Specific Admission Requirements
To have a bachelor's degree.
Qualification Requirements
In order to qualify in the programme, students are required to fulfil the programme qualifications at the minimum level, successfully complete all of the courses (Z/S) in the programme (equivalent to 120 ECTS in total), pass the thesis study courses taken during the thesis period and successfully defend their thesis.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Graduates of the Faculty of Theology or Faculty of Islamic Sciences of universities are accepted. Students with different undergraduate education may be subject to scientific preparation.
It accepts students as of the Spring Term of the 2024-2025 Academic Year.
Profile of the Programme
The Department of Philosophy and Religious Sciences is a part of Religious Sciences and Theology education. This department, which includes the fields of Philosophy of Religion, History of Religions, Religious Education, Sociology of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Islamic Philosophy, Logic and Islamic Ethics, constitutes a field of study in which different aspects of the human and his/her social life, which religion addresses, are handled in a religion-centred manner. For this reason, it is important to understand, explain and recognise religion with its different aspects, as well as to compare it with other forms of belief, in order to place the sciences related to human and social life on a broader ground. This programme will enable Philosophy and Religious Sciences to be considered as a scientific research field and to conduct research on the mutual relations of religion with the individual, society, culture and history from a scientific perspective. Because Philosophy and Religious Sciences has an important role in the representation of the faculties of theology in the objective and universal university structure by gaining a scientific structure. With the master's programme in Philosophy and Religious Studies, it is desired to carry out both historical and actual, theoretical and applied scientific researches, thus contributing to the increase of scientific studies in our university in particular and in our country in general. The field of Philosophy and Religious Studies awaits researchers with its virgin study topics. Modernity, secularism, industrialisation, urbanisation, globalisation, pluralism, etc. processes have made their impact felt in our country as in the whole world, and the field of religion has not remained outside this effect. In a world where the only thing that does not change is change, conducting different studies in the field of philosophy and religious sciences based on different methods and perspectives will both serve to understand the phenomenon of religion in a healthy way and increase academic richness. In this context, theoretical and practical studies in the fields of Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, History of Religions, Religious Education and History of Philosophy will contribute to Turkish culture, Islamic culture and universal culture as well as to the accumulation of academic knowledge on a local and universal scale, thus preparing the ground for the solution of the problems that come to the fore as a problem in the mutual relations between religion and individual, society, culture, education, politics, economy and art.
Exam Regulations & Assesment & Grading
Student grades are evaluated and graded according to Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Graduate Education and Training Regulations. Exams consist of midterm, final and make-up exams. In order for the student to take the final exam, at least 70% of the theoretical courses must be attended. Exams can be written, oral, written-application and oral-application. For each course, at least one midterm exam is held in the relevant semester. Midterm exam is evaluated 40% and final exam is evaluated 60%.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from the Master's Programme with Thesis in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, at least 120 ECTS must be completed by being successful in the compulsory courses of Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics, Seminar, Specialised Field Course and Thesis Study and the elective courses of the field. Within the scope of the Thesis Study course, it is compulsory to complete a master's thesis related to the field. The course curriculum that students who will enroll in the proposed programme must take is presented in the appendices. The Turkish-English contents and ECTS of the compulsory and elective courses to be taken are given in the appendices.
Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduate graduates can teach in public and private institutions if they have Pedagogical Formation Certificate. They can be teaching staff / staff at universities.
Access to Further Studies
Students who have completed their master's degree can study for a PhD within the framework of the Regulations on Postgraduate Education and Training of the Council of Higher Education and the Regulations on Postgraduate Education and Training of Universities. Admission to doctoral education is determined within the framework of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Institute of Social Sciences Graduate Education and Training Regulations.