Qualification Awarded
They are entitled to receive a bachelor's degree in Gerontology, who successfully prove all of the program courses (240 ECTS in total) and obtain at least 2.0 non-weighted hands out of 4.00.
Specific Admission Requirements
In our country, it is necessary to be successful in the selection exam held by ÖSYM for entrance to universities.
Qualification Requirements
In order to obtain a bachelor's degree in gerontology, students must successfully complete all of the compulsory and elective courses (total of 240 ECTS) and obtain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 out of 4.00.
Recognition of Prior Learning
The process of recognition of prior learning in Turkish higher education institutions is still in its infancy. Therefore, the recognition of prior learning has not been fully initiated in all programs of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University. However, an exemption exam is held at the beginning of each academic term for courses such as Computer and English, which are included in the education plans of the programs. Students who think that they provide the expected learning outcomes from these courses have the right to take the exams. Students who are successful in the exam are exempt from the relevant course in the curriculum.
The science of gerontology is an interdisciplinary organization that carries out scientific research on aging and aging processes, produces active aging policies based on the findings, evaluates existing theoretical approaches to aging and aging, creates new ones, carries out applied studies, not only the elderly in social life, but also all generations. analyzes social, economic and cultural dimensions with a perspective.
Profile of the Programme
The increase in the elderly population in the world has caused countries to question the situation regarding the elderly population. It is estimated that the population of Turkey and the world is getting older, and the average life expectancy is in the 70s in our country and it will reach even more advanced ages in a few decades. Increasing elderly population increases the importance of the Department of Gerontology.
At the Higher Education Executive Board Meeting of the Council of Higher Education dated 25.03.2020, the Department of Gerontology was deemed appropriate to be established within the Faculty of Health Sciences in Fethiye, pursuant to Article 7/d-2 of the Law No. 2547 amended by the Law No. 2880.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
% 40 percent of the midterm grade and % 60 percent of the final exam grade add up to the overall passing grade. Students are required to take a mid-term examination and/or complete other assigned projects/homework during the semester and, additionally, are required to take a final examination and/or complete a final project for course evaluation.The assessment for each course is described in detail in “Individual Course Description”. The midterm examinations are compacted and given in the 8th week of the semester. In addition to midterm examinations and other work, students are required to take a final examination. Final examinations are held at the appropriate place and hour as decided. Forty percent of the midterm grade and sixty percent of the final exam grade add up to the overall passing grade. Students must attend classes, practices and examinations. Students' attendance is followed by the Instructor of the course. Scores Mid-term/Final Grades Coefficient 90-100 AA 4 85-89 BA 3,5 80-84 BB 3 75-79 CB 2,5 70-74 CC 2 65-69 DC 1,5 60-64 DD 1 50-59 FD 0,5 49 and below FF 0
Graduation Requirements
Students must obtain a grade point average of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 and successfully pass all courses on the programme (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS).
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates of the department who successfully complete their 4-year undergraduate education receive the title of "Geronotologist". Institutions that provide care for the elderly, institutions and organizations that provide social and health services for the elderly, institutions and organizations that provide social, economic, legal, cultural and medical services related to aging and aging, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, physical therapy and rehabilitation graduates of the Department of Gerontology centers, ministries (such as health, family and social policies), family counseling centers, day care centers, universities, research centers, companies developing new services/products, non-governmental organizations, local governments and home care services. Since there is a need for scientists who will do theoretical studies in gerontology, gerontologists who wish can pursue an academic career by participating in Master and Doctorate programs. Also Gerontologist; Acting on the findings obtained from gerontological empirical researches, making use of the theories of other sciences, and taking into account the needs of the elderly and their environment, it identifies its strengths and problems. It conducts research for the solution of identified problems, the protection and development of strong parties.
Access to Further Studies
Graduates can continue their graduate and doctorate education if they meet the necessary conditions.
Programme Director
Asist Prof.Dr. Çiğdem Fulya Dönmez
ECTS Coordinator
Associate Prof.Dr. İsmail Toyğar