Fethiye Ziraat Fakültesi Plant Protection

Qualification Awarded

Agricultural Engineer

Specific Admission Requirements

To be successful in the university entrance exam conducted by ÖSYM and to have received the sufficient score. To meet the necessary conditions for horizontal and vertical transfers. To meet the necessary conditions for the acceptance of foreign students.

Qualification Requirements

Successfully complete all courses and internships in the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS).

Recognition of Prior Learning

In horizontal/vertical transfers to the faculty, the provisions of the relevant articles of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Fethiye Faculty of Agriculture Education-Training and Examination Directive are applied.


The name of our Faculty, which was established as “Fethiye Faculty of Agricultural Sciences” on 25.05.2015, was changed to “Fethiye Faculty of Agriculture” with the decree numbered 2016/8555 dated 16.02.2016. In the years following its establishment, 9 departments were opened within the Faculty and 21 main branches were defined under these departments.

Profile of the Programme

Language: Turkish Duration: 4 years Maximum duration: 7 years Internship: Available ÖSYM type: Digital Undergraduate education Normal Education

Program Outcomes

1- Adequate knowledge of mathematics, science and related agricultural engineering (Plant protection) discipline-specific subjects; ability to use theoretical and applied knowledge in these fields in complex engineering problems.
2- Ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems in the fields of Agricultural Engineering Plant Protection, and the ability to select and apply appropriate analysis and modeling methods for this purpose.
3- It ensures the correct application of the control methods included in the Plant Protection discipline by learning both theoretically and practically. It conducts field studies, collects, evaluates and reports data by using the knowledge and opportunities it has for the solution of Plant Protection problems and has the ability to use the most appropriate control method by modeling it with modern technology and design methods, while prioritizing the protection and sustainability of natural resources.
4- In the field of Plant Protection, it identifies any factor that causes yield loss during plant cultivation or any environmental factor that limits plant cultivation based on literature information and can develop solution suggestions using all kinds of technological tools and equipment appropriate for the field of Plant Protection.
5- In the field of Plant Protection, for a problem encountered, he/she can plan a field trial on his/her own, use laboratory techniques, and gain knowledge in diagnosing diseases, pests and weeds in the laboratory. He/she gains the skills of research production, analysis, evaluation, interpretation, reporting and presentation of results in written and oral form.
6- In addition to conducting individual studies on issues related to Plant Protection, they can also do disciplinary and interdisciplinary team work, and in this context, they gain individual and group work skills.
7- Have the ability to research, evaluate, understand and transfer old and new information in the field of Plant Protection using the necessary technologies, write reports, provide consultancy and expertise, write prescriptions for plant protection products used in the fight against diseases, pests and weeds, make effective presentations, and receive and give clear and understandable instructions.
8- They will have the ability to learn lifelong, access information, and be aware of and constantly renew themselves on discipline-specific issues such as the detection and diagnosis of diseases, pests and weeds within the scope of Plant Protection study subjects, determination of the control method, eradication, selection of the plant protection product to be used, application method and time.
9- Acting in accordance with ethical principles in interdisciplinary issues with Plant Protection, gain professional and ethical responsibility and gain knowledge about the laws and regulations used in agricultural engineering practices.
10- They will gain knowledge about professional life practices such as writing and managing projects related to the field of Plant Protection, making risk analysis and deciding on the method of struggle; and will have awareness about entrepreneurship and innovation.
11- Have knowledge about the effects of Plant Protection practices on health, environment and safety in universal and societal dimensions and the problems of the age reflected in the field of Plant Protection, and be aware of the legal consequences of Plant Protection solutions.

Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading

Midterm exam 40%, Final 60%.

Graduation Requirements

In order to obtain a bachelor's degree in Plant Protection in Agricultural Engineering, students must successfully complete all compulsory and elective courses (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS) in the program, obtain a GPA of at least 2.0 out of 4.00, and pass the internship.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Students who graduate from the program receive the title of agricultural engineer and can apply the information they have learned during the Plant Protection Department education in the agricultural production field. They can find employment opportunities in the private sector, public institutions and organizations by using their knowledge and experience in the recognition and control of agricultural diseases, pests and weeds.

Access to Further Studies

Students who successfully graduate from the Faculty of Agriculture can study in Master's and Doctorate programs by fulfilling the necessary conditions for Master's and Doctorate programs.

