555545555
Organic Agriculture Principles4344454444
Environmental Pollution2333534433
General Microbiology3443333343
Professional Foreign Language5445545545
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10
Agricultural Biotechnology4334353333
Weeds and Their Control55555445 5
Vegetable Diseases and Pests5554444555
Warehouse Diseases and Pests5554444555
Plant Growth Regulators3333353333
Agricultural Mechanization4334453444
Plant Protection in Organic Farming5555544545
Soilless Culture3433453333
Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants5554444555
Sustainable Agriculture4454554555
Integrated Management of Pests And Dıseases5555544555
Mechanization of Plant Protection5555554555

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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