Institute of Educational Sciences Master of Arts Program in Family Counseling

Qualification Awarded

Master's Degree

Specific Admission Requirements

Students should have ALES scores, undergraduate or graduate GPA scores, paper-pencil test scores. Interview or paper-pencil test was conducted by the Departmant.

Qualification Requirements

In order to enter final exam, students have to be involved in 70 % of theoric and 80 % of application courses. In order to be successful in one course, students have to take CC (70-74) score. Students were required to be successful at least 7 courses, except Specialization Field Course and 1 seminar and thesis study. In order to get more information please see Muğla Sitki Kocman University Education Regulations

Recognition of Prior Learning

Students who take courses at different universities as "graduate student" and whose registration is deleted, apply to Institu by Institu Science Council at the first week of semester in order to recognition of the courses. The recognition of courses and when students were required to start to education; total credits of courses in educational programs of recognized and successful notes were calculated is calculated by taking into account the number of semester courses correspond. This duration is removed from maximum time for graduation. In order to get more information please see Muğla Sitki Kocman University Education Regulations.


Family Counseling and Education Department, Family Counseling Master's Program with Thesis started its educational activities in the 2022-2023 Fall Semester at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Institute of Educational Sciences and started to accept students in the same academic year.

Profile of the Programme

The aim of the Family Counseling Master's Program is; Being able to analyze the family system and structure, have up-to-date knowledge and skills in the field of family counseling, systematically identify the needs of the family based on the basic principles that are important in family counseling, and maintain the holistic care and follow-up of the family with an interdisciplinary team approach in line with the needs, work with effective communication and cooperation. It is the training of family counseling and education professionals who are entrepreneurial and have advanced problem-solving skills. In addition, this program is carried out as a formal education program. Department Members: Doç. Dr. Raşit AVCI http://mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/rasitavci Prof. Dr. Atılgan ERÖZKAN http://www.mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/atilgan Prof. Dr. Ayşe Rezan ÇEÇEN EROĞUL http://www.mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/rezancecen Doç. Dr. Aslı TAYLI http://mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/atayli Doç. Dr. Öner ÇELİKKALELİ http://mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/onerckaleli Doç. Dr. Nilfer ŞAHİN https://www.mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/nilfersahin Doç. Dr. Nur TALUY https://www.mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/nurtaluy Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayşen MARAŞ https://www.mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/aysenmaras Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Berkan HAMDEMİR https://www.mu.edu.tr/tr/personel/berkanhamdemir

Program Outcomes

1- Analyzing the family system and structure
2- o be able to follow the relevant literature and research, evaluate the results and benefit from this information in their own applications.
3- Systematically diagnosing the needs of the family based on the basic principles that are important in family counseling
4- Providing assistance to the family with an interdisciplinary approach in line with the needs of the family
5- To be able to consider differences in factors such as race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, culture when approaching the family
6- Helping to protect and support the family's value system
7- Recognizing the communication patterns within the family and helping to establish healthy communication
8- Knowing and applying current techniques and theories in family counseling
9- Knowing how to approach trauma and crisis situations
10- To know the research-examination methods of family counseling and to be able to carry out an original research
11- To be able to detect and explain situations that disrupt family functions (psychological problems, violence, abuse, neglect, communication problems, etc.)
12- To have the awareness of ethical responsibility required by family counseling

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Exams are consisted of midterm, final and make-up exam. These exams could be oral, written, oral-application, written-application. For every course, at least one midterm is conducted at the semester. Midterm and final exam rates are determined at the begining of each semester according to Instituti Administration Council by instructor of the course or the suggestions of the instructors having doctorate degree in senate. In order to get more information please see Muğla Sitki Kocman University Education Regulations.

Graduation Requirements

Students graduates according to Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Graduate Regulations.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

The graduates of this program can work in private family counseling centers as well as the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health and private institutions and organizations affiliated to them, as well as security and military organizations, and can play an important role in maintaining the needed family counseling services.

Access to Further Studies

The graduates holding master's degree are eligible to apply to Doctorate degree if they have sufficient ALES and YDS scores.

Mode of Study

Formal Education

Programme Director

Associate Prof.Dr. Raşit AVCI

ECTS Coordinator

Research Assist. Alper KARABABA

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
AD 5090 Seminar Required 0 2 6
AD 5001 Scientific Research Methods and Ethic Required 3 0 6
AD 5003 Fundamentals and Process of Family Counseling Required 3 0 6
AD 5501 Family Counseling Theories Elective 3 0 6
AD 5503 Mental Health and Psychopathology in the Family Elective 3 0 6
AD 5505 Effective Parenting Practices and Communication Elective 3 0 6
AD 5507 Mediation in the Family Elective 3 0 6
AD 5509 Behavior Disorder in Children and Family Elective 3 0 6
AD 5511 Basic Interviewing Skills Elective 3 0 6
AD 5513 Couple and Family Counseling Elective 3 0 6
AD 5515 Techniques and Methods Used in Family Counseling Elective 3 0 6
AD 5517 Current Issues in Marriage and Family Counseling Elective 3 0 6
AD 5700 Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course Required 4 0 6
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
AD 5700 Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course Required 4 0 6
AD 5002 Family Counseling Practices Required 3 2 6
AD 5090 Seminar Required 0 2 6
AD 5502 Family Crisis Intervention Elective 3 0 6
AD 5504 Divorce Process and Adjustment Elective 3 0 6
AD 5506 Ethical and Legal Issues in Family Counseling Elective 3 0 6
AD 5508 Family Relationships and Communication Elective 3 0 6
AD 5510 Sexuality and Sexual Problems in the Family Elective 3 0 6
AD 5512 Working with Families with Disadvantaged Children Elective 3 0 6
AD 5514 Family and Child Law Elective 3 0 6
AD 5516 Close Relationship Psychology Elective 3 0 6
AD 5518 Gender Psychology Elective 3 0 6
AD 5520 Preparation for Marriage and Premarital Counseling Elective 3 0 6
AD5700 Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course Required 4 0 6
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
AD 5700 Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course Required 4 0 6
AD 5000 Thesıs Required 0 0 24
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
AD 5700 Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course Required 4 0 6
AD 5000 Thesıs Required 0 0 24

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Scientific Research Methods and Ethic545545444544
Fundamentals and Process of Family Counseling444433454453
Family Counseling Theories554544455544
Mental Health and Psychopathology in the Family443343335533
Effective Parenting Practices and Communication555544333433
Mediation in the Family454454544454
Behavior Disorder in Children and Family            
Basic Interviewing Skills            
Couple and Family Counseling            
Techniques and Methods Used in Family Counseling            
Current Issues in Marriage and Family Counseling            
Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course555555555555
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course444444354434
Family Counseling Practices434454535555
Family Crisis Intervention            
Divorce Process and Adjustment            
Ethical and Legal Issues in Family Counseling            
Family Relationships and Communication            
Sexuality and Sexual Problems in the Family555544444543
Working with Families with Disadvantaged Children454433434443
Family and Child Law555444334443
Close Relationship Psychology333355535555
Gender Psychology445454334453
Preparation for Marriage and Premarital Counseling555544333433
Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course555555555555
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course555555555555
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11Py12
Specıalızatıon Fıeld Course55555555 555

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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