Mode of Study

The aim of this program is to teach the determination, definition and control of insects, mites, nematodes, abiotic and biotic (fungi, bacteria, phytoplasma, spiroplasma, viruses and viroids) factors and weeds that cause economic damage to crop plants in order to prevent the damage they cause to plant production. At the end of this four-year undergraduate education, the title of Agricultural Engineer is given to graduates of the Department of Plant Protection.

Programme Director

Prof.Dr. ŞabanKORDALI

ECTS Coordinator

Instructor Ferah YILMAZ

Course Structure Diagram with Credits

1. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATB1801 Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History I Required 2 0 2
BKB1005 Agricultural Law Required 2 0 2
BKB1007 Zoology Required 3 0 3
BKB1009 Botany Required 2 2 3
BKB1011 Economy Required 2 0 2
FİZ1821 Physics Required 2 2 3
KİM1823 Chemistry Required 2 2 4
MAT1827 Mathematics Required 3 0 3
TDB1801 TURKISH LANGUAGE I Required 2 0 2
YDB1811 ENGLISH I Required 3 0 3
YDB1813 German I Required 3 0 3
YDB1815 FRENCH I Required 3 0 3
1. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
ATBY1802 Atatürk's Principles and History II Required 2 0 2
BKB1004 Soıl Scıence Required 3 0 3
BKB1010 Computer Aided Drawing And Desing Required 2 2 3
BKB1012 Measurement Information Required 2 2 3
BKB1014 Ecology Required 3 0 3
BKB1016 Microbiology Required 2 2 3
BİY1806 Genetic Required 2 0 2
KİM1816 Biochemistry Required 2 0 3
TDB1802 TURKISH LANGUAGE II Required 2 0 2
YDB1812 ENGLISH II Required 3 0 3
YDB1814 German II Required 3 0 3
YDB1816 FRENCH II Required 3 0 3
İST1802 Statistics Required 3 0 3
2. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BBB2903 General Vegetable Growing Elective 3 0 3
BBB2905 Cultivation of Culture Mushroom Elective 2 2 4
BKB2011 Phytopathology Required 2 2 4
BKB2013 Entomology Required 2 2 4
BKB2015 Insect Morphology and Physiology Required 2 0 3
BKB2017 Plant Physiology Required 2 0 3
BKB2019 Agricultural History and Deontology Required 2 0 3
BKB2511 Plant Protection Principles Elective 2 0 3
BKB2517 Field Crops Elective 2 2 3
BKB2519 Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Elective 2 2 4
BKB2521 Farm Animal Pests Elective 2 0 4
BKB2523 Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers Elective 2 0 4
BKB2525 Academic Writing and Presentation Techniques Elective 2 0 3
YDB2811 English III Required 3 0 3
YDB2813 German III Elective 3 0 3
YDB2815 FRENCH III Elective 3 0 3
İSG2905 Occupatıonal Health and Safety-I Elective 2 0 3
2. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BBB2902 General Viticulture Elective 3 0 3
BBB2904 Fundamentals of Greenhouse Cultivation Elective 3 0 4
BBB2908 Horticulture Plants Elective 2 2 3
BBB2912 Ornamental Plants Cultivation Elective 2 0 4
BKB2018 Mycology Required 2 2 4
BKB2020 Insect Sysytematics Required 2 2 3
BKB2022 Herbology Required 2 0 2
BKB2024 Thermodynamics Required 2 0 3
BKB2026 Geographical Information Systems Required 2 2 4
BKB2028 Meteorology Required 2 0 3
BKB2510 Plant Systematics Elective 2 0 4
BKB2512 Livestock Breeding and Feeding Elective 2 0 4
BKB2516 Research and Experimental Methods Elective 2 0 2
BKB2518 Patient Plant Physiology Elective 2 0 2
YDB2812 ENGLISH IV Required 3 0 3
YDB2814 German IV Required 3 0 3
YDB2816 FRENCH IV Required 3 0 3
İSG2908 Occupational Health and Safety II Elective 2 0 3
3. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BKB3011 Professional Practice I Required 0 2 4
BKB3013 Virology Required 2 0 2
BKB3015 Bacteriology Required 2 0 2
BKB3017 Insect Ecology and Epidemiology Required 2 0 3
BKB3019 Engineering Mechanics Required 2 0 3
BKB3021 Smart Agriculture Technologies Required 2 0 4
BKB3023 Agricultural Expertising And Appraisal Required 2 0 2
BKB3511 Cultivated Mushroom Diseases and Pests Elective 2 2 4
BKB3513 Poultry Breeding Elective 2 0 2
BKB3515 Biotechnology in Plant Protection Elective 2 0 4
BKB3517 Food Science and Technology Elective 2 0 4
BKB3519 The Importance of Mycorrhiza in Agricultural Production Elective 2 0 3
BKB3521 Prokaryotic Plant Diseases Elective 2 0 3
BKB3523 Agricultural Policies and Markets Elective 2 0 3
MGB3901 Molecular Biology Elective 2 0 3
YDB3901 Professional English I Elective 2 0 3
3. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BBB3904 Propagation Techniques in Horticulture Elective 2 2 4
BBB3906 Truffle Cultivation Elective 2 2 4
BKB3010 Internship Required 0 0 8
BKB3012 Plant Virus Diseases Required 2 0 2
BKB3014 Harmful Mites and Nematodes in Cultivated Plants Required 2 0 2
BKB3016 Plant Bacterial Diseases Required 2 2 4
BKB3018 Professional Practice II Required 0 2 4
BKB3506 Methods of Combating Plant Diseases Elective 3 0 3
BKB3518 Livestock Breeding Elective 2 0 3
BKB3520 Insect Breeding Techniques Elective 2 2 3
BKB3524 Non-parasitic Plant Diseases Elective 2 0 2
BKB3526 Park and Ornamental Plant Diseases Elective 2 0 3
BKB3528 Plant Protection Legislation and Quarantine Elective 2 0 2
YDB3902 Professional English II Elective 2 0 3
4. Year - 1. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BBB4903 Principles of Fruit Production Elective 2 2 3
BKB4003 Field Crops Pests Required 2 2 4
BKB4009 Graduation Study-I Required 0 2 4
BKB4013 Stored Product Pests And Control Methods Required 2 0 2
BKB4015 Biological Control Required 2 0 2
BKB4017 Field Crops Diseases Required 2 2 4
BKB4019 Engineering Design Required 2 0 3
BKB4519 Diseases and Pests of Industrial Plants Elective 2 2 4
BKB4521 Methods of Combating Plant Mites and Nematodes Elective 2 0 3
BKB4523 Plant Protection Products Elective 2 0 3
BKB4525 Alternative Herbology Elective 2 0 3
BKB4527 Entrepreneurship and Innovative Technologies in Plant Protection Elective 2 0 3
BKB4529 Pesticide Tools And Machines In Plant Protection Elective 2 2 2
BKB4531 Greenhouse Plant Diseases and Pests Elective 2 2 4
BKB4535 Plant Clinical Applications Elective 2 2 3
BKB4537 Stored Product Diseases and Control Methods Elective 2 0 2
4. Year - 2. Term
Course Unit Code Course Unit Title Course Type Theory Practice ECTS Print
BBB4906 Bramble Fruits Elective 2 0 4
BBB4908 Principles of Fruit Production Elective 2 0 3
BBB4910 Tropical Fruits Elective 2 0 3
BBB4912 Cut Flower Cultivation Elective 2 0 3
BKB4010 Graduation Study-II Required 0 2 4
BKB4014 Vegetable Pests Required 2 2 4
BKB4016 Diseases of Horticultural Plants and Control Strategies Required 2 2 4
BKB4018 Weed Control Methods Required 2 0 3
BKB4020 Fruit and Vineyard Pests Required 2 2 4
BKB4516 Plant Protection in Organic Agriculture Elective 2 0 3
BKB4518 Park and Ornamental Plant Pests Elective 2 0 2
BKB4520 Urban Entomology Elective 2 0 4
BKB4522 Environmental Pollution And Control in Agriculture Elective 2 0 4
BKB4524 Integrated Management Elective 2 0 3
BKB4526 Citrus Diseases and Pests Elective 2 2 4
BKB4528 Plant Pests Control Methods Elective 2 0 3
BKB4530 Pesticide Residues and Resistance Elective 2 0 4

Evaluation Questionnaires

Course & Program Outcomes Matrix

1. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History I11111111111
Agricultural Law 33333333333
Mathematics2222 222222
ENGLISH I11111111111
German I11111111111
FRENCH I11111111111
1. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
Atatürk's Principles and History II           
Soıl Scıence44444444444
Computer Aided Drawing And Desing33333333333
Measurement Information22222222222
ENGLISH II11111111111
German II11111111111
FRENCH II11111111111
2. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
General Vegetable Growing33333333333
Cultivation of Culture Mushroom333333 3333
Insect Morphology and Physiology55555555555
Plant Physiology44444444444
Agricultural History and Deontology33333333333
Plant Protection Principles55555555555
Field Crops33333333333
Agricultural Structures and Irrigation22222222222
Farm Animal Pests22222222222
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers55555555555
Academic Writing and Presentation Techniques33333333333
English III11111111111
German III11111111111
FRENCH III11111111111
Occupatıonal Health and Safety-I11111111111
2. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
General Viticulture33333333333
Fundamentals of Greenhouse Cultivation33333333333
Horticulture Plants33333333333
Ornamental Plants Cultivation22222222222
Insect Sysytematics55555555555
Geographical Information Systems11111111111
Meteorology2222 222222
Plant Systematics33333333333
Livestock Breeding and Feeding22222222222
Research and Experimental Methods22222222222
Patient Plant Physiology55555555555
ENGLISH IV11111111111
German IV11111111111
FRENCH IV11111111111
Occupational Health and Safety II11111111111
3. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
Professional Practice I55555555555
Insect Ecology and Epidemiology55555555555
Engineering Mechanics11111111111
Smart Agriculture Technologies44444444444
Agricultural Expertising And Appraisal33333333333
Cultivated Mushroom Diseases and Pests55555555555
Poultry Breeding33333333333
Biotechnology in Plant Protection44444444444
Food Science and Technology44444444444
The Importance of Mycorrhiza in Agricultural Production44444444444
Prokaryotic Plant Diseases55555555555
Agricultural Policies and Markets33333333333
Molecular Biology33333333333
Professional English I44444444444
3. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
Propagation Techniques in Horticulture 3333333333
Truffle Cultivation33333333333
Internship 55555555555
Plant Virus Diseases55555555555
Harmful Mites and Nematodes in Cultivated Plants55555555555
Plant Bacterial Diseases55555555555
Professional Practice II55555555555
Methods of Combating Plant Diseases55555555555
Livestock Breeding33333333333
Insect Breeding Techniques44444444444
Non-parasitic Plant Diseases55555555555
Park and Ornamental Plant Diseases55555555555
Plant Protection Legislation and Quarantine55555555555
Professional English II55555555555
4. Year - 1. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
Principles of Fruit Production33333333333
Field Crops Pests55555555555
Graduation Study-I55555555555
Stored Product Pests And Control Methods55555555555
Biological Control55555555555
Field Crops Diseases55555555555
Engineering Design 11111111111
Diseases and Pests of Industrial Plants55555555555
Methods of Combating Plant Mites and Nematodes55555555555
Plant Protection Products55555555555
Alternative Herbology4444444444 
Entrepreneurship and Innovative Technologies in Plant Protection55555555555
Pesticide Tools And Machines In Plant Protection44444444444
Greenhouse Plant Diseases and Pests55555555555
Plant Clinical Applications44444444444
Stored Product Diseases and Control Methods55555555555
4. Year - 2. Term
Ders AdıPy1Py2Py3Py4Py5Py6Py7Py8Py9Py10Py11
Bramble Fruits33333333333
Principles of Fruit Production33333333333
Tropical Fruits33333333333
Cut Flower Cultivation33333333333
Graduation Study-II55555555555
Vegetable Pests55555555555
Diseases of Horticultural Plants and Control Strategies55555555555
Weed Control Methods55555555555
Fruit and Vineyard Pests55555555555
Plant Protection in Organic Agriculture55555555555
Park and Ornamental Plant Pests55555555555
Urban Entomology44444444444
Environmental Pollution And Control in Agriculture55555555555
Integrated Management55555555555
Citrus Diseases and Pests55555555555
Plant Pests Control Methods55555555555
Pesticide Residues and Resistance55555555555

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi, 48000 Kötekli/Muğla | Tel: + 90 (252) 211-1000 | Fax: + 90 (252) 223-9280
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